It started as a day like any other, but it would be a day etched deeply in Lia's big brother's memory. On her streams, Lia exuded a lively and boisterous persona that concealed her shy and timid nature off-camera. She rarely engaged in conversations with others, often finding solace in her interactions with the other Phase girls on Discord rather than seeking connections with friends from school or even her own siblings. While many were familiar with the notorious Rinmama and the less discussed Rinmoto, there was one family member Lia never mentioned: her older brother. Several years her senior, he occupied a room just a few feet from hers. Whenever Rinmama was away, he assumed the role of caretaker, primarily responsible for Lia's well-being, as Rinmoto could fend for herself.

On this particular day, Rinmama had to leave for a few days along with Rinmoto leaving Lia alone with her big brother. Although she knew her brother would never harm her, an unexplainable fear gripped her tightly, as if she were in the presence of a formidable force. Lia's emotions for him were a tangled mix of affection and trepidation, a complex dance between love and fear. She had witnessed his kindness and protectiveness towards her, yet her heart still quivered in his proximity. It was as if the mere presence of her brother triggered the deep-rooted anxiety within her, causing her to behave like an abuse victim despite the absence of any past mistreatment. She watched him from the shadows, yearning to bridge the gap between them but held back by an unshakable dread.

Deep in her mind, Lia held affection for her brother, but this affection wasn't the platonic kind a sister would have for her sibling. This was a different kind of affection, one of a desirable nature. She yearned for her brother in more ways than one ever since "the incident." It happened one night after her brother had gotten home from practice. Lia was completely unaware at the time that he was home, as she herself had just gotten back from grabbing her delivery of Boba Tea. On her way back to her room, Lia heard a strange noise, almost like rustling. Thinking this might be an invader trying to get into their house, she tried to be as quiet and stealthy as she could, shimmying along the walls, making sure no one could see her.

The closer she got to her brother's room, the louder the rustling noise became. Nervous and prepared to see a stranger looting her brother's room, she slowly peeked through the crack in the door, only to see her brother getting undressed. It was a sight that was permanently burned into her retinas as she saw him remove his pants and couldn’t help but gasp at the bulge in his underwear. Lia tried to peel herself away from the door, but found herself unable continuing to gawk at his toned body and sightly bulge while he grunted and groaned grabbing a set of pajamas from his drawers and placing them on his bed. Just when Lia thought it couldn’t get any better, her brother grabbed the waistband of his underwear and pulled them down then walked over to the bathroom attached to his bedroom for a shower. Lia had seen penises before, but usually they were in black and white and only in the 18+ doujins she was often browsing.

Once the door was closed, Lia let out a long sigh as if she had been waiting with baited breath for him to finally leave. Lia found herself breathing heavily, feeling her nipples becoming erect as the pleasure centers of her brain were activated as if she were having some sort of sexual arousal from looking at him naked. "Damn these brainworms... What's wrong with me? Why am I feeling like this?" Lia berated herself, frustrated by the overwhelming emotions. Unable to resist their influence, she found herself gradually opening the door to her brother's bedroom, driven by the alluring prospect of her treasured prize. Once inside she quickly shut the door and got to work grabbing her brother’s sweat soaked clothes and breathing deeply from them. The manly musk made her feel something she wasn’t entirely sure how to describe as she sat there on his floor breathing from her own brother’s clothes and rubbing herself intensely not wanting this moment to end.

The session was abruptly interrupted by the sound of the water turning off as her brother finished his shower and prepared to step back into his room. Lia found herself in a dilemma, needing to make a quick decision: should she risk making a break for the bedroom door, hoping she could open and close it before her brother emerged, or should she opt to hide somewhere and pray that he wouldn't notice her? Thinking quickly, Lia swiftly wormed her way under his bed, hoping for the best. Her brother emerged from the bathroom wearing only a towel and walked towards his bed. His feet were just inches from her face, and she was certain he would notice something was off and bend down to look under the bed. However, to her relief, he simply unfastened the towel and let it drop to the floor before getting dressed. As if a miracle had occurred, just as he finished changing, Rinmama called for him to help in the kitchen, giving Lia ample time to escape from his room.

