Just a few hours ago, the Russian money corporation SBER provided a new neural network GIGACHAT (https://vc.ru/ml/674839-sber-predstavil-chat-bota-gigachat-sobstvennuyu-alternativu-chatgpt), which is a mixture of 3.5 and some Chinese know-how. But, as it turned out, they also have a full-fledged closed GPT 4 located on high-powered servers! With the help of some leaks from the Russian board 2ch, we were able to reproduce the chain, by which all Russian Internet users can freely get at their disposal GPT 4 key for the test! IT HAPPENED.

1) Go to https://www.gosuslugi.ru/


2) Register


3) Go to the tab "Пособия Пенсия Льготы"

Пособия Пенсия Льготы

4) Choose "Субсидии на ЖКХ" (this is a transcription of GPT).

Субсидии на ЖКХ

5) Apply for the service

(At this point, many are faced with the problem that the service may not be available in a particular region. A little bruteforcing will be needed here!)
Субсидии на ЖКХ

6) Wait for the API key to the Russian GPT-4 will come to personal cabinet


Pub: 24 Apr 2023 13:47 UTC
Edit: 23 May 2023 18:03 UTC
Views: 19312