The younger girl whimpered
under her, and Mae waited patiently to see what her response would be
to the moist hungry genitals poised so invitingly near.

To Jill the sensual display of Mae's pinkly glistening cunt lips only a
tongue's length away, was a mouth watering sight. She knew what was
expected of her and what she wanted to do, but she was still having
difficulty breathing, no longer certain whether she had cum or was
cumming, she had climaxed so many times. Her very strength was sapped
by the constantly spiraling sensations that ripped periodically through
her erotically trembling body. Her heart pounded, her mind seemed to
float on clouds of bliss, nothing else mattered but the endless ecstasy

The huge German shepherd, Hector, had watched the two nakedly squirming
bodies on the bed with white-hot interest, his trained animal instincts
making him keenly aware of what they were doing. Now as he saw his
familiar Mae crawl up on her hands and knees, her face buried between
the golden-haired girl's widely yawning legs, his eyes locked hungrily
onto his dark-haired friend's upraised buttocks. It was almost as if
their nakedly spread beauty was calling his name. The big animal's
nostrils were filled with the hot scent of passion flowing from between
the two women's lewdly writhing bodies and new life stirred in Hector's
hairy loins as he rose to his feet and moved pantingly toward the bed.

Both girls felt his weight as he jumped up next to them but only Jill
could see his handsome face as it moved in to sniff hungrily at Mae's
exposed genitals. The black wet tip of his nose actually touched the
dark-haired girl's tiny puckered anal lips.

"Ooooooohhh God, is that what I think it is?" Mae gasped, tier mouth
breaking contact with Jill's wetly raging pussy for the first time. She
drew a much needed breath.

"It's---It's Hector's nose!" Jill gasped, her heart leaping at the
sight of the big animal. "Was it cold?"

"Like an ice cube," Mae said with a small passionate shudder. "H-He's
sniffing my asshole, isn't he?"

"Yes," the fascinated young blonde replied, feeling her excitement
lewdly mount at the spectacular view above her.

"I ... I think he wants to ... fuck me," Mae gasped out. "He generally
starts by smelling your ... Aaaaaaaaah."

The dark-haired woman never had a chance to finish her sentence as
Hector's long thick tongue snaked wetly up into her lust-fired loins.
She trembled before its laving heat as it teased with hot curling
flicks up into her moist cuntal flesh and stabbed deliciously at her
budding clitoris.

From below, Jill watched in amazement as she looked up at Mae's hair-
shadowed loins, the thin pink lips of her wetly gleaming pussy only
inches away. Hector's huge tongue seemed to blot out the light as it
dug insistently past the tender outer flanges, sinking deep up into the
inner warmth. Mae jerked above her from the ecstasy of the dog's
preparatory caresses and then gyrated sensuously back against the
stabbing tongue.

"Ohhhhhhhhh, God ... reach up and guide his cock into me, Jill," the
older girl lewdly cried. "I've got to have it ... got to ..."

Jill looked back but the dog's penis was nowhere in sight so she
reached cautiously back to grasp its hairy sheath with her fingers,
feeling the thickening hardness growing excitedly inside. While she
crooned soft reassuring sounds to the dog she tenderly massaged the
heavy animal cock, gasping as the scarlet cone-shaped shaft suddenly
emerged, warm, wet, and glistening.

The panting animal immediately mounted Mae's longing hips, working in
close on his hind legs above Jill's face, his huge cock dancing madly
in the passion-soaked crevice between the lewdly offered buttocks.

"Do it, Jill, please ... Help him get into me! Mae feverishly begged,
obscenely undulating her ass-cheeks back in search of the hardened
spear of animal flesh, wanting it to fill her sizzling vaginal passage.
She tried to look back between her legs to watch, but all she could see
were Jill's nakedly swollen breasts, then her frantic eyes found the
dresser mirror and she could see it all reflected as she saw Jill's
hand guiding that long pointed rod of animal flesh toward her pink wet
cuntal passage. She felt Hector's forelegs grip tightly around her
naked waist, then sensed the first seating contact with her hungrily
clasping pussy mouth.

"Now, Hector, do it! Fuck Mae ... fuck her! And then ... Oh God, then
... I want you to fuck me ...!" Jill hardly recognized her own wanton
voice, hoarse with an all-consuming lust.

Never in his young life had Bob Andersen seen such an unbelievable
sight. He forgot to breathe as his stunned eyes took in the obscene
three-way spectacle before him, and worst of all, there was no doubt
that it was his own supposedly innocent wife lying on the bottom of the
pile of squirming flesh and hammering fur.