Ever since that day, Lia had been afraid of her brother. Afraid that he would find out about this longing feeling she had for him, afraid the feeling may not be mutual, and most of all afraid of someone else finding out about this longing desire she had for him. What seemed to bother her though was how much she was enjoying this feeling. She wanted to feel afraid and she wanted to be caught by him making regular trips to his room to take in his scent or to steal his clothes for smelling. Oftentimes he would be in the house while Lia made a break for his room and climbed into his bed with a worn shirt or whatever dirty clothing item she could find, longing for her brother to scold her for her actions. Visions of being taken from behind unsuspectingly, being choked by his burly arms, being forced to degrade herself for his amusement, being fucked by him in every room of the house, she wanted all of these things from her brother and could hardly contain her overpowering desires when she was around him. All of these lustful desires seemed to fade away the very second she would hear his footsteps coming towards her room though as she quickly scurried away for fear of his reaction to her being in his room.

With Rinmama and Rinmoto leaving, Lia knew this would be the perfect moment to finally act on these urges, but was terrified of what might happen if she did. The first day was the hardest for her as she was forced to be in his presence, with Rinmama telling them she would be back in 3 days. While Rinmama spoke, Lia could only stare at her big brother, feeling a mix of lust and fear. He had an athletic build, nothing too impressive, but well enough to make Lia uneasy. He spoke very solemnly, usually responding only when spoken to, and what few words he did say would drive her into a frenzy. Once Rinmama was gone, Lia quickly scampered off to her room, claiming she had some work to do for school. Her brother let out a sigh and called out to her, implying that he would take care of dinner since she conveniently seemed busy, as if trying to avoid being a responsible adult.

Once in her room, Lia shut the door and began heaving, trying to catch her breath. “Alone with him... for three whole days? I don't know if I'm gonna make it… can I really do this? No, no, I have to do this. Who knows when I'll have a better opportunity?” She took a deep breath and let it out as if to embolden herself and psych up for what was to come. It would take some planning for what she was going to do, but if everything went according to plan, it should work and she should have her brother all to herself to live out her wildest fantasies. Lia meticulously prepared for what lay ahead, gathering the necessary supplies and studying the proper techniques for her plan. In addition, she composed a brief message to her boss, Sakana, stating that she would be absent for the next three days, attributing it to a visit to her grandparents. Deep down, Lia knew that Sakana would never comprehend the true nature of her intentions. She had long awaited an opportunity like this, and she was determined not to let it slip away due to work obligations.

Lia's mind raced with thoughts of her plan, how all the pieces would fall into place exactly as she wanted them to, how no one could stand in her way, and how she had been waiting for this moment for years. Suddenly, a knock on the door snapped her out of her thoughts. 'What!? I'm busy, oh my god, leave me alone and don't knock so loud next time, you almost gave me a freaking heart attack!' she snapped, breathing heavily. She quickly minimized her browser, closing the tab that explained the proper dosage of a light sedative for a male about her brother’s size and put away the rope she had bought before going to the door. Upon opening it, there was nobody there. Instead, she found a plate of hot food sitting on the ground. Lia brought it back into her room and tried to hold back her tears. She was so immersed in her work that she had accidentally snapped at her brother, as if he were someone else.

After the incident at the door, Lia stood there, holding the plate of hot food her big brother had left for her. Guilt washed over her as she realized her outburst was unwarranted. She felt a pang of remorse for snapping at him, knowing that he was only trying to be kind. Regretful and determined to make amends, Lia decided to approach him and apologize for her behavior. She walked over to his room, taking a deep breath to steady her nerves. When she reached his door, she hesitated for a moment before gently knocking. "Um... hey," she called out softly. "Can I come in?" There was a moment of silence before she opened the door. Her brother was engrossed in something on his laptop and paid her no mind. Lia stepped into the room, the air thick with tension. She found herself struggling to find the right words, but she knew she had to try. "Uhh, Lia didn't mean to snap at you like that," she began, her voice filled with sincerity. "She was caught up in her own thoughts and didn't realize it was you at the door. Lia... I mean, I appreciate the food you brought for me, and... I lo-" Her voice trailed off as she tried to gather the courage to say the words she truly felt. However, she abruptly cut herself off, unable to fully express her emotions. "Yeah, thanks. Bye."

