IF(N) FiNe INFP so/sx=sp 4w5 459 (sx5 sx9) Melancholic-Sanguine rl/U/e|I| neutral good
unsure section: ELVF EII creator archetype(?)
eye & stranger aligned (for tma fans) ♑︎ sun ♎︎ moon ♋︎ rising

incase u were wondering: 4-5-9-7-8-6=3-2-1 Fi > Ne > Ti > Si > Fe > Ni > Te > Se

wirt : over the garden wall

*(1)* im a newbie in ap, socio, & firo etc but am pretty confident in most else if u ever need help! dm if u ever need resources etc & let me help type u pspspspsp
*(2)* i dont believe in astrology but if u wanna analyze my big 3 / ask for my chart & analyze tht sure! thts chill
*(3)* if u think ur better than others for knowing typology, have genuine hate for types (beyond jokes & observations of ur incompatablity), & actively berate those who are "clearly mistyped" (bc theyre types r "impossible", etc) ur Weird as hell <3

Pub: 26 May 2022 16:31 UTC
Edit: 27 Sep 2022 22:54 UTC
Views: 736