fishy business

Cris has been waiting for this particular weekend for quite a while

It wasn't her first time at the aquarium but it was Sunny's, so that was all the incentive she needed to geek out about every single animal they were about to see

She will make sure this day will be one for the books, the fact that it was a date as well may have something to do with her enthusiasm. but if it is. she isn't telling

The best part is that it just a couple of bus stops between Faraway and the Aquarium, so that plus getting some seats made the journey there a bliss

One that she was enjoying a little too much

Cris may as well be doing the grow-up version of euphorically screaming she was going to the candy store, her excitement sipping through her every action

Indeed, she was shifting her weight from one side to the other. Both of her hands intertwined while her face beamed with joy, truly a sight to behold!

Sunny was initially amused by her enthusiasm, but eventually, even he warmed up to it. Unfortunately, Sunny committed the grave mistake of asking her if he needed to know anything before they got there

30 minutes and what sounded like "Cris's guide for visiting the aquarium" later they finally arrive

A modest-looking building that attracted locals and nearby visitors alike, Lucky, Sunny made a reserve for the guided tour even if the place wasn't packed to the brim with people

Ah! everything was going according to plan, the creatures of the blue liquid were trapping Sunny imagination in a beautiful combination of colors and forms

But then the guide fuking ruined it

A most dangerous combination of reading Wikipedia articles and hating his job was giving all the visitors a nice case of narcolepsy

A voice as monotone as a math teacher that found out that he didn't like math after 10 yeast of teaching it

the Stingray was getting described like it was a blanket with a tail, this guy can make a nuclear explosion seem like a boring chemical reaction!

This won't do, this won't do at all

Cris pulled Sunny's sleeve to get his attention, she just save him from falling asleep right there and then without knowing

"Pssss, do you want to ditch this snooze factory?"

There was no debate, they just pulled a u-turn and watched the animals alone

Well as alone as one can be in a tube with guideless people that did pay for the "riveting" explanations of a guide

Sunny noted how the disappointment threatening to snuff out Cris aquatic enthusiasm for the day

Scanning for any fish that he was curious about, he eventually pointed at one "so what do you know about that one?"

"That... just a clownfish" Cris waved her hand dismissively

It was time for the Suzuki classic "yeah look like a boring fish, he just went inside that mushroom"

like a glove hitting her in the face, Cris could feel her honor being challenged right there

"Anemone. because you see Sunny these two have a deeply symbiotic relationship that--"

hook line and sinker

Sunny little trickery made Cris come back to her animal planet monologues, much to his delight, but seems like it was working a little too well...

It starter innocently enough with some people just looking at the blue haired athlete pouring her little heart out about her favorite subject

The few became the many and eventually one asked "Excuse me, what about that one"

Working the aquarium was a predictable yet rewarding job, preach your love for the wildlife, amaze the kids with the spectacle of the animal kingdom and well, the profits were a nice bonus

the only weird part of the job came from the animals, in this particular case the most evolved animal of then all, the visitors

What is a manager supposed to do when he sees a teenager get so many visitors invested in aquatic life when the guides can't even do the same with half of the persons under they wing?

Probably kick them for making an illegal tour


"What going on here?"

Cris was startled, losing her train of thoughts, at the manager approaching her little improv tour "i... well you see, i was, we were"

the rest of the visitors took the queue and just moved along

Sunny sidestepped close to the nervous Cris "helping the place..."

"We were helping this place by enhancing the visitor's experience...

"...and profit"

"And bringing that mad cash yo!"

The look of disbelief in Sunny was so strong that she had to shrug her hands, a nervous smile trying to defend the downtown outburst

"Well, unofficial tours do not bring that "dough" now do they?"

Quick in her feat, she responded "but 5 stars reviews do! kinda..."

He faked being in deep thoughts by scratching his chin with his pointer and thump "say do you have a summer job yet? this place could use someone as motivated as you"

"Really?!?" she was ready to accept at that instant but something in the back of her mind brought her back to earth "wait, you don't need a diploma for this?"

His strident laughter made the seals seem quiet in comparison "Only if you want to get paid above minimum wage, kiddo"

"But i have never done something like this before"

Asking himself what should he do to help, Sunny channeled his inner Kel

He gives Cris a pat in the back "i think you will be perfect for it"

His smile needs some more work but it was good enough for her "heh, i mean why not right? gonna give it a try!"

"So it's settled then see you tomorrow"

"do I get free merch?"



"Don't be greedy" said Sunny "I am sure you can get some employed to smuggle something for you"

"Don't pretend you didn't want anything"

"I am good, i already have this ""sick necklace yo!"" remember? "

Cris gave a light jab to Sunny's arm " i was nervous, okay?"

"hehe, wanna see the killer whales?"

"I will love too"

Pub: 29 Dec 2021 04:49 UTC
Views: 613