3D Flick Fix 3D Flick Fix

Options For Access


There are many options to download, mount, or stream the collection and as a subscriber you will have access to any or all you want to use.

Option 1 | FileZilla.Pro.3.65.Portable.3DFF.7z
Option 2 | MountKit3DFF.7z
Option 3 | RcloneBrowser3DFF.7z

Option 1 - Basic FTP Access | Good For Downloading!

  1. Download FileZilla.Pro.3.65.Portable.3DFF.7z and unzip to a permanent location of your choice that it can be run from. This is a portable version of the professional version of FileZilla. Alternatively, you can download the free, non-portable edition from the official site https://filezilla-project.org/download.php .... You can also use any other FTP client of your choice, of course, but the directions will be FileZilla specific here.


If you choose to use "FileZilla.Pro.3.65.Portable.3DFF" Do NOT update the Portable FileZilla Pro or it will no longer be Professional or Portable. This is just an added benefit for those that want it and NOT required.

  1. Open FileZilla and set up the layout to your liking. There are a few settings we recommend, go to Edit > Settings > Interface and then set (from the top under layout)
  • Layout of File and Directory Panes: Blackboard
  • Message Log Position: Next To The Transfer Queue
  • Prevent System From Entering Idle Sleep During Transfer and Other Operations: Checked
  • On Startup Of FileZilla: Restore Tabs and Reconnect
  1. Go to File > Site Manager. If you are using the provided FileZilla, our hostname and port and everything will be set up already, you should see it as shown below. If using the free FileZilla from the official source or another FTP client, copy the information as shown below. Once you get to here, find the username and password given to you upon subscribing. That is your username and password that will be used here. It will be given to use in this method: USERNAME:PASSWORD. So for example, if you were given 3DFlickFixUser:StrongPassword you would enter 3DFlickFixUser in the "User:" field and type in StrongPassword when it asks for your password.

Site Manager

  1. Hitting Connect will save the information for next time and connect you to the 3D Movies. On join, you will see a pop-up so that you can verify you are connecting to the right location. It should look like the example below the fingerprints. Please ensure the fingerprint info matches those directly below to ensure you are connecting to us correctly, for our safety and yours. Some FTP clients will use either SHA-256 or SHA-1 but FileZilla uses both.

Fingerprint Info - For Easier Comparing

Fingerprint (SHA-256): 53:3e:85:c8:e4:e1:3f:62:13:d7:88:1c:78:82:55:ca:2a:36:fb:ea:ab:4c:35:ec:77:bd:5d:41:d8:6a:c1:e4
Fingerprint (SHA-1): 3a:28:b1:15:2a:8d:b4:e8:db:15:c7:fced:f5:61:7a:46:a8:58:05

Unknown Certificate

  1. Once you are connected you will see the 3D Movies and Various categories. Right click and download your desired files. Enjoy!

Option 2 - Mounting As A Drive | Good For Downloading, Base For Streaming, Very Convenient!


ALL MOUNTING METHODS ON WINDOWS REQUIRE INSTALLING WINFSP! Make sure its installed before attempting mount! It is included or get it here


Both Option 2 and Option 3 require an rclone config. You will get one along with your login info when you subscribe

Where Do You Want The Mount?

All methods require MountKit3DFF.7z, get it here

To mount the 3D remote, you have a few options. First option you need to pick is how and where you want the mount.
By default, its set to the last UNUSED drive so for most people that will mount it to Z:
Edit the mount.bat with a text editor (notepad will work but we recommend Notepad ++) if you want to change this. Here is how to change it and how that works:

1. Mounting To Last Unused Drive
rclone mount remote:path/to/files *
2. Mounting To A Specific Drive
rclone mount remote:path/to/files X:
3. Mounting To A Folder
rclone mount remote:path/to/files C:\path\parent\mount

The top option is default, to your last unused drive, second option we are choosing the X drive as the mount point, and the 3rd option is mounting to a specific folder.

The third option is our favorite option. Remember though, the mount point can't exist as a physical drive, so for example to mount to D:\Games\MountPoint only the D:\Games can exist and then it will make a virtual, network MountPoint subfolder inside of Games. The new command would be rclone mount 3DMovies: D:\3D\MountPoint If there are any spaces in the path, the path needs to go into quotes. For example "D:\3D Movies\MountPoint"

Once you have figured out which of the 3 methods you want to use and have edited the bat (or left it alone), its time to choose a method to mount.

How Do You Want To Mount The Remote?

1. Mounting With Mount.bat | Quick And Easy.

For a quick mount that will close with the bat file, use the Mount.bat alone by double clicking it. Once you close the bat, the mount is ended. This is for a quick mount and should not be used long-term.

2. Mounting With Mount.vbs | Quick and Easy, But A Bit More Permanent. Can AutoStart With Windows.

The next method which is decent and easy is using the mount.vbs to mount instead of the .bat directly. This will mount automatically until you end the task of rclone.exe in task manager or until you restart your PC. If you want it to automount on computer start just make a shortcut to mount.vbs and then press WIN + R and type in "shell:startup". Move the shortcut to the mount.vbs into this startup folder and then it will mount on reboot as well without any manual steps.

The third way is the hardest but also easiest to maintain. It involves making the mount into a service.

There are two options one for regular mounting as a service only and the second is the mounting as a service and using plex as the streaming device. They are similar but with slight differences. Choose which one matches your use case best and then follow the appropriate method below

1. Mounting As A Windows Service Only

To do this open a cmd window in the same folder as NSSM.exe. To start the service you need to run CMD as an admin so to make it easier just start CMD as admin in the first place.