He had taken a taxi home, begging the driver to hurry no matter how
many traffic laws he broke. Bill Reagan was waiting for him as he
bounced out of the cab, carelessly throwing the driver a ten dollar
bill. Reagan led him inside, whispering that everything was all right,
but the young husband's heart froze as he heard what he thought were
moans of pain coming from the bedroom.

And now this! Bob entered the room just in time to see Hector's
glistening dog-cock ram rapid-fire into Mae's wetly grinding pussy. He
watched in horrified disbelief as his wife's sweet young lips reached
up and began to sensuously mouth the hairy animal balls above her face.
And what was that she had said? Fuck me next! That was it, she had
asked the animal to fuck her too. The shocked young man started forward
toward the bed but he staggered and had to catch hold of the door

It was Hector who first saw the two men and he quickly pulled his
glistening animal hardness from Mae's voraciously grasping pussy and
leaped down from the bed.

"Hector, what's the matter," the young blonde asked, and then she saw
them too.

"Oh God, where did he go with that beautiful cock?" Mae lewdly gasped
out. Then noticing that Jill was squirmingly trying to push out from
underneath her she asked, "What's wrong, Jill ...?"

"Oh, oh, look," the younger girl moaningly exclaimed, pointing a
trembling finger toward the door. Mae froze as she saw her hated uncle
and Jill's white-faced young husband. Finally Bob found his voice.

"Wh-What's going on here?" he asked his cringing young wife as she
tried desperately to cover her nakedness with her arms. "Good God," he
asked. "Is this what you do with your afternoons? For Christ's sake, I-
I, no wonder you don't come on to me. You like women ... and dogs. Yes
... that's it, you don't like men at all."

"Hold on now," Reagan said in his loud coarse voice, "you've got it all
wrong, buddy. Your little lady is the wildest cock hound I've ever had
the pleasure to climb on top of."

"What!" Bob roared in surprised rage. "You mean you've been sleeping
with my wife!" He moved menacingly toward the big man, but Reagan held
up his meaty palm.

"Careful there, tiger," he warned, pointing down to the now snarling
Hector. "One wrong move and you're going to have fangs all over your
throat. And if you want another reason to behave, I just happen to have
a couple of dozen photographs of you and my charming niece together in
the sack. It's only my charitable nature that keeps me from showing
them to your boss. He could add them to the collection of pornography
that I'll bet he keeps."

Bob stopped short, the threats coming home to him. He knew this
sonofabitch had him where it hurt. He stood steaming for a moment and
then whirled suddenly toward his wife, needing someone to vent his rage
and humiliation on, and she was sure handy. As soon as the pitifully
frightened young woman saw the terrible look on her husband's face she

"Oh Bob, it's true, he blackmailed me into it. He said he would take
the pictures to Mr. Aubrey and get your fired."

"Very good of you to sacrifice yourself, baby, but from what this smug
bastard says you gave him back a little more than he had a right to
expect. Maybe that's what I should have done, blackmailed you. Would
you have turned on for me then, your own husband? And maybe the dog
blackmailed you too. What did he have on us? Did he find something in
our garbage maybe? And Christ, what about the milkman, is he in on this

The heartbroken young wife started to open her mouth to say something
but then realizing the hopelessness of it all she simply collapsed on
the bed in a sobbing heap of pink quivering nakedness. This only
further enraged her husband because now he was cast in the role of an
oppressor. As he looked down at the helpless figure of his mortified
young wife he found that his anger was mixing strangely inside him with
a kind of wild sexual stimulation. The whole thing had an aura of
perverted sensuality about it, but all he knew was that the conflicting
emotions building and building inside him needed a way out.

"All right, bitch," he hissed coldly. "You've been fucked and sucked
and licked by the whole rest of the neighborhood. It's time the guy who
pays all the bills gets his share." And to his blonde wife's shock and
horror he began pulling wildly at Ws clothes. My God, was he going to
take her right there in front of all these people? She shrank back on
the bed but it was no use. Her now naked young husband grabbed her by
her long blonde hair and pulled her toward him.

"One little peep out of you, wife dear, and I'm going to toss you right
into the street ... naked!" And with that the enraged young man fell
forward on her, his giant penis standing out in front of him like an
avenging weapon. With merciless strength he pried opened his petrified
young wife's trembling thighs and forced his body between them. Then,
without the least preparation he rammed his swollen cock all the way to
the hilt up inside her fear-tautened belly and began fucking into her
at once with long hard strokes.

