🎢 Miscellaneous

Photos / Fonts

Wallpapers Websites

Websites for free vector images and related stuff

Resources for free backgrounds, stock photos and some wallpapers

Stock Image Downloaders

Pastebin Services

List Of Pastebin Services

Browser Extensions/UserScripts

Browser Extensions

  • Hackertab.dev | Github- A Chrome & Firefox extension to discover the best developer news and tools in one tab!

    you can try it without installing extension : https://now.hackertab.dev/

  • Project Naptha | Chrome - Project Naptha automatically applies state-of-the-art Computer vision algorithms on every image you see while browsing the web. The result is a seamless and intuitive experience, where you can highlight as well as copy and paste and even edit and translate the text formerly trapped within an image

    NOTE : Firefox not yet supported!!

  • Leetcode-Premium-Bypass ⭐ - Unlock Leetcode's premium features without a subscription using the Leetcode Premium Bypass Chrome extension.
  • TwitchNoSub ⭐ - Be able to watch any sub-only vod on Twitch, integrated in the website and support every twitch features.

    eg. https://www.twitch.tv/christitustech who puts all old livestream as subcriber only but can be nice knowledge full or entertaining

  • ff2mpv | Firefox | Chrome - A Firefox/Chrome add-on for playing URLs in mpv.
  • Link Hints ⭐ - An extension that adds hints to links so that you can open them with your keyboard
  • Sessionic ⭐ | Firefox Addon - A web extension to easily save sessions and manage them.

    CC : https://t.me/EsicaChannel/6754


    • Save and manage sessions
    • Import and export sessions
    • Save sessions automatically on an interval
    • Filter URL list to track using match patterns
    • Modern UI with Light and Dark mode support
    • Add tags to sessions
    • Focused on performance and lower RAM usage
    • Cross-browser support (Firefox, Chrome, Edge, and Opera)
    • Compatible with Session Buddy and Tab Session Manager
  • Web Developer | Chrome extension | Firefox addon (outdated,2020 last update) - Web Developer for Google Chrome provides you with loads of utilities for testing web pages.

    It is awesome! Add it to your tool kit today.

  • LibRedirect | FireFox addons store -

    manual install on chrome not availabe in chrome webstore, for that they provide instruction if you dont know how to install manually and also .zip download here : https://libredirect.github.io/download_chromium.html

  • NopeCHA: CAPTCHA Solver | Chrome web store - A firefox extension for bypassing any type of captcha
  • Buster: Captcha Solver for Humans | Github - Captcha solver extension for humans
  • Ublock Origin - (uBlock Origin - An efficient blocker for Chromium and Firefox. Fast and lean)
  • Fast Forward Team - Don't waste your time with compliance. FastForward automatically skips annoying link shorteners

    ⚠️ They got discontinued...R.I.P

  • I'm not Robot Clicker- This extension will simply click on the "I'm not robot" checkbox as soon as the page loads
  • ViolentMonkey - Violentmonkey provides userscripts support for browsers. It works on browsers with WebExtensions support.
  • GoFullPage - Full Page Screen Capture - Capture a screenshot of your current page in entirety and reliably—without requesting any extra permissions!
  • Shimeji Browser Extension - Play with little shimejis(chibi characters) while browsing the web.

    Shimejis are little characters or desktop buddies that play around on the sites you visit. They interact with the elements on the page. You control their behavior...

  • Social Visual Alt Text - Social Visual Alt Text takes the alt description for images and displays it visually on the page (Indeed useful)

    Youtube Extension

    • Enhancer for YouTube™ | FireFox addons store - As you can see, YouTubers post a ridiculous amount of annoying shorts daily. This extension can hide those shorts, and it has many more features. Simply it's like ReVanced for desktops.
    • DeArrow | Firefox addon | Chrome extension - New browser extension from sponsorblock (https://sponsor.ajay.app/) dev for crowdsourcing better titles and thumbnails on YouTube. (basically blocking clickbait)

      It is paid extension now but can request 1 hour free trial, once or always dont know

      Can request free access, take time to get approved by extension developers

    Firefox exclusive extensions

    • ArcFox | Addon - ArcFox is a pack of firefox improvements that brings the appearance and some of the features of arc browser to firefox.

      For those without a Mac but want to try Arc Browser

Browser UserScripts

ViolentMoneky is a extension that will enable userscript support in browser

Gdrive Index

Repos For Gdrive Index



Discover Alternatives

Discover and Find Alternatives

Random Things

• Cringemdb - Can you watch the movie with your parents?

• Super.so | simple.ink - Create Websites with Notion.

• Trackerstatus - Some Tracker Status.

• 24-archive - Cached view of any page through Google, Yahoo, Bing, Waybackmachine etc.

• ratbg-archive - Backup of magnets from RARBG

• rarbg-dump-index

• rarbg-on-ipfs

Edit Report
Pub: 22 Apr 2024 14:13 UTC
Edit: 19 May 2024 05:26 UTC
Views: 6771