Chapter 8: Coward
Nikako: What's going on...?
Nikako: Irurun, are you alright?
Iruru: ...
Nikako: D-did you two get into a fight?
Hatsumi: It's nothing. I just wanted to speak with her.
Nikako: Just wanted to speak with her...? It really didn't seem like the case...
Iruru: Don't worry about it Nikako. It really just a chat, we just got worked up is all.
Nikako: ...
Nikako: Um... So what happened?
The ending of the play was changed, wasn't it? I have no idea whats going on...
Hatsumi: Iruru went and went against orders. She was going to perform without her sense as I ordered, but she betrayed me.
Hatsumi: So... I sealed her Sense. That's all.
Nikako: Eh...?
Iruru: ...I didn't want the play to fail.
Iruru: My performance was stilted up until the end, it was far from perfect.
Iruru: And then came the "Dance of the 7 veils" scene. I couldn't afford to fail the performance.
Iruru: But then someone had to go and ruin it.
Hatsumi: Couldn't afford to fail the performance?
Hatsumi: How can you even succeed if you don't over the fear of failure.
Iruru: ...
Iruru: Well, thats easy for someone like you to say. But that's not how it is for everyone else...
Hatsumi: You're just way too afraid of failure.
Iruru: Of course I am. We're literally taking money from the audience...!
Hatsumi: Oh, so is that what this all boils down to? It's that you're too weak-willed, thats why you couldn't do it.
Hatsumi: We're taking from audience. Yeah, thats true. But the Eden audience doesn't come for the typical mediocre plays.
Hatsumi: You betrayed the audience with your own selfishness. You coward.
Iruru: ...
Iruru: Yeah, sure, my liege. But you're the one that's using this coward.
Iruru: You just love to say as you please, don't you? Like calling me a coaward.
Iruru: What next? Kick people out beccause they won't listen to you?
Iruru: Up until now, you've been doing whatever you like with me.
Hatsumi: What was that? You...
Nikako: Hold on... REn-san, calm down! Irurun too...!
Iruru: God.... I sick of this!
Iruru: I knew I shouldn't have reached out to you.
Nikako: Irurun...
Iruru: I was an idiot. I didn't know what I was capable of...
Hatsumi: ...
Hatsumi: ...It would've been better if the play had just failed.
Hatsumi: If anything happened, I could've just done something to fix it.
Hatsumi: I wanted to let you do whatever you wanted... And see your full potential.
Iruru: ...
Hatsumi: But you let go of that 1% chance and ran away.
Iruru: ...!
Nikako:L Ren-san...! Stop berated Irurun.
Hatsumi: ... I've had enough.
Nikako: Ren-san?
Hatsumi: I don't need you in this play.
Nikako: Hold on, where are you going? Wait...!
Nikako: Irurun... Are you alright?
Nikako: Huh? Irurun--
Iruru: S-sorry.
Iruru: Could you head back? I'll head back in a bit.
Iruru: I just want to be by myself for a little bit.
Nikako: ...
Nikako: Got it.
Nikako: I'll see you later then.
Iruru: ...
Iruru: ....
Iruru: ...
Iruru: Ahaha, Ahahaa...
Iruru: ...
Iruru: ...
Iruru: And so the first day of the performance of "Salome" came to an end. The next performance was apruptly announced to be cancelled.
Iruru: And the actors' roles were changed. Salome would be played by Karasumori Daikoku, and the role of Herodia would be replaced by another actor.
Iruru: Hatsumi's policy was to not use actors that couldn't follow instructions. Which was convenient for me, since I couldn't stay.
Iruru: And so I...