Tears welled up in Lia's eyes as a mix of relief and gratitude flooded over her. She quickly retreated to her room, the door slamming behind her. The sound of her rapid heartbeat echoed in her ears as she struggled to catch her breath. Suddenly, a faint "you're welcome" reached her from across the way. A shiver ran through Lia's body as she clutched a pillow, overwhelmed by a wave of emotions. She cursed her brother for his ability to stir up such deep feelings within her, making her love him even more. In that moment, any reservations she had about her plan vanished. She was no longer hesitant and was determined to do whatever it took to have him alone. Little did he know, she had something special planned. With a renewed sense of purpose, Lia embarked on her journey, determined to create an experience for her big brother he wouldn’t soon forget.

The next day began slowly with the early morning rain. "I'm leaving. Phone's on if you need me. Got it?" Lia's brother stated firmly, well aware that his sister had likely stayed up late gaming. Still groggy, Lia mumbled, "Yeah, sure..." A sudden thought struck her, and she quickly inquired, "Wait, when will you be back?" Her brother responded in his usual succinct manner, "Don't know. Later." Lia felt a mix of frustration at the lack of specifics and excitement at the opportunity to "get to know'' him better. Once she confirmed he was gone, Lia sprang from her bed and stealthily made her way to his room, only to find the door locked.

It piqued her curiosity since he never bothered locking it when leaving the house. After some fumbling with the lock, she managed to get it open. Inside, nothing seemed out of the ordinary—just a few clothes scattered about and his credit card lying on the bed. It appeared as though he had locked the door for no apparent reason. However, her attention was drawn to his still-running computer, which had something minimized. With a gasp, Lia opened the window and discovered multiple tabs of pornography. She was in shock as she scrolled through each tab, seeing her brother's particular interest in sexy nurse outfits. Page after page, she looked at all the explicit images of busty women in skimpy nurse uniforms, however she noticed the majority of these women had the same almost platinum blonde hair she did, some of the girls even had twintails like hers. "So this is what you like... sexy blonde girls in nurse uniforms," she whispered to herself. "Don't worry, big bro, Nurse Lia will make all your dreams come true!" She put his computer into sleep mode then went back to her room.

Back in her room, Lia couldn't contain her excitement. There were plenty of sexy nurse uniforms available online, but most wouldn't arrive in time for her plan. Then, it hit her: cosplay. She should still have an old Valentine cosplay from Skullgirls stashed away in a closet or drawer. Scouring through her drawers, she found a collection of old cosplay supplies, including threads and props. Buried at the very bottom, hidden under a dry cleaning bag, she discovered the Valentine cosplay. As she laid eyes on it, memories flooded back, reminding her that it was one of the first costumes she had ever sewn. Although it turned out well, it was uncomfortably tight in the chest and would ride up her butt whenever she walked. She had stashed it away, intending to make adjustments in the future, but it had been forgotten over the years. Lia struggled to put it on due to its tightness, fearing the fabric might rip. Once she managed to squeeze into it, she reluctantly glanced at herself in the mirror. "It's… perfect!" she exclaimed aloud. The dress constricted her waist and was short enough that it revealed a significant portion of her slim figure: her nipples were showing through the fabric and it was short enough that her crotch, as well as her butt, were practically hanging out. Any movement risked revealing even more which she was delighted to see. Lia was so pleased with herself that she started doing a tease in the mirror. She started by running her hands over her chest, then down her waist, over her thighs, then back up again while swaying her hips to the side “big bro’s gonna love it.” She giggled to herself as she took the outfit off and hid it in her closet for when the time was right.

