

Meng Zhen (Daji)
Divine Tao: An Objective: Immortality

“Who wants to die? You’ve got your answer. Although I’m miles ahead of the next better immortal, I’m still not where I want to be.”

Generation: Ancestor

“This is the upper limit this body can achieve. It wasn’t a good incarnation but it grew in strength steadily, which is surprising when I take into account how hard is to achieve this level in most incarnations.”

Realms: 10 Body Tempering, 7 Qi Gathering, 10 Soul Sea

“I dislike the nature of qi, spells and sorcery are more reliable than anything it can bring, unless you are a freak of nature like Wuji. Sadly ever since my first incarnation, I lacked a good spirit root to make use of Qi Gathering, body tempering, and my soul are far more reliable sources of strength.”

Bloodline: Golden Faced Fox Sunlit Eternity (Fated Encounter)

“Of course my bloodline is myself. I’m unlike those peasant cucks who needs to rely on their ancestor for power. I’m the real deal, baby! Sexy and Powerful since Immemorial times.”

Soul Spirits: Immortal Talent (155),

“I always had a penchant for tricking people’s hearts into loving me and stealing their soul afterward. The flabbergasted faces they make when they notice they are fucking a vixen is always fresh like grass field’s air.”

Taoist Roots: Devil Sect

“My dear, well grown cult. We are standing for far too much time now. It helps we are also so deep in political trouble and shenanigans that if someone tries to move against us, they will make a mess of war so big it will plunge the realm into millennia of battle. it happened once, and wasn’t pretty even to my standards!”

Circumstance: Bounty (165), Ancient Sect (145)

“We are old, Heaven-chan hates me, she has been trying to force someone to kill me for far too much time now. When she will learn that I yearn for immortality? I cannot be brought down easily. Sadly, I can’t bring her down either.”

Life Encounter: Silly Mischief, Scheming Comrades, Wicked Scam Artist

“We do a little trickery, social brainwashing, and bullying for those who can’t understand my little tomfoolery and ploys ~”

Fated Encounter: Ancient Bloodline

“Me, I, Myself. Ones who rely on their ancestor’s bloodline to be strong should gag on their overflowing egos and die. Your ancestors were great, you are a piece of shit if your power comes from them.”

Fighting Style: Spells

“A more refined way of fighting made in a more uncivilized era. Sadly few see the beauty of spells the same way I do. They are so beautiful, so pure. Can channel so many destructive powers and mayhem. Way better than fighting with your fists or puny weapons.”

Comprehesion: Divine Grade: Soul Cultivation (75)

“Even before my first reincarnation, I was already better than most of those peasants. My comprehension only got better with the passing of time and infinite life experiences.”

Advantages: Viscious Schemer (60), Overflowing Charisma (55), Excellent Teacher (50),

Plentiful Wealth (30), True Wisdom (20)
“I’m quite a mouthful of a woman. This is why so few men, and women, managed to inamorate me in all those years. There are so few people who meet my impossibly high standards. To where the good, strong and wise men went ~”

Flaws: Exposed Encounter/Hiding in Plain Sight, Ruthless Warrior/The Way of Killing

“I learned better than trust in the heavens to keep itself out of my way, and I know that it will try to kill me at all costs. I don’t have the indulgence to hold back or not hide when the times call for it.”


Disgrace Scheming Cultivation of the Great Temptress: All Woe Under the Heavens Pertains Me (Grade 10 Soul Cultivation):

