be Finana
it's a girls night out with your besties Pomu and Elira
they never told you where we were going
in fact you're even blindfolded and gagged and in bondage
oooh kinky! must be a bachelor's party wink wink
the car stops. your blindfold taken off. yay cant wait to jerk off the lucky bach-
it's a five star seafood restaurant
Eh?? Nani?
ask your girlfriends if we're in the right place
Pomu and Elira are gone, theyre talking with a couple of men outside
girls? what are you talking about?
Pomu came back to the car to get her stuff

"Finana~! Me and Eli are going inside. Five months on the reservation waiting list better be worth it. Be a good girl and play nice with your new friends okay?"

Pomu? what do you mean?
the car door opens and the two men picks you up
you see Eli waving at you as you are taken behind the restaurant
you struggle and wriggle to get out of the men's grip but to no avail
you cant even scream for help with the gag in your mouth

"Cant believe we get to serve a broad this fresh!" says one of them

no no no no no what did he meant?!
they brought you in, dumping you on top of a prep counter
one by one they cut the bondage rope off of you and takes off your gag
but before you could scream, a chef drives his elbow into your chest with brute force
making you squelch in pain, coughing and gasping for air
multiple sets of hands find their away all over your body
removing your clothes, your crown, washing you with ice cold water
you feel your ankles and wrists tied, you try to struggle your way out but met with another sucker punch to the belly
tears swell as you cannot endure the process, you feel as if you lost everything you had
as the pain fades, you realize that you are being carried elsewhere
with a thud, you fall onto a tabletop
opening your eyes, you see them. Pomu and Elira. sipping wine and taking photos of you
this has got to be a prank right girls? girls?
you start crying as the chefs pin you down, bruising your arms and legs
you scream at the top of your lungs, but Pomu only laughs at your predicament
a chef picks up his knife and grabs your right breast
hot searing pain fills your body as the blade slowly cut its way through the base of your breast
you scream harder as the pain intensifies
adrenaline fills your bloodstream and the world around you crawls
within seconds you feel your bladder emptying as you watch Elira clapping
in one quick move the chef removes your breast and drops it onto a plate
you watch as he takes a prep knife and cuts your breast into an open flower sashimi, with a pinch of salt and a squeeze of lemon on top
Pomu picks up a slice of your tit sashimi and happily eats it
her smile widens and she giggles in excitement, it tastes extremely good

"You've got to try this, Eli!" she says as she feeds Elira a slice

blood and heme drips down from their lips, Elira quickly dabbles her lips with a napkin
why? why are they doing this?
before your thoughts are able to materialize, pain quickly gushes in your belly
you look down to see a chef burying his knife in your tummy barely an inch in, driving down to your crotch
another chef does the same sideways to your hips
you could not scream anymore as your throat hurts from non stop sobbing
looking down, you watch as the chefs cut open a window in your abdomen
your organs revealed to the world
quickly Elira snaps photos of your innards

"Geee, I didnt knew you had... guts." Elira laughs as she prods your colon

you weakly stare into the ceiling, the chandelier floating above you, and black out

Pub: 01 Jul 2022 00:30 UTC
Views: 325