TF2 Omori.


Screamed Aubrey as she was once again, killed by a sniper. Basil was startled by her shout, while the others merely sighed.

Hero: "Calm down, Aubrey."

Hero reassured her, but it didn't work.

Aubrey: "How can I be calm, when these fucking bots ruin the fucking game!?"

Kel: "I have to agree with Aubrey. There's no way, we can actually play the game with the bots."

Basil: "M-Maybe we should try again later?"

Sunny let out a sigh.

Sunny: "You guys want to play something else? Like titanfall 2?"

Hero: "Alright."
Aubrey: "Fine."
Basil: "O-Okay..."
Kel: "Sure!"

Pub: 17 Dec 2021 09:38 UTC
Views: 333