Under Moonlit Pretense

Pulling myself away from the computer screen, I take off my glasses and stretch out into the dark room surrounding me. I rub my eyes and into the aisles beyond, nobody has been around for awhile now. Not that we typically get…although it was a headache and a half getting that psycho bitch P-Chan out of here. Not to mention having to sort those Alpha and Omega timeline fics…Lord Umbassa save me…The rest of the archivist’s have been rather absent as of late. Busy with their own work. Not that I’m upset, I just hang around here anyways…In fact…Glancing over at the computer screen, I spy for the time. Nine fifty, just about closing time. I guess she…never showed up today. I had hoped Vamp-tan would have at some point today. That interview needs to be in by Saturday night so it can be formatted into the Sunday edition…Well…I understand that she’s busy. She has her own work to get do, her own life and all that. Perhaps tomorrow she’ll be ready to speak with us. About closing time anyways, I guess it’s finally my turn to clock out for the night. Glancing around at the empty room and halls surrounding me, I feel the rush of the end of my shift and jump for joy, letting a few loud cheers out as I’m finally done. I look at the key on my desk next to my computer and grab it. Unfortunately no pockets today so I’m carrying this thing…Unless…I mean…not like anyone has been here for the past few hours…plus nobody really ever comes by this late anyways and…maybe I could be a little lazy…
I think to myself about what my boss would say if I were so blatantly lazy about closing shop. AB-tan would be pretty upset if I don’t follow the protocol exactly as she laid it out. I still remember the last time someone messed up the archive… I shiver in place as I recall the week-long humiliation ring she was put through. Not that I did fan the flames a bit myself. Hehe…That was good. That was really fun… I put my glasses back on and start walking to the front of the archive. I keep my eyes shooting from side to side in the various aisles, looking for any late-night stragglers that need to exit. Works from wall to wall align the archive, from stories and fluff to much more deviant works stored away in a more restricted area. They’re a bit of a walk away to hide it from the general public…or perhaps to protect the general public from it… Approaching the large wooden doors, I pull the key up and slide it into the keyhole, turning it to the right and locking away the knowledge for the night.


Huh? Did…did I hear something? The…wind squeaking through the cracks of the door perhaps. The final gasp of winter squeezing its way through, not leaving without a final goodbye for the season. Well it’s more than welcome, I’m certainly dreading the approaching summer heat…At least I’ll be cooped up in here… Turning away from the door, I head once more back to my desk. I gaze to the right for a moment, seeing something move within my gaze. I stop in place and do a double take, trying to make sure whether or not I actually saw something there. I... did check rather lazily but…I’m certain I would’ve noticed someone this late. I walk into the aisle where I think I saw the shadow.
“Hello? I’m afraid the archive is now closed for the night; I can direct you to the exit.” As if I’m actually talking to somebody. This place has been dead recently. But in the off chance someone is here…
I turn the corner and look down the end of the aisle and then turn around, checking the other way. Empty. I come up empty handed once more. The dimmed empty halls of the archive greet me once more as I turn back around and head back to the chamber at large. Should be ten by now. I just need to gather my things and head out of the employee exit in the back of the facility. Approaching my PC, I see the screen has dimmed, I suppose I was gone long enough for the thing to fall into sleep mode. I pull the drawer underneath the desk open, setting the key back inside and pulling out the back door’s key. Letting a gentle sigh out of my breath, I gather my bag and notebook. Ideas and doodles from my shift here fill up the latest pages. Hopefully I can get some of these out of the notebook and into the archive someday…
Pulling my bag over my shoulder, it sits at my waist. I slide the key into an outer facing pocket for easy access and push my chair into the desk to call it a night. I make my way to the light switches, stealing the archive of it’s warm glow as it awaits the return of the next archivist. My footsteps slowly disturbing the silence of the atmosphere, I approach the switches and flip them.


Th-that…that wasn’t me! What the?! I turn my head left to right, frantically looking around for the source of the sound. I clutch the strap of my bag, pressing into my chest with the feeling of dread sitting over my head. I…ok let’s think about it for a second. If I could hear this noise more clearly from the light switches…then it means that whatever is making that noise is closer to the switches. But…should I…what if it’s something scary…Stop thinking weird things…This is the same archive you’ve been working at for months. I sigh quietly once more, letting go of my bags straps and slap myself in the face. Well there’s only the spicy fics and the hall to the art section opposite of here…So I guess I have a 50% chance of picking the right side first. I guess the art section might have a few actual stragglers, you have to go a bit more out of your way to find it than anything else here. I turn to the right and follow the floor to the area, hoping that I’ll quickly find whatever I’m looking for…whoever I’m looking for.
Reaching the open gallery I’m quickly reminded that I had shut the lights off and am walking in near darkness. I gaze at the various contributions of artists that come and go. Some leave their mark and move on; others enjoy the company and stick around. I myself…forget about this section far too much. I don’t see any figures in the dark but…just in case. I pull out my phone and turn the flashlight on. I shine it at the various pieces, some casting shadows beyond their forms. Nothing’s here…I was hoping I’d find…something…anything. Maybe I’m going a bit halu…

Giving the area one final walk through, I turn the light off and put my phone back into my bag. It’s been quiet for a while…maybe I’m just tired…hearing things late at night…I turn back towards the main hall of the archive, staring into the spicy section as I step forward. I’ve looked around this much…I guess it can’t hurt giving the final area a check and rounding out the search. I’m a responsible archivist after all. For a second, I glance down at the floor by the entrance to the section and pull my phone back out to take a look at it. I start the flashlight back up and point it at the object in question. It’s…it’s…. it’s…

Pub: 25 May 2022 19:04 UTC
Views: 271