To make a service, simply type NSSM install %Service% in the command prompt, type the name of the service (without %'s) instead of %Service%. We chose 3D in our example to make it easier so after typing NSSM install 3D it opens a GUI. its got a lot of bells and whistles that you do not need. Simple choose the mount.bat under path: and then choose the full path to your Mount 3D folder as the startup directory. No arguments are needed and make sure the Service Name: is what you want. In this case for us 3D. Here is a picture of what it should look like:

NSSM Install Service

After that simply hit the "install service" button. To start the service go back to your command prompt, it should still be open and running as admin, and type nssm start %Service% (again not really service but the service name you chose). It SHOULD start here. If you get an error or it says it cant be started you may have done something wrong OR try nssm restart %Service% (3D or whatever you chose) ... this should fix it if not you may need to ask for help. Thats it then it will run as a service and start with windows.

2. Mounting As A Windows Service With Plex To Stream To Another Device

To do this open a cmd window in the same folder as NSSM.exe. To start the service you need to run CMD as an admin so to make it easier just start CMD as admin in the first place.

To make a service, simply type NSSM install %Service% in the command prompt, type the name of the service instead of %Service%. We chose 3D in our example to make it easier so after typing NSSM install 3D it opens a GUI. its got a lot of bells and whistles that you do not need. Simply choose the rclone.exe under path and then choose the full path to you Mount 3D folder as the startup directory. Under arguments you need to type mount --dir-cache-time 72h --drive-chunk-size 64M --log-level INFO --vfs-read-chunk-size 32M --vfs-read-chunk-size-limit off 3DFlickFix: MountPoint: --config "C:\path\to\rclone.conf" --vfs-cache-mode full Leave this all as is (unless you are an advanced user) but you MUST change these parts 3DFlickFix: MountPoint: --config "C:\path\to\rclone.conf" 3DFlickFix is the name of the remote in the config we gave you, leave this as is unless you changed the remote name manually.... MountPoint: will be the path you are mounting to, either a drive or a folder as you want to use. What you type here will let you choose that now.... and --config "C:\path\to\rclone.conf" needs to be changed to the path of the supplied rclone.config (the one you got from us when signing up). This path should include the directory with rclone.conf at the end. Here is a picture of what it should look like:

NSSM Install Service

After that simply hit the "install service" button. To start the service go back to your command prompt, it should still be open and running as admin, and type nssm start %Service% (again not really service but the service name you chose). It SHOULD start here. If you get an error or it says it cant be started you may have done something wrong OR try nssm restart %Service% (3d or whatever you chose) ... this should fix it if not you may need to ask for help. Thats it then it will run as a service and start with windows.

Now you need to set up plex from here. Install Plex Media Server for windows if you havent already, and when you are in the web gui make a library. Use the mountpoint from the previous arguments, or just the folder you want to mount in case you only want to mount Blockbuster Movies or JFC or whatever. Continue as normal and complete the new library. Best to only include 3D movies in this one and create a new library for non 3D if you want, i have Movies, TV Shows, and 3D (3 seperate libraries) myself. After its complete it will take a while for all movies and movie covers to populate in the library, this is normal. It is mounted in the cloud and not local so it takes much longer then a local library. While its populating you need to change a few plex settings for best experience. You dont want to be accessing the internet too much when not using or causing ratelimits in the rclone mount so make these changes in plex settings:

Setting up Plex

  1. Go to Server Settings Under Library, disable (choose never from dropdown menu):

    1. "Empty trash automatically after every scan"
    2. "Generate video preview thumbnails"
    3. "Generate chapter thumbnails"
  2. Under Scheduled Tasks, disable (choose never from dropdown menu):

    1. “Perform extensive media analysis during maintenance”

Disabling these options will prevent you from getting API banned!

Thats it! If you have done everything right you should see something like this: https://streamable.com/buplqp

Other useful NSSM commands: nssm stop %Service%, nssm edit %Service%, nssm status %Service%, nssm remove %Service% A complete list of NSSM commands can be found here.

Option 3 - Rclone Browser | Best For Downloading, Can Stream But Requires Some Research, EASY SETUP!


Some users have reported very slow speeds with rclone browser, but normal speed in option 1 and option 2. This doesnt happen for everyone and we have not been able to reproduce or figure out why this happens for some users. If you get speed issues please try one of the other methods!


Both Option 2 and Option 3 require an rclone config. You will get one with your login info when you subscribe

This option is one of our favorite. Its very easy and convenient. You do not get a drive on your computer but you get a bit more control and can see what's going on easier as far as download speed and other conveniences. Rclone Browser is available on github and is the best option for Mac and Linux users alongside FTP using an FTP client. The Rclone Browser for windows we provide comes prebundled with an rclone.exe, an rclone.conf that you will overwrite with the one we give you when you subcribe, an rclonebrowser.ini to make it portable and save your settings, and a bat to quickly update the rclone.exe if you want. Linux and Mac users can get similar files for their OS on the official github

Rclone Browser

The rclone.conf you get when you subscribe can be used for Option 2 and Option 3, and also anything else rclone related. Theres RCX (rclone for android) in case you want to download direct to an android device (Meta Quest VR Headset would be a use case for this) or any other use you can think of that requires an rclone config. The info is not encrypted and the quota is yours to do what you want with.

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Pub: 23 Feb 2024 04:00 UTC
Edit: 09 Jun 2024 23:30 UTC
Views: 1858