“The great technique that made me who I am, the greatest problem the heavens cannot deal with. All that is disgrace has to come from someone, they used to believe this someone is me. I’m the patron of all seductresses, temptresses, whores, and concubines. All I do is gather the paranoia, the resentment, the fear, the want, the existence of those poor women’s woes and take them to me.
I’m also the patron of King slaying, to bring woe to rulers and tyrants alike by the hands of their women, the women they scorn and hate and use as tools, or their underlying hatred by their spouse because of their shortcomings and lackings.
All these feelings have to go somewhere, and who is better than the first one who started the trend of women disgracing their royal husbands? I collect them from all corners under this heaven. All these evil intentions and negativity are mine to feast upon. That bitch on the Ling cult can try. But Daji does not take lightly scavengers who want to feast on her food.
This technique gathers and feasts upon the energy of women in the oldest profession under the heavens, as well as spouses to royal and powerful men, making them grow vengeful or force their enmity on their husbands. A technique that has ingrained itself upon the heavens, forcing politics and the act of killing your spouse for his power and position a common trope in reality and story alike.

Golden Fox of the Sun: Bringer of mischief and misery (Grade 10 Body Tempering) (10):

“It is natural for foxes to cause mischief, so it is natural for I to grow stronger the more mischief I cause, isn’t it? This is my power. The more fox-like I act, the more powerful I’m, hahaha! I also grow stronger with my age, although this incarnation has reached its limits because it cannot cope well with my father. Otherwise, I would’ve been able to reach Sovereign again, which in turn would make these heavens look upon me again.”
A strange body tempering, the more kitsune-like she acts, the stronger she becomes physically, no doubt an inborn technique brought by her unique physique. The way to refine it is to fulfill a kitsune's duties, which brings copious amounts of bloodshed and kingdoms spiraling down to their demise and misery.

Soul-bursting tomfoolery: A Hundred Nights of Endless Parade (Attack, Grade 10):

“My joyous technique. They often say my humor and presence are corrosive, and I take this label with pride! So much I want them to feel my pride. This technique is it, all the rot and malignant growths of my soul condensed in energy-devouring specters. They corrode and poison the body like a wave of acidic sludge while chipping away at their soul like wither, corrupting it, or if they are lucky, eating it right away and bringing their juicy, delicious little squirming orbs back to Mama here.”
A technique that summons specter-like haunts that attack quickly at any living being near, besides herself, rotting their external body while directly attacking their soul in frenzy, causing direct damage there, as well as attempting to weak it enough to be devoured by them, either singlehandedly or by a whole horde.

Soul Weaving Ideals: The Dreams of a Man Molded by Beastly Hands (Grade 10 summoning)

“In the distant past, my first husband told me I was like a dream who fell from the heavens. Able to fulfill his very ideals and wants, including molding perfect concubines for him to play with, treasures, and gold for him. The arrogant bastard never learned to value what he had.
As long as I can perfectly perceive it, I can make it eventually with the right resources and time, including new life, this is how I managed to fool and delude Heaven-chan so many times, she is incapable of grasping at my slipper tails. Although I never managed to make them able to grow on their own, which is sad.”

Crouching fox waits pátiently under the tree’s roots for the hungry tiger to go away (Stealth, Grade 10):

“This is simply, I just make myself smaller, both in presence, power, and aura. People won't pay attention to a passing fox if she is smaller than she ought to be. This is true for her as well. I use this to my advantage, to blend in the crowd and act freely, the way I want. They don’t need to know who I am, nor see this small fox acting as she sees fit, indulging whimsical desires, or maybe not, I can be prune, hmm?
Either way, for anyone else but a selected few I trust, I appear like a nobody, it fits me as well. The noble and high life is very boring compared to the freedom I can have.”

Mistress of a Thousand Poisons but too dumb to manufacture a cure (Grade 10 profession):

“This is not true! I take an average of five incarnations to make cures for the poisons I make! I hate that bastard who labeled my technique like this! Just because I poisoned his ancestor without meaning to, but lacked a cure at hand! I hate it!”
She specializes in making poisons, her favorites being soul-corroding poisons or ones that cripple cultivators for life, eating away at their force, sapping their qi slowly, or corrupting their souls beyond repair. Although she can make mundane poisons, she doesn’t feel like it.
She is better at making poisons than making cures for them, many of her lives end by accident because she poisoned herself without meaning to.

