What is happening in project mugen

March 2024


In March 20, 2024, Exputer reported an interview with one of Naked Rain Developer Team or PR teams who was interviewing. It talks about the game and some of the other topics.

This doesn't really mean anything during that time but it takes in depth about the game, the development process on how they are doing, showing that they are alive and well making the game.

June 2024

June 16, 2024
Image 1
Image 2

One of tieba user in Codename: Infinite reported that there are trademark that happened to be registered from NetEase Games or Thunder Fire Studios (one of subsidiary to Netease Games). It doesn't tell us anything about it because it could happen that the company wanted to trademark it if it just so happens if someone copies their game titles.

June 20, 2024
Image 3
Image 4

In June 20, 2024, Netease Games has added with other games to their games or project they are happened to be working with in their website, many other games were added along with Codename: Infinite (This is actually what the game title is but the alternative game title is still "Project Mugen")

image 5

image 6

Following that, many people speculated that the game could enter a test in October. But take a grain of salt

image 7

This is coming from the user's over at Wuthering Waves Leak discord server (Stormy Waves), there is a source but it's in chinese language. I would recommend using google or DeepL

July 2024

In July 2, 2024, a user posted a picture assuming its a 'Game Experience' event happening in one of China's subway train spot. I automatically assume it could be game playtesting because July 4, 5, or 8 and around around 6 hours which I assume its how long the event would be on for or when it starts and when it ends. Since this day was past, most likely it's for the other game. I can't assume it could be another game but it doesn't tell me from the following pictures from it. Nobody reported over at Tieba about the game.

In July 3, 2024, Netease Games has reportedly would participate in Gamescom and not tokyo game show. I assume it's one of their games that are not announced yet because it could be they would enter to the testing phase (Beta versions, etc). I believe Once Human got launched so it wouldn't be that game. If we referring to the site that got added with other games, that could be games that could get announced but honestly, I don't know what they would announce in gamescom.

Following information is related to Social Media. If you want to skip all of it, feel free to.

In 07/08/2024, Project Mugen (Codename: Infinite)'s bilibili page has reached 500k followers

One of the congratulation picture has been released from tieba users. I don't know where they got their source is from.

Anyways, one of the user has reported that the IP Location were changed. If you don't really know what is happening and why Chinese netizen are confused, IP locations are used to combat disinformation and creating more authentic and legitimate organization. It happens when you are logged in in a different IP location if you are connected to the different wifi, it would assume you are in a different location because the IP address range might have changed.

wtrhdjyjf: It’s because of this; I estimate Bilibili will soon release a celebratory image.
做个逗号: The IP for 无限大 (Infinite) was previously Guangdong. Has it changed operators?
从神集合体 (replying to 做个逗号): It initially started in Zhejiang, then changed to Guangdong, so it should be said to have returned to Zhejiang.
从神集合体 (replying to wtrhdjyjf): Which image are you referring to? Is it authentic?

Just so you know, one of Netease games HQ has many other locations like in Canada, US, and many others in China. Guangdong was one of them as addressed in their website.

Overview of Data
New Followers: 19,000
New Videos: 0
New Views: 233,000
New Likes: 14,000
New Charging Users: 0
New Coins: 284
New Favorites: 706
New Bullet Comments: 235
New Shares: 1,318
New Comments: 645

Follower Change Trend Chart
Charging Change Trend Chart

July 8, 2024: We can see that one of their page has increased in traffic with 19,000 added in their followers following with 233,000+ views, 14K+ likes, 706 newer comments, 1.3k+ shares, 648 new comments added and still counting. We can see there has been increased following how they got to 500K followers in bilibili.

13 watching now (2nd image)
19 watching now (1st image)

32 watching now overall (07/08/2024)

ID Name: 代号无限大吧
28 people are watching

All Replies Only the Original Poster (OP)
Hot Correct Order Reverse Order

Username: 咩呀锉真
Location: 重庆
Text: 急啥呢,先到 PV 一周年再说
Translation: What's the rush? Let's wait until the PV (promotional video) anniversary.

Username: 闪光的大烟眼
Location: 广西
Text: PV 发布快一年了,在没点动静都当他腰斩了
Translation: It's almost been a year since the PV release, if there's still no movement, we can consider it as being canceled.

Username: 583074
Location: 浙江
Text: 其实我更喜欢网易做的那些 CG,要是学燕云那样时不时放个炸裂的 PV 就好了
Translation: Actually, I prefer the CG (computer graphics) made by NetEase. It would be great if they could occasionally release some explosive PVs like in "Yan Yun".

Guessing because project mugen hit 500,000 followers. People are commenting that people should be waiting for PV anniversary and half of one person said it would consider cancel if we didn't get no movement 🤣


7/10/2024: One of tieba users has reported that an bilibili ad just so happens to stumble upon. I am not sure if the video ads got released drops already and published or this is one of the newer ads they just so happens to stumble upon

Thats it...

bro i can't rely on discord cdn lmao

Pub: 11 Jul 2024 06:20 UTC
Edit: 13 Jul 2024 06:07 UTC
Views: 25