Proposal for the war with /ccu/ and the establishment of /rumina/

/lig/ would get into a large scale conflict with /ccu/ over difference about some of their shared gods leading to war.

retro reich would get called upon by /lig/ to join forces in this conflict and woould support /lig/ from the oceanside.

/yah/ would join /ccu/ in the conflict over past issues with the retro reich where the retro reich had shown hostilities and even done small scale actions against their navy due to misunderstanding on the site of the retro reich where some schizo terrorist attacks where wrongly contributed to /yah/.

while /lig/ would slowly advance on the landfront, the situation would be more of a stalemate. retro reich menawhile would have cut off their islands from the mainland while engaging in naval battles across their coastline.

The islands would be weakened due to support from the mainland anymore and when /rumina/ arrives with their ships and forces get taken out by /rumina/.

when the retro reich learns of this new force they would engage in diplomatic talk with /rumina/. /lig/ and retro reich promises them sovereignity of land from /ccu/ in return for their help in the conflict.

/rumina/ would manage to get a foothold in /ccu/ due to their main forces being located at the front with /lig/. /ccu/ would eventually be forced in such a bad situation that they open talk with /lig/, and have parts of their people switch sides and join into /lig/ proper.

meanwhile /yah/ and retro reich also openn talks and agree to lay down their further involvement in this as they realise their differences were based on wrong intel.

the rest of /ccu/ gets destroyed by /rumina/ with the remaining land and the islands going over to them as agreed to before.

Pub: 10 Jan 2023 20:36 UTC
Views: 102