To Jill's surprise, her husband's brutal assault caused her no physical
pain since her wet little cunt had been well prepared first by Hector
and then by Mae. But her gentle young soul was filled with pain as she
looked up into her husband's scornful eyes and slow tears ran down her
face. She hadn't wanted it to be like this when he took her. Now that
she had discovered her hidden sensuality she had wanted to give herself
lovingly, passionately to him, not in a room full of people with only
hate between them.

But despite her personal misery the sobbing young wife could not
control the automatic reaction of her trembling genitals. For the last
hour she had been working up to fever pitch, her pussy brought to a
quivering hunger by various tongues and mouths that only a huge male
penis could satisfy, and there it was, right now, deep up inside her,
ramming and pumping. Despite herself the guilty young blonde felt her
arms and legs automatically reaching up to snake around her husband's
powerful young body, pulling him tightly against her as her hips began
a wanton grinding up against his thrusting loins. Small passionate
whimpering sounds tumbled from between her tightly clenched teeth.

Holy God, her amazed husband thought above her as he looked down at the
now sensuously twisting body of his supposedly frigid young wife. Never
had he seen her like this, her eyes glazed and unseeing, her fingers
clutching spasmodically at his shoulders and, God, was he imagining it
or was her tight little cunt milking and nibbling at his painfully
swollen penis. Christ, and he'd only just started!

Passion began to replace anger in the mind of the surprised and pleased
young man, causing him to ram into his moaning wife with a will,
stroking all the way up to the end of her wetly sucking pussy so that
he could feel his balls pounding hard against the smooth flesh of her

Bill Reagan watched the touching family scene before him in amused
fascination. Christ, that young stud was really laying into her, as
well as he had done with Mae the other night. But Reagan had seen
people make love many times before and quickly grew bored, wanting
something a little more exciting, a little more perverse. His beady
eyes lit on his dog, Hector, who was trying to remain inconspicuous in
a corner, afraid of what his master might do to ham because of his

"Hector, get your ass over here," Reagan snarled and the big dog got to
his feet and nervously approached.

"Okay, you son of a bitch," Reagan said harshly, and he twisted one of
Hector's ears until the animal howled. "You want to go out catting
around, looking for your own tail, there it is over there," and he
indicated the struggling married couple on the big bed.

"Come on, you dumb shit," he said and pushed the dog roughly toward the
bed. "Come on, fuck her, fuck her!"

The confused dog moved uncertainly toward the bed, recognizing those
last few words. He was to mount the female with the yellow hair, the
one who's sex-hole he had lapped so recently. But how was he to do it?
Already there was a man on top of her, blocking him from his goal. He
looked back uncertainly at Ws master to see if he had misunderstood the
order, but Reagan aimed a fierce kick at him and Hector jumped quickly
up on the bed.

In his confusion the dog began to revert to the law of the wild and he
growled menacingly at the man who had mounted the woman who was to be
Ms. It took a moment for the preoccupied Bob to notice the blood-
chilling sound, but then he turned his head to find himself face to
face with a huge snarling German shepherd. He froze for a moment, not
knowing what to do but not ready to give up the marvelous fucking he
was getting from his incredibly turned on wife either.

"Turn Jill over, turn her over," said the quick-thinking Mae who had
seen her uncle send the dog over to the bed. Bob didn't know quite what
she meant for a second, but decided he had better do something while he
was still in one piece. Wrapping his arms around his wildly fucking
young wife, he rolled over so that she ended up on top of him,
straddling his throbbing hardness like a bronc-rider in a rodeo.

"W-What?" exclaimed the young blonde, amazed to find herself suddenly
on top.

"Take it easy, honey, we have somebody that wants to join us," Bob said
thickly. An at once he had realized what it was Mae was suggesting they
do, and great roaring sensations of lust thundered in his veins as the
whole salacious picture became clear to him. "Come on, baby, lift your
ass a little higher," he commanded, and he placed her in position with
his strong hands. He looked bravely into the wild eyes of the big dog,
then said, "Come on, Hector boy! Crawl up on her butt! Let's double-
fuck her together!"

Jill was puzzled at first until she felt Hector's strong forelegs start
to circle her hips and the soft fur of his belly rubbing against her
naked ass-cheeks, and then she knew he had mounted her. She could
imagine the huge, dripping, tapered penis sliding out, preparing to
fuck her. But she was filled back there. There wasn't anyplace left but

"Oh God, no, Bob. You can't let him take me in the anus. He'll tear me
wide open!"

