You had plans for college spring break, plans to go to the beach and find a woman around your age.
Your boss at Great Outdoors Magazine, had other plans for you in Louisiana, horrible plans
Namely, pictures of wildlife in the swamp. A job for which you were completely unqualified for.
All of your work for the magazine normally took place in a climate controlled building doing editing.
Unfortunately, he'd have none of it, so off you went with cash to cover bare minimum travel expense and lodging.
Supposedly, you would meet up with a tour guide down there who would take you places.
Given you had to meet the guy at a certain time, you programmed the GPS in your POS car.
An eight hour drive later, you arrived in Louisiana, in some backwater town with a French name.
It was hot, humid, well and truly away from any beach body women.
This was only the start of your troubles, as apparently, your tour guide was arrested for possession of controlled substances.
On top of this, the hotels were booked for a bunch of competitive fishers.
Those that weren't, were in a pretty sketchy part of town, so you had no choice but to sleep in your car.
It was miserable, but at least any money you saved would be added to your pay.
Next morning, you drove down a dirt road to an unused fishing area, nature preserve and all that.
Humidity Caused your clothing to stick to you, and the bugs swarmed you relentlessly.
Plenty of swamp to take pictures of, and a moss covered dock stuck out into the water a ways
Carefully, you marched out, eyeing the wall of green before you, raising the camera you were given.
It was digital, waterproof, and had a good lens, and all you had to do was get a weeks worth of pictures.
After a minute of scanning, you managed to spot a dragonfly, gotta start somewhere right.
A few seconds later, you have a pretty decent set of pictures, perhaps this won't be so bad.


You jump a little, and spin around, looking for the woman who spoke to you, but nobody's there.

"Down here city boy."

Looking at the end of the dock, your heart all but leaps into your throat when you spot the gator woman.
She's resting here elbows on the edge of the dock, staring up at you with unblinking reptilian eyes.
Odds are, she isn't floating so much as standing in the water, grinning like the cat catching a canary.
Heavyset women weren't exactly your thing, but her massive boobs pressed against the end of the pier...
Your face breaks out in a horrible blush as you avert your gaze, the gator woman huffing in amusement.

"See somthin' ya like Slick?"

A few months back, you'd seen a video on the net involving a Florida Man and a Gator Woman.
Apparently, Florida Man tried snatching a purse from some mouse woman and sprinting to his getaway car.
Some gator woman saw this and took great offence, and proceeded to charge the bastard.
She plowed through a small tree, a sign, and T-boned the car so hard the side caved in and it slide a few feet.
This wasn't the end of it, with a grunt she flipped the car onto its side as though it were a toy.
Then she tore the roof off, hauled the guy out, and gave the lady back her purse.
It had been funny to watch, but now you were in a very bad spot, having ogled a naked gator woman.
She didn't seem to mind at all, but you weren't a perv, and definitely didn't want to be considered one.
To make matters worse, it seemed that her friends had shown up, and they were just as big.

"Oh, who's your friend Gabby?"
"Well now, city boy want a show heh heh."
"Slick alright for a city boy girls," Gabby said, "Though what brings ya to the bayou?"

If you turn around and start hauling ass, you could get to your car and get out of here.

"Um, my boss sent me to get some pictures of the local wildlife."

You take a step back. At this, the three chuckle, and shift as though to climb onto the dock.

"Leavin' so soon Slick? Perhaps you'd like to get a few pictures of some 'Wild' women first?"
"I appreciate the offer, but I should probably give you your privacy and all."

You turn and make it about three steps before slamming to a wall of flesh, sinking into it slightly from momentum.
Before you can fall down however, a powerful arm pulls you back in, your face buried in soft, sun-warmed scales.

"Now now ladies," the newcomer rumbles, "Did Ma' teach y'all o be nice to gentlemen? Slick here seems decent for city folk."

With a sinking sensation, you realize that your face is currently imprisoned between a massive set of boobs.
Most men would kill to be in such a position...odds were you were about to die in it, Not the worst way to go.
The deep chuckling of voices indicate the rest of them are out of the water now.
You are pulled out of your plush prison and held at arms length by strong and large gator hands.
The Gator woman before you stand s 7'6", looks about 420 pounds, and has a scar over one eye.
There are four more of them, including the ones you've already seen, the newest face wearing a baseball cap.

"So tell me Slick," Scarface rumbles with a giant grin, "What brings ya to this humble slice o' Louisiana?"

So you tell them why you're out here sweating like mad, and hoping they don't kill you.
A few minutes of explaining later, they all seem to be giving you sympathetic looks and nodding in understanding.

"Well, Slick," Scarface says, "Me and the girls have been having a bit of a dry spell here, and we could yous a polite young man like yourself to help us out."
"In return, we help you get some pictures and give ya place to stay, sound like a deal?"

Normally, you'd have booked it, but five women eager to jump(break) your bones and keeping your job was too good to pass up.

"Good," Scarface says, before snatching your camera, "Yer the more digitally inclined of us 'lizbeth. Snap a few pics will ya?"

Wait, now? but before you can protest further, Scarface grips your head in a massive hand and draws you in for a kiss.
Gator snouts weren't designed for kissing, but Scarface isn't deterred, her tongue pouring into your mouth, nearly gagging you.
Your knees all but buckle as you sag in her grip, her second hand groping your ass and feeling you up.
Her tongue overwhelms yours, and any attempt to kiss back is met with overwhelming force.
Finally, she lets you come up for air, a thick strand of drool connecting your mouths.