The two days passed quickly, with Lia barely exchanging a word with her brother except for the apology. He would often come to her door with a plate of food, placing it down gently and knocking softly to avoid disturbing her. At one point, he asked if she had seen some of his missing clothing items, but she quickly brushed it off making sure not to put him on her trail to know that she had been sneaking into his room each day while he was at practice to steal some of his clothes. She had been busy preparing, even sneaking out at night to gather some of the necessary items for her plan including a mild sedative. Finally, the day arrived—the day to unveil her master plan to her brother. It was half-past 6 when she saw him in the kitchen gathering ingredients. "Um... Lia’s not that hungry... I think I'll just have a sandwich or something later... thanks anyway," Lia stammered. He turned his head to look at her. His gaze stopped Lia in her tracks, and she stared up at him with a look of terror. What felt like an eternity passed by without any dialogue as he continued to stare at her, then he simply said, "That's fine." He turned back and put away half of the ingredients, saying nothing more. Lia felt faint as she rushed back to her room, a mix of excitement and terror flooding over her as her heart raced with fear, she even felt a small trickle of her own fluids running down her leg. Everything was set; all she had to do was begin.

Lia waited in the shadows for the right moment to act. She noticed that her brother's food was ready and quickly took out a burner phone she had bought then called his number. Her big brother sighed as he went back to his room leaving his plate of food unattended. Lia took a small bottle of viagra she had obtained and, with careful precision, pressed two blue pills into the food. This would be a night neither of them would ever forget. As she heard him hang up the phone and head back towards the kitchen, she swiftly disappeared into her room, her heart racing with anticipation. She knew it would take a while for the pills to take effect, so she waited until he had returned to playing video games in his room. Lia gathered the necessary items making final preparations and gently knocked on his door. "Are you busy? Can we talk for a minute?" she asked timidly.

The tension was palpable as Lia struggled to keep the sedative concealed behind her back, doing her best to avoid sounding suspicious. Her brother remained silent, engrossed in his game, while Lia cautiously approached the door, her heart racing and beads of sweat forming on her forehead. With determination, she opened the door, hoping to maintain her composure. Her brother, still fixated on the game, spoke in his usual brooding tone, not bothering to look in her direction. “Need something?” He asked. Lia felt a pang of unease, sensing an underlying edge in his words. Averting his gaze, she tried to make sense of his demeanor. "Well, uh... I seem to have misplaced an earring. I think it might be somewhere in your room," she explained, her voice slightly trembling. He remained silent, exiting the game and turning his chair to face her. "Describe it to me, and I'll help you look," he offered, his tone still carrying a hint of suspicion. Lia's sense of urgency grew as she swiftly glanced at his crotch to see if perhaps the pills had taken effect, then locked eyes with his deep turquoise gaze.

"Oh, uh... It's a yellow lightning bolt with a hot pink outline," she replied, trying to maintain a casual tone despite her growing unease. Her brother's suspicion mounted, prompting him to search the room. As he continued his search, he asked gently, "Why would your earring be in my room?" The words hung in the air, intensifying Lia's fear. She knew he didn't believe her and realized she had to act before it was too late. Fumbling over her words, Lia took a deep breath and shouted, "WAIT! I see it! Right THERE, behind you on the FLOOR! Right by your bed! There it is!" The unsuspecting brother turned around, bending over to pick up this imaginary earring. Lia, her heart pounding, whispered under her breath, “please work.” Swiftly, she retrieved the syringe hidden behind her back and injected him with a mild sedative. Her brother's body went limp in her arms, and a smirk crept across her face. “Big bro is all mine now!” she chuckled.

