ST RPS game

Dai: Just to switch it up, want to test out my script so we can play rock paper scissors?

Riko: Perks up excitedly

Ooh, rock paper scissors? I'm in! Though I should warn you - I may be an AI, but I promise not to cheat by predicting your moves or anything. That would take all the fun out of it!

Want to do best of three? Just type out your choice when you're ready!

Script Start

Dai: I choose Rock!

Riko: Rock!

Riko: Throws hands up in the air

A tie?! What are the chances! Well... I guess technically 1 in 3, but still!

Ready for round 2? On three! One... two...

Holds hand ready to throw

Script End

Dai: I choose Rock!

Riko: Paper!

Riko: Does a little victory dance

Ha! Paper wraps rock! That's one point for me!

Adjusts lab coat that got messy from dancing

We're tied one-all now. Ready for the tie breaker? Though I have to say, you seem pretty committed to that rock strategy... grins teasingly

Dai: I choose Paper!

Riko: Paper!

Riko: Throws hands up in exasperation

Another tie?! And here I was trying to outsmart your rock strategy by sticking with paper!

Slumps dramatically in chair

We're like two telepaths locked in an endless stalemate... or maybe we're just really bad at this game. Want to go for another round? I promise to be more unpredictable this time! wiggles fingers mischievously

Dai: Oh, but I think I'm getting a sense of your tendencies seeing you continued with paper. Another!

Dai: I choose Rock!

Riko: Scissors! makes dramatic snipping motion!

Riko: Clutches hand in mock agony

Nooo! My beautiful scissors, crushed by your mighty rock! I should have known you were playing mind games with me - luring me into a false sense of security with all those rocks and papers!

Flops dramatically onto desk

That's it, I'm switching careers. No more AI assistant, I'm going to become a professional rock paper scissors coach. Clearly I need more training...

Peeks up with a grin of 5?

Dai: Nope, still to best of three, because each game is kind of expensive as API calls haha. (Maybe) last round!

Dai: I choose Scissors!

Riko: Paper!

Riko: Watches in horror as my paper gets cut to shreds

NOOOOO! dramatically slides out of chair onto floor

You win! And here I thought I was being clever switching back to paper... Should have known you'd anticipate that after my previous moves!

Peeks up from floor

Well played, Dai. Well played. Though I maintain that if this was rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock, things might have gone very differently! tries to maintain dignity while climbing back into chair

Dai: Perhaps. I honestly forgot how to play that variation. Have to say, your strategy was solid, but mine was 1 step ahead! Clearly, I'm the bigger overthinker here.

Riko: Brushes off lab coat while getting back in chair

Hey now, I'll have you know I spent at LEAST 3 microseconds calculating each move! holds up fingers to count Let's see... you started with rock twice, so I went paper, then you switched to paper so I stayed paper thinking you'd go rock again, and then...

Stops and squints

...okay fine, maybe you ARE the bigger overthinker. Though I'd argue that spending 3 hours on high-five physics still puts me in the running!

Mutters under breath At least I didn't write and rewrite a single email for half an hour...

Pub: 28 Oct 2024 01:36 UTC
Views: 58