"Name's Jessie," She says, "you'll be screaming it shortly."

You try to give her yours, but you're smothered by a massive breast the size of a basketball.
Jessie is going to work getting your pants off, and the other girls are rubbing themselves idly as they watch.
A few seconds later, Jessie has you mostly naked, your pants bunched up around your boots as she brings you in for another kiss.
Her scaly body feels wonderful against your own, even beneath buttery fat you can feel her muscles shifting like steel cables.
Your pinned to the ground, Jessie resting her thick thighs on either side of your body, eyeing your junk.

"No half bad for a city boy Slick," She grins.

She grinds against you, her sheer mass pinning you to the ground, her lower lips slathering more moisture onto you.
Your body drags against the muddy ground, it and her body pleasantly cool in comparison to the swampy heat you'd been facing.
Finally, she lifts up, lines you up carefully, and hilts you in one go, her insides gripping you like a velvety fist.
She begins moving a a steady pace, her hips driving you into the ground, hands planted either side of your head.
Those massive breast sway in hypnotic motions, leaving you open-mouthed as you gaze up at them.

"Go on Slick, play with 'em."

You do, your fingers sinking into them up to the knuckle, occasionally playing with her nipples. She'd gasp occasionally when you did this.
Her pace picked up, slamming down onto you, you'd definitely be sore after all of this.
After a minute of this, you were at your limit, panting from heat and exertion.

"I'm gonna..."
"Almost there Slick, hang on."

A few second later, you climax, you vision blurring from the intensity of it. Jessie follows suite moments later, smashing down on you.
She lay atop you, her passage milking you dry all while letting out a bone-shaking rumble, rattling your brains even further.
Panting, her full weight presses on you for a moment, driving the air from your lungs, before she rolled over with you in tow.
After the both of you recovered, Jessie helped you get dressed before telling Brenda(ballcap) to get you to the house.
Brenda had to lay the front seat back most the way so she could lean over it from the back seat. She was nice, and apparently a mechanic.
An hour of navigating twisting back roads later, you arrived at their house, a waterside affair with a monstrous truck parked out front.
Jessie, Gabby, Elizabeth, and Mary were waiting for the two of you, apparently swimming through the swamp was far faster.
Gabby helped you settle in, before pulling you aside entirely for a bit of fun of her own. By the time you could stand it was lunch.
Mary was one hell of a cook, her food was far better than anything you;d had on they way out here, or nuked in the microwave.
A short siesta later, and Gabby took you into the swamp to take some pictures. You rode on her back, the tough scales a stark contrast to those on her belly.
She could get into places no boat could hope to, and she was a lot quieter, pointing out various creatures for you to shoot.
By the time you got back, Mary had some of her mother's secret Gumbo recipe ready, and insisted on putting meat on your bones.
After helping her with the dishes, Mary decided to reward you a little, and carried your spent body to bed with her like a teddy.
The next four days would go in a similar manner, and you found yourself enjoying it immensely.
Sure, there were a few mishaps along the way, like Elizabeth knocking you over with a playful tail-slap to the back of your legs and leaving a light bruise.
Then there was the time Mary about smothered you with one of her enormous tits, in her sleep, and her response to your struggles was to pull you closer.
You joined them for a game of football in a field, your smaller size and agility allowing you to slip past the other players a few times.
Jessie then tackled you and death-rolled across half the field however, scrambling your brains and nearly dislocating your shoulder in the process.
Brenda insisted on going over your car to make sure everything was working properly. You got to help fix the car and service her.
Gabby left a few claw marks on you back after a particularly intense bout of lovemaking, but thankfully nothing requiring stitches.
Wrestling was a constant pastime, and the girls found your resistance to be adorable.
Been cuddled was mandatory, as was being the smaller spoon, but that wasn't so bad.
You even went to see a mud-wrestling match between Jessie and some Burmese snake lady. It had been a close thing, but Jessie won.
The food was amazing, you got plenty of great pictures(some for keeping in the memory book), and the sex was awesome.
Still, you went to bed aching, sore, and looking forward to doing it all again in the morning.
All good things come to an end however, and on day five you began packing up and saying goodbye to the wonderful women you had met.
Elizabeth had helped you sort the pictures(work related from NSFW) the night before, and promised to keep in touch via email.
You let her upload a few copies of pictures of the six of you, and then the girls gave you a group hug that threatened to pop your spine.

"Ya' come back soon now ya hear."

You promised to visit when you got time off or headed out this way, and began the long drive home.
Upon arriving back at your apartment, you staggered inside, walked to your bed, and face-planted on it, revealed to be back.
It was a little disappointing when you weren't grabbed by scaly hands and pulled up against a larger woman.
Still, you had work in the morning, and, come to think of it, you never did get to take that vacation of yours.
You'd put in for a week in the fall, and head back over to the girls then, once you made sure you could pull it off.
And you still had most of the travel expense money, the Boss wouldn't notice most of it missing, he wasn't the brightest bulb in the building.
Everything turned out wonderfully, much better than you'd imagined. You couldn't wait to go back though, but you;d survive until then.

Pub: 19 Aug 2024 13:30 UTC
Views: 221