Created with RimPy Mod Manager v. (database: 28094334)
Mod list was created for game version: 1.5.4297 rev993

Local mods that were not found in the database are marked as yellow labels with packageId in brackets [unknown mods in the list: 68]

Mod list length: 182

1. Prepatcher {packageId: zetrith.prepatcher}

  1. Harmony

3. Fishery - Modding Library {packageId: bs.fishery}

4. Core {packageId: ludeon.rimworld}

5. Performance Fish {packageId: bs.performance}

6. Royalty [Official DLC] {packageId: ludeon.rimworld.royalty}

7. Ideology [Official DLC] {packageId: ludeon.rimworld.ideology}

8. Biotech [Official DLC] {packageId: ludeon.rimworld.biotech}

9. Anomaly [Official DLC] {packageId: ludeon.rimworld.anomaly}

  1. HugsLib

11. Cherry Picker {packageId: owlchemist.cherrypicker.tmpfix}

  1. Vanilla Expanded Framework
  2. Vanilla Fishing Expanded
  3. ReGrowth: Core
  4. Vanilla Animals Expanded
  5. XML Extensions

17. A Dog Said... Animal Prosthetics 2 {packageId: sambucher.adogsaidanimalprosthetics2}

  1. Pocket Sand
  2. Graphic Chair Overhaul 2
  3. Vanilla Textures Expanded
  4. Combat Extended

22. AB's Head Apparel Tweaker {packageId: ab.hatweaker}

  1. AFU女士发型_Women's hairstyles
  2. Achtung!
  3. Allow Tool

26. Almostthere1.5 {packageId: chad.almostthere1.5}

27. Ambient Rim {packageId: swablu.ambience}

  1. Animal Tab
  2. Animals Logic
  3. Architect Icons
  4. Autocleaner

32. Vehicle Framework {packageId: smashphil.vehicleframework}

33. Automatic Parking {packageId: rabiosus.vfautoparking}

  1. Beautiful Bodies
  2. Better Workbench Management

36. Better ground-penetrating scanner {packageId: kikohi.bettergroundpenetratingscanner}

  1. Bionic icons

38. Bradson's Main Button Icons for VE Textures (Continued) {packageId: karma.mbifvte}

  1. CM Color Coded Mood Bar [1.1+]
  2. Camera+
  3. Caravan Formation Improvements

42. Childhood Backstories {packageId: zylle.childboodbackstories}

  1. Childrens Drawings

44. Clean Pathfinding 2 {packageId: owlchemist.cleanpathfinding}

  1. Vanilla Plants Expanded
  2. Clean Textures

47. Colors {packageId: zylle.colors}

  1. Combat Extended Armors
  2. Combat Extended Guns
  3. Combat Extended Melee
  4. Dubs Bad Hygiene
  5. Common Sense
  6. Compact Hediffs
  7. Conduit Deconstruct

55. DBH Addon: Expanded Pack {packageId: farxmai2.dbh.expanded}

  1. Death Rattle Continued [1.2+]

57. Doormats {packageId: alias.doormats}

  1. Dubs Performance Analyzer
  2. Dubs Skylights

60. FPSStabilizer {packageId: matvey24.fpsstabilizer}

  1. Food Poisoning Cures

62. ReGrowth: ReTextures {packageId: regrowth.botr.retextures}

63. Gerrymon's Upscaled Vanilla Textures {packageId: gerrymon.uvt}

  1. Vanilla Furniture Expanded
  2. GloomyFurniture
  3. Go Explore!
  4. Gradient Hair
  5. Graphics Settings+

69. Hex-Retexture {packageId: hex.retexture}

  1. Dubs Mint Menus

71. I Aint Building That {packageId: taggerung.iaintbuildingthat}

  1. Interaction Bubbles

73. Adaptive Storage Framework {packageId:}

74. LWM's Adaptive Deep Storage {packageId: asf.deepstorage}

75. Less Demanding Beggar {packageId: mn.lessdemandingbeggar}

  1. LightsOut
  2. Mad Skills
  3. Map Reroll (1.4/1.5)

79. Mechanoid Upgrades {packageId: gogatio.mechanoidupgrades}

80. Mechanoid Upgrades - Anomaly {packageId: gogatio.mechanoidupgrades.anomaly}

81. Moonlight {packageId: owlchemist.moonlight}

82. More Than Capable (1.5) {packageId: void.morethancapable}

  1. Muzzle Flash
  2. No Forced Slowdown
  3. P-Music
  4. Pawn Name Variety
  5. Performance Optimizer

88. Perspective: Buildings (Continued) {packageId: mlie.perspectivebuildings}

89. Perspective: Eaves (Continued) {packageId: mlie.perspectiveeaves}

90. Priority Treatment Ressurected {packageId: tk421storm.prioritytreatmentressurected}

  1. Character Editor
  2. Psychology (unofficial) v1.1-1.5

93. QSJ's Adaptive Armory Storage {packageId: qsj.aas}

94. Quality Colors 1.5 - Forked {packageId: tr.qualcolor}

  1. QualityBuilder
  2. RBSE Hardcore Edition
  3. RPG Style Inventory Revamped
  4. RT Fuse
  5. RT Solar Flare Shield

100. Basic Double Doors {packageId: gt.sam.basicdoubledoors}

  1. Glass+Lights
  2. Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Architect
  3. Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Art
  4. Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Power
  5. Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Production
  6. Vanilla Textures Expanded - Variations