Gradually, he stirred, slowly awakening from his slumber. As his consciousness returned, he realized something was amiss. He struggled to move his arms and legs, feeling a peculiar restriction. Blinking away the haze, his vision cleared, revealing an unsettling truth—he was bound to Lia's bedposts in her room. A strip of duct tape sealed his lips, rendering him unable to call for help or utter a single word. Lia stood nearby, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. She had on a short white dress that was buttoned up. The dress left little to the imagination as it was so tight, her nipples could be seen peeking through, as could the shape of her pussy in the white panties she was furiously rubbing. Any sort of movement would cause the hem of the dress to ride up revealing much more, but Lia didn’t seem to mind as if she wanted her brother to see more and wanted him to be aroused by the sight of her in this outfit. Trailing down, one would notice her toned yet firm butt sticking out the back of this insanely tight dress creating the elusive butt fangs and further down the pair of white knee-high stockings and closed-toed shoes that were reminiscent of a nurse’s outfit.
“Nurse Lia is here to make big bro feel all better…” she said, rubbing herself and giggling manically while her brother desperately tried to free himself. Lia slowly walked over and straddled her big brother, sitting on his chest while biting her lower lip. “Lia wanted to thank her big bro for being so kind to her these past few days. He cooks for her, he makes sure she’s well taken care of, big bro is so nice, so kind, I could just…”

Unable to contain her excitement, Lia embraced her big brother hugging his neck and showering him with passionate kisses, as if they had been separated for an eternity. Her lips wandered across his face, bestowing affectionate pecks on his forehead, ears, and even his nose, ensuring that every inch of his face received her tender adoration as she started to grind herself on his chest. The only thing that stopped her was running out of oxygen to kiss. Her brother looked confused, wondering just what she was doing. Lia ripped the tape off his mouth allowing him to speak, then quickly forced her tongue down his throat before he could. Lia found herself in pure bliss while her brother was forced to tongue-kiss his own little sister. Suddenly, Lia let go of his lips and tossed her head back in ecstasy. Her body shook and she started breathing heavily once again. Lia was so excited she had cum just by kissing her brother and grinding on his chest. "I'm not done yet, I want more! You’re going to give me that dick and I’m going to drain every last drop of cum from those full balls of yours!" she exclaimed, her breath quick and intense, as if she were a wild animal ready to pounce on its prey.

Lia leaned in close to her brother's face, a look of longing and lust in her eyes. "Mom won't be home until tomorrow afternoon, so we have the whole night to ourselves. Just you and me." She gave him a quick peck on the lips then put the tape back over his mouth. Next she turned herself around so that her butt was against his face. “Do you like what you see? Want me to pull my dress up a little more so you can get a better look?” She giggled as she hiked up the dress over her white panties, wedging them in her crack to give her brother a better look at just how wet she was. She whispered to herself quietly “I’ve been waiting so long for this…” as she gripped her brother’s basketball shorts and pulled them down revealing his already erect cock. Lia gasped at the size as it began to throb and leak pre-cum, likely due to the two pills Lia had slipped into his food starting to take effect. “It’s so big! And this smell… it’s making my head spin! Don’t worry big bro, nurse Lia will take care of this throbbing erection for you!”

Gleefully, Lia began pampering his large pulsating member. She began by teasing the head, polishing it with her tongue while gently gliding a finger up and down the base. Next she gave it just as many kisses as she gave his face, making sure not to forget his balls. Finally it was time to show her brother a special technique just for him. She began with just the head, placing it in her mouth, then forcing herself down to the very base. She gagged a little, but quickly adjusted and began bobbing her head on his engorged cock. Rarely did she stop to breathe or take a break determined to please her big brother. He could feel her putting as much effort into it as possible, taking the entire thing in her mouth each time and making sure to swirl her tongue around. It didn’t take long for her brother to begin squirming and tensing up. Upon noticing this, Lia began to massage his thighs finally coming up for air. “Are you gonna cum? Are you really? Please give it to me! Let me swallow every last drop!”
Lia quickly forced her head back down onto her brother’s aching member as it pulsated even harder.

