Chapter 4: Sister
Ramona: Iroha? ...I'm sorry, did I saw something that offended you?
Iroha: Ah, N-no!
Iroha: Ummm.... What were we talking about again?
Ramona: You and Koyomi get along really well.
Ramona: Well, going back a little morem, we were talking about Koyomi taking it easy.
Iroha: ...Ahhh, thats right.
Ramona: She's quite the diligent one. Even during breaks, if you leave her alone, she ends up practicing again.
Iroha: Ahaha. Even at home, she's always practicing, even I get worried...
Ramona: Right? She used to do things by herself, but recently, she's stepped out and been inviting me.
Iroha: Eh, is that so?
Ramona: Yep! She lent me this book too remember.
Iroha: Oh I see!
Iroha: So Onee-san's...
Ramona: Shes truly changed since I started to join the troupe. Haha, she was even talking all night when we went on the training camp.
Iroha: ...
Ramona: Iroha? What's wrong?
Iroha: It's nothing, I just didn't imagine that she changed that much... We don't get much of a chance to speak to each other at home.
Iroha: I'm so glad that she's able to be with you at GIngaza.
Ramona: Haha, it's quite embarrassing when you put it like that. But I'm glad that I could have a positive impact on her.
Ramona: Oh, we've started talking about acting and family again. Why don't we talk about something more enjoyable?
Ramona: Oh right, that other day I went to the park with HIkari--
Iroha: ...
Ramona: And then, we ran into some of her fans at the movie theater and had a chat while they were there--
Iroha: U-um, Ramona-san.
Ramona: Hm? What's up?
Iroha: Um... I want to speak to you about something. Is that alright?
Iroha: It might be a bit sudden, but I want to talk about you who managed to change Onee-san.
Ramona: Of course. If thats what you want to talk about then I don't mind.
Iroha: Thank you very much. It might not the topic that you want to discuss...
Iroha: But the reason that Onee-san doesn't rest might be because of me.
Ramona: Eh? That's not-
Iroha: No. ...The reason she doesn't is because I don't have a Sense. And I'm able to live up to my grandmother's expectati0ons.
Iroha: Even if I continue acting, I'm unable to be at the top of Gingaza, or carry the Senju burden or make a mark in the world of acting.
Iroha: And so the responsibility lies on Onee-san. To be the lead face of the Senju family.
Ramona: But aren't you a well respected actor in Denki? You even played the lead role ion the last performance didnt you?
Iroha: Do you think so...? The Senju family just thinks its for fun and games.
Ramona: Theres no way thats the case. You must be missing something, its just a unfortunate misunderstanding.
Iroha: No, its the truth. No matter what I do, that family doesn't care about it.
IRoha: So... that why Onee-san never rests. I'm making her suffer.
Ramona: ...
Iroha: --IT was 8 years ago, when I was still in 3rd grade.
Iroha: i was following Onee-san's footsteps as recommended by my parents, and joined Gingaza, every day was frantic, but a fulfilling one.
Iroha: I wanted to be at the top of the children's troupe, just like Onee-san, I wanted to meet my parents expectations and make a name for myself in teh acting world.
Iroha: I would act together with my beloved sister. And I believed in that future with no signs of doubt at all.
Iroha: Eh, you're going to appear in the next Gingaza performance!?
Iroha: Amazing! You're going to perform with all the adults!
Koyomi: Fufu, yes. ALthough I'm only going to play as the child version of the main character.
Iroha: But still, you were chosen for the role by the director?
Iroha: I willd definitely go watch this! I'll even watch every performance!
Koyomi: Thanks, IRoha.
Koyomi: But because of that, I won't be able to practice with you in the meantime.
Iroha: Ah, I see... Thats a little sad to hear...
Iroha: In that case, I will just have to perform with you at Gingaza someday. I hear that they get way more visitors than the children's troupe.
Iroha: We'll stand on the stage together, put on an amazing performance, and receive a ton of applause from the audience!
Iroha: How does that sound?
Koyomi: Fufu. That sounds like an wonderful goal.
Koyomi: Iroha, you can come visit me anytime you want, even if you're not feeling lonely. And also, there's as new performance in the childrens troupe, isn't there?
Koyomi: In case, I won't be able to make it, I wish you the best for the performance. I'm also looking forward to that performance.
Iroha ...! Thank you!
Director: The next play will be "The Wizard of Oz". This is a play that the childrens troupe puts on every few years.
Director: There will be a lot of parents and visitors coming to watch. Lets make sure that we can put on a good performance.
Iroha: OF course!
Director: With that said, lets reveal the roles. First, The lead role, Dorothy, will be play by Senju Iroha.
Iroha: Eh1? Yes!
Iroha: I-I'm play the lead...!
Iroha: Thank you very much! I'll do my best!
Iroha: "I thought that all witches were bad people!"
Troupe Member: "No, that's not true. There are four witches in the Land of Oz. The good witches are in the North and South, while the bad ones are in the East and West."
Iroha: "But that's what Aunt Em said. She said that "All witches have been dead for years.'"
Troupe Member: "Aunt Em?"
Iroha: "Aunt Em is my Aunt from Kansas. And that's where I cam from as well."
Director: Senju-san, could you please raise your voice?
Iroha: OF course! I try to.
Iroha: "Aunt Em is my Aunt from Kansas. And that's where I cam from as well."
Director: Hmmm, You might not be a good fit for the role. Make sure you understand her desire to go home.
Iroha: I'm sorry...
Troupe Member A: I wonder why Iroha was chosen for the lead role.
Troupe Member B: Do you think its because her sister is a good actor? But Iroha in constrast, doesn't have a Sense right?
Troupe Member A: I think another actor would be better.
Iroha: ...
Iroha: No no, I can't let this get me down. Onee-chan's coming to watch as well, I need to word hard.
Iroha: Looking back, they're probably worried about the Senju family.
Iroha: Disregarding her ability, the face of the Senju family must be preserved, which is why the second child has been ignored.
Iroha: Without Koyomi and only Iroha, it would've been impossible. I wasn't able to realise that.
Koyomi: "Please lead me to you! Please don't leave me alone, brother."
Director: Cut! Senju, let's go with that. The sadness of parting with her brother was well expressed.
Koyomi: Thank you very much.
Troupe Member A: Senju-san's still an elementary student isn't she? With her Sense, she can put on a performance that can rival adults.
Troupe Member B: Before we know it, she's going to graduate from elementary school and join the adult division and leave us in the dust.
Troupe Member A: Then we will just be cast aside. I wonder how many more savants we'll get here.
Troupe Member B: Speaking of which, her sister is play the lead in the childrens troupe, isn't she? The one playing Dorothy?
Troupe Member A: Yeah. But rumour has it that she's not good at acting. She still doesn't have a Sense. And she's the complete oppopsite to her sister.
Koyomi: ...?
Troupe Member A: Ah... Senju-san. Did you not know?
Koyomi: ...Umm... I'm sorry, I just happened to overhear...
Troupe Member B: I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to hear that. It must be horrible to constantly compare sisters.
Koyomi: ...