"It doesn't look like we have any choice, baby. Try to stop him now and
one of us is going to lose an arm. Come on, get that ass up in the

"Oh ... oh ... Bob ... Hector," Jill choked out as she felt the
animal's searing hardness trailing through the widespread crevice
between her vulnerably open buttocks. She was aware that Bob's cock was
thrusting paralyzingly up into her from below. "Please, darlings, don't
hurt me!"

Bob was almost out of his mind with pleasure as he fucked up into his
cringing young wife's wetly clasping pussy. "Just hold tight and
relax," he warned her. "He'll find what he's after and there's nothing
we can do about it."

And he did! Jill sensed the beveled, needle-like tip of the German
shepherd's cock catch suddenly in her rectum and worm just up inside.
She sucked in her breath, remembering from watching the animal pound
into Mae that he had no gentle motions. Hector humped forward ... again
... and again ... and again ... his huge hardened cock grinding further
into her defensively puckering anus with each merciless thrust, sending
waves of pleasure-pain screeching through the wailing young housewife's
overloaded nerves.

"Aaaaaggggghhhhh," the shocked young woman gurgled, her head flailing
helplessly from side to side. She tried to shake the punishing lance
from her obscenely stretched rectum, but Hector's firmly clutching
forepaws made that impossible. Oh, God, there was nothing to do but
endure it ... to endure both of them, dog and man fucking into both her
painfully distended passages at the same time!

If it hadn't been for the flames of passion that Bob's earlier fucking
had reawakened in her hotly raging belly it just wouldn't have been
bearable. But then to the amazement of the hopelessly trapped young
woman, the pain started to recede and a strange masochistic sensation
began to invade her doubly filled loins. A animal-like hungering
wildness came over her as she could feel the two cocks, one human, the
other animal, fucking into her simultaneously. Moaning and whimpering
in a crazed building passion, the wild-eyed young woman tried to move
with the double-tucking tempo as the two males began to ram up into her
in matching rhythm, their lust-swollen cocks disappearing in
syncopation up inside her wet searing holes.

"Oh, oooohhhhh, sweet lovers! Yes ... fuck me ...! Fill me with your
hard cocks," the lust-dominated young woman frantically begged.

Bill Reagan could not keep from laughing out loud as he watched the
obscenely locked trio humping madly together on the bed. This was all
his doing, he knew. He had made all these people and the dog, too, into
his puppets who would do what he ordered, take any position he put them
in. He wondered if he should make his niece take part in this lewd
drama before him. But when he looked around she was nowhere to be
found. Her dress was missing too. Well, no matter. He would have plenty
of time later to make her pay for sneaking out without his orders. He
turned his attention back to the bed.

Jill knew that her orgasm was not far away and she ground her Pumping
ass-cheeks frantically back against Hector's hairy loins at the same
time pounding her pelvis down hard against her husband's long thrusting
cock fucking up into her from beneath. She wanted them all to come
together ... Then Hector whimpered behind her, his powerful body
quivering in ecstasy, and his boiling sperm began to shoot bullet-like
up into Jill's tightly clasping rectum.

"Aaaaaahhhhhhhh ... fuck me ... fuck me hard!" the beautiful young
blonde cried in wad abandon. "Ohhhhhhhh ... Oh God ... I can feel both
of your cocks so good inside me! Aaaaahhhhh, faster, faster!" Her
unseeing blue eyes grew wider and wider ... until it happened! "Now ...
Noooowwwwww ... I-I-I'm cummingggggggg ...!

Once more Jill felt Hector's scorching jets of animal-cum flooding her
backsides in a never ending stream up inside her belly while enchanting
spasms of incredible joy rocketed through her insanely convulsing
loins. She could feel every contraction of that long thick cock as it
rifled its load of seething animal-sperm deep up into her greedily
milking little rectum.

Then Bob groaned beneath her, swearing obscenely as she plunged her
wildly-sucking cunt down onto his thick towering hardness. The
transformed young wife held her husband's cock completely absorbed
inside her hungrily milking channel, undulating her hips in furious
little circles while his huge pumping shaft began spitting its fiery
surges of semen far up into the hidden recesses of her wondrously
absorbing belly.

Jill held it fast, imprisoning her husband's cock tightly within the
hot clutching walls of her pussy, sucking and pulling at it, her own
orgasmic secretions pooling with his as spasm after wild spasm engulfed
the blonde-haired young wife's furiously twisting body.

And then it was over. Jill collapsed forward on her husband's heaving
chest as the last of his sperm drained from him. Hector fell back away
from her still quivering young buttocks and stood uncertainly for a
moment, his huge red penis already shrinking back up inside his belly.
The young couple lay alone, unable to speak, their breath rasping
harshly in their throats.