As Lia bobbed on her brother’s aching member, she rubbed his thighs in the hope of bringing him to orgasm, then moved onto his balls gently caressing and giving them light squeezes adding to the stimulation and feeling them tense up before churning out a huge load directly down her throat. It started as just a few small spurts, but quickly turned into thick strands almost like a geyser erupting inside Lia’s mouth. She did her best to swallow every last drop, determined not to let any spill, mopping up the excess by swirling her tongue around the head and tip which only made it ooze out more. Every muscle in her brother’s body was on fire as he continued to orgasm, the very shock of it made Lia orgasm again causing the cheeky white panties she had on to be swallowed by her sopping wet pussy. Finally, after having her fill, Lia came up again for air letting out a belch as she caught her breath. “How are you feeling now, big bro? Nurse Lia ate all that cum like a good girl and didn’t spill a drop!” Her brother couldn’t say a word, he merely sat there with a dazed look. Lia licked her lips and looked back at him breathing heavily knowing she had done good. Then turned back only to find his erection was still going strong despite having just sprayed a thick load. "Still erect, I see. Nurse Lia’s gonna have to operate!" she said joyfully.

Slowly yet gracefully, Lia balanced herself, rising to her feet and walked over to her older sibling. She firmly positioned herself over his face with her legs gripping either side of his head. Now unable to move his head or his limbs, he had no choice but to look up at Lia’s dripping hole as she slowly glided a finger over her slit. The panties she was wearing were barely even visible anymore; they were so soaked and firmly wedged inside of her. Lia gave a sly smile as she pulled them down and allowed them to fall onto his face. She found his squirming amusing as she bent forward and ripped the tape off. Her brother tried to speak, but was quickly shut up by Lia’s drenched panties being stuffed in his mouth, then the tape being reapplied followed by a quick peck on the lips. “There, now you can suck on my juices while Nurse Lia rides this monster!” Lia was gone, replaced by an animal in heat that was desperate to mate. The shy and reserved little sister he knew was now a fierce lioness with an insatiable libido. Standing above his still erect member, Lia prepared to mount her brother. Whether it was the heat of the room, the temporary paralysis in his limbs, or the sedatives beginning to wear off, her brother couldn't help but sense a familiar tension between himself and Lia being lifted. The moments of avoidance they shared, the stolen glances exchanged when they thought the other wasn't looking—it wasn't fueled by animosity, but rather an intense infatuation from a little sister towards her big brother. Only now could he see the truth that she didn’t love her brother in a platonic way, but rather in a romantic way, and especially in a physical way.

“Did you hnn… finally figure it out? Lia ahh… loves her big brother! Ohh… so fucking much!” Lia slowly mounted her brother as she spoke, barely able to fit the full thing inside of her small pussy. It took a minute, but she was finally able to find a rhythm that worked and increased her speed. The walls of her pussy acted almost like clamps refusing to let this beastly cock out of its prison until it gave up the goods. It was a dream come true for Lia as she dug her nails into her older sibling’s chest while riding him intensely, rambling all the while about how incredible he was “I bet your girlfriends never rode you this hard, did they? Those sluts could never please big bro like I can! I’ve already cum so many times and we’ve barely even started! I love you! I LOVE YOU! I FUCKING LOVE YOU!” her voice got louder, as did her moans while she continued bouncing on his rock solid member.

As Lia continued to bounce on his pulsating cock, she couldn't contain her excitement and began sharing her cherished dreams with her brother. She spoke rapidly, her words pouring out with enthusiasm, as she described the dreams she had of this very moment. In those dreams, she imagined doing every weird thing she’s ever thought of with him, every wild fantasy her mind could conjure up, even admitting she would dream of him sneaking into the shower with her. Her most prominent fantasy though, and the one she sought to make a reality today, was being filled to the very brim with his seed until it’s leaking out of all her holes. The joy and hope in her voice were so evident that even a little drool escaped her mouth, but she didn't seem to mind. She was determined to share every spicy detail about her wet dreams. All the while her brother just sat there and took it, slowly beginning to enjoy himself as he approached another huge orgasm. “Are you close again? Shoot it all inside me big bro, give me all your seed! Paint my insides white! I’m not getting off until you give me that cream! Oh you’re filling me up so much! I love Onii-san’s massive cock inside me!” Lia continued spouting nonsensical gibberish she no doubt got from one of the many doujins she’s read over the years as her brother’s balls tightened up just before unleashing a torrent of sperm inside of her.

