Dearest Morijian Friends,

I, Sir Sam Morwich, speak to you as both a Loyal Luknight of the Princess Himemori, and as a member of the royal decreed Monhun against the creature that has ravaged both our ships and your lands, the one known as Salamansho Rex.

We have already succeeded in wounding the beast and taking its eye, but we have tracked to Moriji, and wish to seek your assistance and safe passage through your lands to continue the hunt, to bring this trespasser against our goddess to meet yours. I think you will find it to be in our mutual interest, and to that end have assembled 100 skilled servants of the Hime, commanded as part of four groups:

The Luknights of Battle specialized in Melee are commanded by myself, and are trained in both spears and harpoons for naval combat. I and my squad have spent many tours in the northwest, honing themselves against Matsurisu and Schizo alike.

The Luknights of Battle specialized in combat at range are commanded by Lady Sala Taffee, who is also a methodical, calculating tracker, with many Monhuns under her belt, and imparts these values to her team.

The Luknights of Science, led by Lady Rochu Ro, will be assisting Luna chuubanite clean up and collecting samples once the deed is done. Lady Rochu is truly a savant with chuubanite science, though struggles with stomaching more ...biological endeavors.

Lastly, any good Monhun needs good food, and the Luknights of Pots and Pans are here, led by Sir Rosso Sucre, part of the acclaimed Sucre family of Luknight chefs. He is well-trained in the foreign palates, so you needn't worry about oversugaring of your food.

We hope to dock within Memento soon, and discuss strategy for taking down the beast.

Your comrade in arms,
Sir Sam Morwich of Morwich House

Pub: 19 Oct 2022 12:46 UTC
Views: 124