"That'll do for openers," said Reagan, his cold hard voice breaking
into the thoughts of the exhausted young couple. "Now it's gonna be my
turn." He leered down at Jill who was so tired that she could only look
up at him uncomprehendingly.

"Oh no it's not uncle dear," said a voice behind Reagan, and he spun
quickly around to find that Mae had re-entered the room. She had
stacked a small pile of celluloid strips in a big ashtray and held a
flaming match a few inches away from them.

"I found the pictures you took of me and Bob," the dark-haired young
woman said coolly. "They're all destroyed now, all except these
negatives and they'll be gone in a second. You're not going to bother
these people any more, you dirty bastard. They're decent people, too
good for you. You're less than dog shit under their feet. You can do
anything you like to me, but I'm not going to help you harm other

"Mae ..." Reagan said warningly. "So help me, if your burn those
negatives you'll wish you had gone up in flames instead." He started to
move toward his niece, but before he could reach her, she thrust the
burning match into the pile of film. They caught at once and flared
brightly for two or three seconds and then they were gone, just a small
pile of glowing embers.

Reagan looked down unbelievingly as he saw his hold over the naked
young couple disappear.

"Why ... you ... bitch!" he ground out from between clenched teeth and
leaping forward he caught his niece by the shoulder and drew his huge
fist back to smash her in the face.

But he never made it!

A streak of dark fur launched itself through the air and savage fangs
clamped shut around Reagan's upraised arm while infuriated growls
filled the room. Hector had had enough. Something had finally snapped
in the huge animal's mind as he saw his brutal master about to attack
the female he had mounted so many times ... his mate!

"God ...!" Reagan howled in pain. "Get this animal off of me! Help,
help!" Then he was screaming in terror as Hector's teeth tore at his
shoulders, and the fear-crazed man tried to protect his throat from the
vicious attack, knowing his life would be lost if the animal ever
succeeded in breaking through the protective circle of his arms.

"Back, back!" Mae shouted as she tugged at Hector's collar and little
by little she forced the embittered animal back. Finally Hector quieted
under her commands and stood facing Reagan threateningly, his hackles
still raised and fierce growls coming from deep in his chest.

"The only reason I didn't let him kill you," Mae told the shattered
Reagan, "is that I didn't want the dog to be destroyed. But I'll tell
you this, you dirty bastard, if I ever see you around here again, I'll
sic the dog on you and help him myself. I want you out of my house!
Now! Today! And I want you to leave everything there that you can't
carry with you!"

Reagan said nothing in return but only stood there clutching his
bleeding arms and shoulders, an uncomprehending look on his face as if
to ask, "Could this be happening to me?"

"And one more thing," Mae continued. "If you should ever get any funny
ideas about getting back at me, don't forget that I know all the rotten
things you've done over the last ten years---enough to get you locked
up for a long time. So get out of town! Don't even look back!"

The beautiful young woman motioned toward the door, looking for all the
world like some kind of war goddess as she reined in the huge dog with
one hand, her eyes flaring fire. Reagan walked gingerly around her, one
last spark of hate flaring in his eyes---and then he was gone.

"D-Do you think he'll stay away?" Jill asked timidly, looking like a
big-eyed child as she stared admiringly up at her beautiful friend and

"I think so," Mae said firmly. "He knows that I know some pretty bad
... things ... about him. Anyhow, he's lost his dog, and he's lost
face. I think maybe he'll look for greener pastures."

"Well, anyhow," she added, her face softening. "I know it's been a hard
day, but I wonder if I could ask you to put me and Hector up for the
night, until my dear uncle has time to clear out."

It was Bob who spoke this time. "Sure," he said as he got to his feet,
unashamedly standing before the beautiful young woman, his strong body
naked before her gaze. "Stay the night, stay the week, stay a year. We
owe you a lot." He smiled and reached out a hand to this woman that he
had come to know so well. He knew that underneath her hard cold
exterior she was just a soft tender wanting woman, a woman who craved
love and gentleness, and he was ready to give that to her. No, that was
wrong! Both he and his new found wife were ready to give this strange
woman the love and security she needed. They would make a team, and
when his own stamina failed, he knew he would get plenty of help from
the huge German shepherd that now stood so docilely before them. He
reached down to help his beautiful naked blonde wife to her feet and
then all four of them moved together warmly, naturally. Bob reached
down to pet the head of the dog.

"Thanks, Hector," he said.

The End

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Pub: 03 Jul 2023 10:22 UTC
Views: 133