Ch. 7 ~ Friend and Rival

Mito: (I worried about it, but... I've already decided what dish to make)

Mito: (There should be enough time.

Iroha: Mito-chan.

Mito: Ah, Iroha-chan...

Mito: Ehehe.
This is Mito's, first time doing something like a cooking competition.

Iroha: I'm cheering for you, Mito-chan.

Mito: Eh, really?

Iroha: Of course.
We're best friends, after all!

Mito: B, but... Iroha-chan, you said Xue-chan's fried rice was delicious.

Iroha: Fried rice?

Iroha: Ah, that's true... That truly had an unforgettable taste.

Mito: Unforgettable...?

Iroha: But, Mito-chan's fried rice was also amazing!

Mito: Ah...

Mito: Thanks...

Mito: Ugh...

Iroha: What's wrong? Mito-chan.

Mito: ... Mito, might want to win against Xue-chan after all...

Iroha: Ooohh?
For you to care so much about winning, that's kinda rare.

Mito: Is that... So?

Mito: That's true... I don't really get it myself...

Iroha: Ahaha, but, that might be fine, too!

Mito: ... Yup, I want to win today.

Mito: But... I don't want to fight with Xue-chan...

Mito: What... Should Mito do?

Iroha: ... In that case! How about you change yourself?
Into the protagonist of "Warfront of Created Flavors," Shirou, for example!

Mito: Ah.
You mean acting, like on stage?

Iroha: Yes. Shirou deepens his comradery and friendship through cooking battles, doesn't he?
You'll be playing that kind of protagonist.

Mito: I wonder if I can do... Something like that.

Iroha: When we were watching a movie with everyone at Denki the other day, you got into character.
I don't think it's impossible.

Mito: That was because I got caught up in it...
For cooking, even if I don't go that far...

Iroha: But Xue-chan wanted a serious competition, didn't she?

Iroha: Shirou's rival, Misuke, even!

Iroha: "Passionless cooking has no taste to me," he said!

Mito: ...

Iroha: Come to think of it, "Warfront of Created Flavors" had an anime adaptation, didn't it?
I'll go play the cooking battle scene between Shirou and Misuke!

Mito: ... Okay.

Mito: Mito, will try it...!

Xue: Okay.

Hikari: Xue, taking a break?

Xue: All that's left is to let it simmer as the flavor seeps in.

Xue: ... What're Shiromaru and the others do—

Xue: Hm?

Mito: "Uooooooooohhhh!!!!!!"

Xue: Wh, what on earth...!?
What's going on!?

Kamira: Looks like Mitorin, like, got into character...?

Kamira: Wait, that shout while cutting vegetables...

Kamira: Is it Shirou!?
Hikari: Is that from the cooking manga you mentioned earlier!?

Xue: Hah!?

Mito: "I can see it, the image of my cooking!!!!!
I can hear them, the voices of the ingredients!!!!!"

Hikari: S, such energy. So she can do this kind of acting, too...
Mito-chan is amazing~

Xue: Rather than acting, it's like she's become a completely different person...!?
Can something like that even happen!?

Kamira: I mean, Sheshe, you asked for a serious competition.
That's Mitorin being serious.

Xue: What...?

Xue: Kuh... Then I, too, will add some ingredients—!

Kamira: Looks like Sheshe's more fired up, too~

Hikari: Incredible...!
Those two are putting out so much heat, the area around the kitchen is hot! Heat up!

Kamira: You can really feel the heat around here...
We're gonna have soup after this, too. It's fine, I guess.

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Pub: 26 Apr 2024 16:44 UTC
Edit: 27 Apr 2024 02:25 UTC
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