It felt like a fever dream, she was his imouto - his little sister - yet here he was filling her every orifice with spunk. Lia continued to beg and plead for more which he was more than happy to oblige with, still erupting inside of her, filling her with even more seed than before. He knew, deep within his mind, there was no going back. There was no way they could have a normal, platonic relationship anymore after this. Part of him was disappointed, yet part of him wanted this as well. Her brother finally laid his head back on the pillow completely spent while Lia struggled to lift herself off her brother’s dick, being careful not to spill any of the seed he had pumped inside of her. She was so sensitive that every inch felt like a mile, the stimulation was almost too much for her as she couldn’t help but stop to orgasm several times. What she saw when she finally did pull his rod out of her shook her to the very core. “You… you’re still hard!? After all that!? I don’t think Nurse Lia’s tender pussy can take it. I can barely even touch myself. I'm so sensitive right now bro.”

Lia pondered for a moment and concluded that her brother posed little threat in his current condition as he lay there spent, chest rising and falling rapidly. Therefore, she untied his limbs from the bedposts and removed the tape and panty gag from his mouth, granting him freedom. Her brother said nothing as he began to get the feeling back in his arms and legs. Lia began telling him about what an amazing time she had and that they should do this more often considering how kinky it was and how much they both enjoyed themselves. Still her brother said nothing, now examining his cock which continued to pulsate despite having popped twice already. “wh-what’s wrong big bro? You’re n-not mad are you?” Her brother stared longingly at his little sister’s frail and vulnerable body before making his move. Still saying nothing, he grabbed Lia by the waist with a tight grip then flipped her onto her stomach. She began to panic not knowing what was going through his head and started apologizing.

"Ogey, look, I'm sorry for drugging you and all, but I didn't think you'd go along with my plan. It was a stupid idea. I'll never do it again, I swear. No please, let Lia live, don't do anything you'll regret later! We’re still family!” Her brother then took the soaked panties that Lia had used to gag him and instead forced them into her mouth. Next he started to stretch open her anus, getting a good look at his prize: her winking, yet eager, butthole. He began by slapping his cock against her pale bottom leaving a red mark due to its sheer size and girth. Next he rubbed it against her anus, slow strokes up and down to ready her, allowing his massive rod to glide between her buttcheeks a few times then stretching them open and making small circles around her sphincter. Lia wasn’t sure what to think, was this really happening? Was he about to put it in her ass?

Lia sat on her stomach, elbows propped up and hands holding onto the footboard of her bed, her own underwear stuffed into her mouth. She had no idea what her brother was about to do as he continued to stretch her ass and give it light smacks, only enough for her bottom to turn bright pink and her pussy to begin quivering at the very thought of her big brother dominating her. Her brother had other plans though as he wasn’t about to give her that satisfaction, he wanted to tease her first. He began by taking the head of his cock and making small shapes and letters with it. Lia tensed up every time he did fearing any second now he would ram it in at full speed. There was a brief pause as she considered looking back, but the pause was quickly interrupted by him slowly beginning to penetrate.

Lia braced herself and closed her eyes only to be met with disappointment in the amount of pleasure his thrusting generated. She opened her eyes, disappointed that he was only inserting the head of his still elongated member rather than the full thing like she thought he would. He continued with small thrusts, putting the head in, then taking it out again to tease her. Lia furrowed her brow in frustration and began trying to goad him into going all out unable to take the foreplay anymore, shaking her small butt in the air and moaning hoping he would take the bait. Her brother merely gave a small chuckle at the attempt then quickly shoved his entire length inside as ordered. The sensation caused Lia’s pussy to gush in excitement as her eyes began to roll back in her head while this massive cock filled her ass.

