Chapter 3: Gingaza's Actors
Koyomi: (I've sent her an invite, but she still hasn't responded. I wonder what shes up to right now......)
Koyomi: (I guess it hasn't been too long since she left, and there's also her dad's condition..... she must be pretty busy right now.)
Koyomi: Sigh...... I thought coming here would make me feel better. But it just makes me feel lonely.......
Troupe Member B: murmuring
Koyomi: ?
Troupe Member C: A letter of resignation on such short notice? And shes only ever been on stage twice......!
Troupe Member B: That can't be helped. I've played a lead role twice, and there hasn't really been much talk about that.
Troupe Member C: But isn't this cruel. This is Konno-san we're talking about. She was disregarded completely after failing her second audition and wasn't able to get any roles......
Koyomi: (Are they talking about Shiori-san? And on top of that, her second audition......)
Koyomi: (I've got a bad feeling about this.)
Koyomi: Director, sorry to disturb you while you're busy. I have something I want to ask you about.
Koyomi: It's about Konno-san......
Stage Director: What about her?
Koyomi: I haven't seen her around recently, and she hasn't gotten any roles recently, so I was wondering what happened to her.
Stage Director: Ah, she quit the troupe. It's a pretty common occurrence, but still a shame.
Koyomi: A common occurrence?
Koyomi: So it's true that she was forced to quit?
Stage Director: Well...... Nevermind, since you're the shining star of Gingaza, I should tell you the truth.
Stage Director: It's not that she was forced to quit. But this was what I told her.
Stage Director: You're part of this generation of Gingaza actors, you have to be able to take part in some way.
Stage Director: There is no guarantee of a salary or livelihood. So you have to ask yourself if you want to take that chance, right?
Koyomi: So she went with a letter of resignation......
Stage Director: Gingaza is a place where we scout for talented actors to broaden their horizons. But, there's still a limit to how many roles we can accommodate.
Stage Director: The same goes for the staff. As is Gingaza tradition, we strive for the most talented people that can help put on a show.
Stage Director: Here everyone needs to show what they're capable of. Everyone has to compete with each other.
Stage Director: If I'm not mistaken, you were on good terms with the girl, right? I know you're curious about the situation but don't let it get you down.
Stage Director: All eyes are on you after all.
Koyomi: ......
Koyomi: (I wonder what it is that I want. The world...... Gingaza...... it's such a lonely place.)
Koyomi: (She wasn't aware of how high of a bar was needed. And as a result, she was hurt.)
Koyomi: (We made a promise that we would stand on the stage together sometime. How foolish of me.)
Koyomi: 1 year passed, now I'm in second year of middle school.
Koyomi: I will never fail like that ever again. In order to survive in the world that is Gingaza, I stopped taking it lightly.
Koyomi: In order to exceed the expectations of everyone in the top class, to make every play a success, to continue standing on the stage......
Koyomi: Unknowingly, the amount of people who called out to me outside of practice steadily disappeared.
Koyomi: Renjakuno-san, right? Sorry to keep you waiting. My name is Senju Koyomi.
Hatsumi: Senju......?
Hatsumi: Oh right, that Senju.
Koyomi: ......
Hatsumi: I'm Renjakuno Hatsumi. Nice to meet you, Koyomi.
Hatsumi: I don't mind if you just call me Hatsumi. I would very much like to get to know you better.
Koyomi: ......Let me show you to the dormitory. Please follow me.