how to keep moissanite shiny Moissanite is a popular choice for those looking for a diamond alternative. It is highly reflective, durable, and affordable. However, like any precious stone, it will lose its shine over time if not adequately cared for. Here are some tips on how to keep moissanite shiny.

1. Clean it regularly with soap and water

Moissanite is easy to clean, and regular cleaning will keep it looking shiny. Mix a mild cleaning soap with warm water and soak the moissanite for a few minutes. Gently brush the stone with a soft-bristled brush, rinse it with water, and dry it with a soft cloth. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive substances as they can damage the stone.

2. Use a jewelry cleaner

A jewelry cleaner is an excellent option for keeping your moissanite shiny. Look for cleaners specifically designed for moissanite or diamond jewelry. These cleaners are gentle and won't damage the stone. Follow the instructions on the cleaner and use it once every few months.

3. Avoid exposing it to chemicals

Moissanite is a durable stone, but it is still vulnerable to chemicals. Avoid wearing your moissanite jewelry when swimming in chlorine or saltwater, cleaning with harsh chemicals, or using hairspray or perfume. Chemicals can cause the stone to become dull and weaken its brilliance.

4. Store it properly

Storing your moissanite jewelry properly is essential for maintaining its shine. Keep the jewelry in a soft cloth or a jewelry box with compartments. Avoid storing it with other jewelry as it can scratch against other stones or metal.

5. Get it inspected professionally

Finally, have your moissanite jewelry inspected by a professional jeweler every few years. A jeweler can check for any wear and tear, and also clean and polish the piece. This will keep your moissanite looking new and shiny. In conclusion, moissanite is an excellent alternative to diamond jewelry. To keep it looking shiny and new, clean it regularly with soap and water, use a jewelry cleaner, avoid exposing it to chemicals, store it properly, and get it inspected Professional. With these tips, your moissanite will remain a beautiful addition to your jewelry collection.

Pub: 27 Apr 2023 18:01 UTC
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