Chapter 1: Shiromaru Mito's dilemma

Mito: (I went all out and finished making the bento. It would be nice if Iroha-chan could eat and enjoy it.)

Mito: (I wonder if she's OK, it seems like she being called out by the teacher...)

Female Student A: Wow, amazing! Shiromaru, did you make this bento yourself? There are so many side dishes!

Female Student B: Let me see too! That looks delicious! You're really good at cooking, huh!

Mito: ......Th-thanks......

Mito: (This is my first time speaking with these two, it's making me nervous...... But, could this be a chance for me to making friends?)

Mito: My family owns a restaurant..... So I help out sometimes.

Female Student A: Wow, you guys run a restaurant!

Female Student B: Shiromaru, you're part of the 'Gekidan Denki' troupe right? I heard that from Akiru!

Female Student A: Oh yeah, it's amazing that you're helping out your family and doing theater. What kind of troupe is it?

Mito: Uh,

Mito: Ummm......

Mito: We do stuff like 2.5D plays? We also do more traditional plays too......

Female Student A: What kind of traditional plays?

Mito: Like......

Mito: Jour....

Female Student A: Jour?

Mito: Like 'Journey to the West'!

Female Student A: 'Journey to the West', huh.

Female Student B: Speaking of acting, does that mean you're aiming to be a Dai Star? Isn't practicing tough on you?

Mito: ......Dai Star......?

Mito: ......

Female Student A: Shiromaru-san?

Mito: (This conversation is moving pretty quickly, I need to respond to their questions)

Mito: (But if I think about the answer too much, the pause is going to be awkward......)

Mito: (If it was just one question, I could follow along. Iroha-chan......!)

Mito: Mito.... only does it because she enjoys it....... There are a lot of friends that I like in Denki, after all.

Mito: Practice is also fun!

Female Student B: I see. Sorry for throwing so many questions at you.

Iroha: Mito-Chaaaan. Hear me out~. The teacher called me out about my test scores and......

Iroha: Huh? Seems shes currently in the middle of a conversation? Hello!

Female Student A: We were just talking to Shiromaru-san about Gekidan Denki. Sorry for calling out to you suddenly, it must've surprised you.

Mito: .......That's not really the case......

Mito: (I wonder if they noticed I raised my voice.)

Iroha: So thats whats going on! It's nice to hear that Denki's reputation is spreading other classes now!

Iroha: We have more plays coming, so please feel free to come see them!

Female Student B: Of course! Will definitely check it out! I've heard good things about Senju's fanservice.

Iroha: I'm so glad to hear that! I'll keep giving the best service I can!

Female Student B: Hahaha! When you say it like that, you kinda sound like a grocery worker. I'm rooting for you!

Iroha: And then, the part where they screwed up at the end of episode 6!

Mito: Yeah.

Iroha: That really surprised me. This anime really exceeds my expectations everyt...

Mito: Ah!

Mito: Sorry, Iroha-chan. Mito has to go and water the garden.

Iroha: For the Gardening Committee? I guess we do have the day off from Denki practice after all.

Iroha: In that case, I might head off as well!

Mito: I completely forgot about it... Gotta hurry.

Female Student A: Shiromaru-san, hope I didn't bother you back then.

Mito: (Its the girl from before. is she talking about Mito...?)

Female Student A: It's just that it was surprising that you were doing theater.

Female Student B: You used to seem to be a bit more gloomy. Like you were keeping people at a distance.

Female Student A: Right, like we can't tell what you're thinking, making it hard to approach you.

Mito: Ah......

Female Student B: When my friend went to see Denki perform, Shiromaru-san was really into the role while on stage and sounds like her acting was amazing.

Female Student B: Even though in person she's like this, her lines were delivered elegantly.

Female Student A: Is that so? I can't really picture something like that. I can for Senju-san though.

Female Student B: Of course, that's given for Senju-san. She doesn't talk about too openly, but shes part of the Senju family y'know?

Female Student A: Putting them side by side, isn't the pressure too much? If it were me.....

Mito: .......

Iroha: Mito-chan?

Mito: Ah, Iroha-chan.

Iroha: You were watering the flowers here? I was just about to leave.

Iroha: Whats up? Is something on your mind?

Mito: It's nothing. I'll see you tomorrow.

Iroha: OK, see you tomorrow!

Iroha: (I wonder whats going on with Mito-chan. I get the feeling shes a little down......)

Next chapter

Pub: 01 Nov 2023 20:01 UTC
Edit: 05 Nov 2023 18:14 UTC
Views: 286