I’m the wicked Fox of Tale: Endures ten thousand sins and a million years of grudge (Other, Grade 10) (0):

A technique that manifests her wicked nature as Daji, a demon of destruction and misery. A soul-crushing and devouring aura around her, as the very air of the ambient becomes a poison that rots away the soul into nothing but specters of pain and suffering, malevolent spells and damnation that infects the very reality around Daji into the one of Naraka, a technique made to incarnate and show the true nature of herself: The Wicked Golden Faced Fox of myth. An enemy to the heavens and Buddha.

Back to step one. Ten thousand years gone in a second, for a new beginning away from Heaven’s Pyring Eyes (Bloodline technique, Live Saving):

A simple technique. When Daji dies, her soul always escapes from danger and reincarnates again, one of the few true “immortality” techniques in the world, but can only be activated when her soul and body are on the true death’s door beyond salvation, or on the verge of getting erased, which triggers the technique. The preparation for the technique is Daji’s whole life.
Her whole life is a preparation for this technique, and once it is activated, it uses the past as a foundation ritual and burns away all prospects of reviving and life force still in her body to enhance the technique, granting her reincarnation, a perfect loop.
An innate technique born of her wish to not die eons ago led to her awakening a unique technique, so unique it may be the only one capable of achieving what it does as far as she knows.
However, this perfect loop had drawn the attention of Heaven, who took grievance on her existence and tried to erase her existence for sure after the first hundred or so reincarnations. This made Daji change the technique’s nature on the fly to avoid complete erasure, which worked.
Hence Daji started her war on the heavens, to destroy or stop their influence. She escaped a thousand times since then, but she knows one day the Heaven’s will become strong enough to stop her immortality for sure, and this is why the Heaven’s need to be destroyed. For this reason, she started the Fox Demon Cult to help fulfill her wishes, a cult that has rooted itself too deeply in the world under the heavens.
“Fox Demon Cult was a good name at the time…”
She deeply regrets how narcissistic she was. God Slaying Cult is a way cooler name, but to break tradition right now is to start from ground zero once again…

A woman who treads on a thin line between evil and good despite her status as the Ancestor of one of the Oldest Demon Cults is still active. She does good based on how close it may get her to achieve her long dream of perfect immortality, or how much a person can charm her and gain the dubious honor of Daji’s interest and love.

Despite Daji’s nature as a kitsune, nowadays she will only do evil on a great scale if she has to, growing bored of “conventional” extravagance and evil deeds, taking a more pragmatic approach to how she does evil, preferring a more streamlined way of doing things and causing misery. Rarely does Daji act on her whims and evil on a personal level, although she can bring countries and whole Empires to the ground to achieve her dreams.

The inverse is also true, she can do good deeds and help saviors and liberators to achieve fame and power to achieve her objectives, saving whole countries from misery and demon cults if it benefits her somehow, oblivious and uncaring of the lesser person’s pain and struggles if it doesn’t benefit her somehow.

Since Ancient Times Daji has been a thorn in Heaven’s, slipper enough to escape her grasps and claws, even evolving a technique to fool her over and over again to survive and reincarnate like a pesky snake instead of a fox.

As a person, Daji is someone you always should hold tight to your guard, lest you fall victim to one of her schemes and plans, although if she, for some reason, starts to like you, she will make you exempt from her plans and act surprisingly friendly, even touchy and concerned over your well being and fate, although in her own foxy ways.

Daji holds good humor even amongst atrocities and monsters, only losing it in topics regarding the heavens, the woes of those she likes, or competitors in eating the misery that is rightfully hers (She called dibs), which can make her become murderous and angry and act with harsh acts of brutality.

With the current chaos and new era, Daji hopes to nurture someone capable of achieving her dream, so she can live freely without fearing true death and erasure ever again.

Pub: 05 Nov 2023 01:58 UTC
Views: 144