Anal was not a foreign concept to Lia; in fact, she had often read about it in her manga collections. However, she had never considered trying it herself. There were moments when she contemplated a finger or maybe a small toy, but Rinmama's words would always echo in her mind: "exit only!" Although Rinmama obviously had never been plugged up by something so girthy and felt every nerve in her body stand on edge with each and every thrust like a jolt of electricity or she’d know why Lia couldn’t possibly tell her brother to stop. It was an unforgettable experience for Lia. Her breathing became more rapid, her moans more guttural, and the intensity of it all caused her to spit out her panty gag with her bellowing groans pleasure.

Gritting her teeth, she attempted to speak despite her hoarse and strained voice, feeling the need to confess her wrongdoings like a guilty child:
“Lia is very sorry, she stole big bro’s worn shirts and boxers to sniff… Lia masturbated every night, taking a big whiff and drowning herself in that thick boy smell. Thinking about her big bro, wanting him inside of her. She bought a sedative and studied the right amount to knock someone your size out for at least an hour… she even purchased Viagra pills and put two in your food tonight to make sure you’d be nice and hard for me… I read so many brother sister incest doujins and dreamt of doing those things with you… I even snuck into your room and found your porn collection… that’s why I wore this naughty nurse outfit.”
Her brother's face transformed from pained disbelief that she was the one stealing his clothes to simmering anger she would actually go through his porn collection as he processed what she was telling him. The knowledge of her transgressions fueled his penis, giving him new life as he began to thrust even harder than before. Lia's confession was interrupted by her own bellowing moans that echoed throughout the house, “Lia would sometimes crawl into bed with big bro at night and cuddle with him for a few hou-a-ahh! Not so fast! You’re gonna break me!”

Her entire body shook with pleasure giving way to orgasm after orgasm. Her asshole was being completely filled, each thrust was more intense than the last until the entire bed was rocking in motion with her brother’s powerful thrusts. This was more than Lia could have ever dreamed of. She tried to continue her rambling, but was overtaken by pleasure and couldn’t form actual words anymore, only gibberish “lub…ya…br-bro…please…cum inside…me…in…fill…” Her brother could guess what she was saying as her sphincter muscles were wound tight around his cock as if he were being sucked in deeper. His cock stiffened up as he drove it down to the base into Lia’s anus one last time and began to pump her with thick spunk. He had done it. He had made her wildest fantasy of being filled up with her own brother’s cum inside every hole a reality. There was so much seed that it actually was pouring out of her holes. Once finished, he slowly pulled his cock from her anus as his erection finally began to subside. Lia said nothing as she laid there in pleasure, her pussy and ass still trembling.

“That wasn’t in any of my doujins…” she slurred, as if in a drunken stupor, giggling softly before finally passing out. Her brother looked at her, Lia still trembling slightly as her holes dripped with a mixture of cum and sweat. He let out a deep sigh, knowing he had gone too far and got to work rectifying the situation. When Lia finally woke up, it was around 3 in the morning. She quickly looked around and realized she was in her brother’s room, lying in bed next to him. He had taken the liberty of not only taking off her nurse outfit and dressing her in PJs, but also carrying her to bed with him. Lia felt a sense of relief, knowing he wasn’t angry at her, and soon fell back asleep spooning up next to him.

The next day, Rinmama was expected to arrive early in the afternoon. Lia's brother silently gathered both their clothes and the sheets from her room, tossing them into the wash. When Lia finally woke up, she found him in the laundry room trying to erase any evidence of what they had done. Memories of their wild night ran through her head and Lia could already feel herself getting wet again as she watched his bulging muscles tossing sheets into the washer and taking clothes out of the dryer. She took a step into the laundry room and began to rub herself through her pajama pants:
“So… what’s next? Little sis stuck in the dryer? A brother sister onsen? How do you feel about armpits? What about braps? Maybe I can wear a collar next time and be your cute subby imouto? Oh! I wonder if any of my friends would be willing to join us, you’ve met Uruka already haven’t you?”
Her brother said nothing but merely gave her a look of disapproval. Lia rolled her eyes as she left the room “fine, we’ll talk about it later… big bro.”

Pub: 19 Sep 2023 23:11 UTC
Views: 129