107. ReBuild: Doors and Corners {packageId: rebuild.cotr.doorsandcorners}

  1. ReGrowth: Arid
  2. ReGrowth: Boreal
  3. ReGrowth: Swamp
  4. ReGrowth: Temperate

112. ReGrowth: Tropical {packageId: regrowth.botr.tropicalexpansion}

  1. ReGrowth: Tundra
  2. Realistic Rooms Rewritten

115. Red's Performance Fixes (aka. Comp EggLayer Fix) {packageId: redmattis.optimization}

  1. Relevant Stats In Description
  2. Repairable Gear

118. ResearchPal - Forkd {packageId: maruf61.researchpalforkd}

  1. RimHUD
  2. RimSaves
  3. Vanilla Brewing Expanded
  4. Vanilla Brewing Expanded - Coffees and Teas
  5. Vanilla Cooking Expanded

124. Simple FX: Smoke {packageId: owlchemist.simplefx.smoke2}

125. Scattered Flames {packageId: owlchemist.scatteredflames}

126. Simple FX: Splashes {packageId: owlchemist.simplefx.splashes}

127. Simple FX: Vapor...Revaporized {packageId: atlas.simplefx.vapor.revaporized}

128. Simple Utilities: Ceiling {packageId: owlchemist.ceilingutilities}

129. Simple Utilities: Wall {packageId: owlchemist.wallutilities}

130. Smart Farming {packageId: owlchemist.smartfarming}

  1. Smarter Construction
  2. Snap Out!

133. Social EXP from Trade {packageId: krelinos.socialexpfromtrade}

  1. Start Without Tech
  2. Stonecutting Extended

136. Storage Refill Hysteresis {packageId: puremj.mjrimmods.storagerefillhysteresis}

137. Stuffed Floors {packageId: fluffy.stuffedfloors}

  1. TMC Weapon Pack
  2. Vanilla Books Expanded
  3. Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Memes and Structures
  4. Tastier Vanilla Clothes
  5. Tech Advancing

143. Toggleable Overlays {packageId: owlchemist.toggleableoverlays}

144. Toggleable Readouts {packageId: owlchemist.toggleablereadouts}

145. Toggleable Shields {packageId: owlchemist.toggleableshields}

  1. Trade Ships Drop Spot
  2. Trade UI Revised
  3. More Faction Interaction (Continued)
  4. UI Not Included: Customizable UI Overhaul
  5. Ugh You Got Me
  6. Use Bedrolls
  7. Vanilla Apparel Expanded
  8. Vanilla Armour Expanded

154. Vanilla Base Generation Expanded {packageId: vanillaexpanded.basegenerationexpanded}

  1. Vanilla Chemfuel Expanded
  2. Vanilla Cooking Expanded - Stews
  3. Vanilla Cooking Expanded - Sushi
  4. Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Props and Decor
  5. Vanilla Hairs and Beards Retextured
  6. Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Relics and Artifacts
  7. Vanilla Persona Weapons Expanded
  8. Vanilla Plants Expanded - More Plants
  9. Vanilla Traits Expanded

164. Vanilla Vehicles Expanded {packageId: oskarpotocki.vanillavehiclesexpanded}

165. Vanilla Vehicles Expanded - Tier 3 {packageId: oskarpotocki.vanillavehiclesexpandedtier3}

166. Vanilla Vehicles Expanded - Upgrades {packageId: oskarpotocki.vanillavehiclesexpandedupgrades}

167. Water Freezes (Continued) {packageId: mlie.waterfreezes}

  1. Pick Up And Haul
  2. While You're Up (with add-on for PUAH)

170. You Drive, I Sleep {packageId: spacemoth.youdriveisleep}

171. [1.5][KV] Save Storage, Outfit, Crafting, Drug, & Operation Settings {packageId:}

172. Simple Utilities: Fridge {packageId: owlchemist.fridgeutilities}

  1. Vanilla Psycasts Expanded
  2. [FSF] Better Ancient Complex Loot

175. [FSF] Better Anomaly Loot {packageId: frozensnowfox.betteranomalyloot}

176. [FSF] Better Camp Loot {packageId: frozensnowfox.bettercamploot}

  1. [GMT] Trading Spot
  2. [NL] Facial Animation - WIP
  3. [NL] Facial Animation - Experimentals
  4. [XND] Visible Pants

181. RimJobWorld {packageId:}

  1. RocketMan - Performance Mod
Pub: 23 Jan 2025 19:12 UTC
Views: 12