Chapter 1: Have Fun
Denki Members: Thank you for your hard work.
Kaname: Good work, everyone. Get home while you can~.
Iroha: Kaname-san, let me help you with the clean up!
Kaname: Ah, Iroha. Thanks a lot.
Iroha: I should be thanking you. All these props are a lifesaver for us.
Kaname: Haha, thats true. They played a major role in our last play.
Iroha: Yep. That mask and I were basically best friends.
Kaname: And of course its not just the props and the outfits, your acting skills are also lifesaver too.
Iroha: Gosh, Kaname-san, you flatter me too much.
Kaname: I'm just spreading the praise. On that note, it was a great thing that you were the chairperson.
Kaname: When Towa saw that performance, she went "Oh right, Iroha is part of the Senju family.".
Kaname: I don't think its all in the bloodline, but even I thought "So this is the power of the Senju family".
Iroha: Ehehe, thank you very much. My parents and sister will be very glad to hear that.
Iroha: But, it's all thanks to Denki that I've been given this chance to perform. So I should be the one thanking you.
Kaname: Well I should be the one saying that. Thank you for joining Denki.
Iroha: Hahah, when you say that out loud, its quite embarrassing. I'll keep working hard for Denki from now on.
Iroha: Ah, right. I had some things that I wanted to consult on... Do you have some time now?
Kaname: Ahaha, You had me worried there when you wanted a consultation. Did you want to contribute more to Denki? That's alright, you're doing plenty already.
Iroha: No no!
Iroha: I want to do everything I can to give back to Denki.
Kaname: It's alright! The last show was fully booked out, and even did extra performances for the stream, right?
Kaname: We're not the same as before you all joined. I'm sorry you all had to go through that back then, but you can rest easy now.
Iroha: But, I want to be of more use to Denki. I want to give my best...
Kaname: Haha, thanks. I'm glad that you feel that way.
Kaname: But you're doing plenty enough already, and I don't want you to push yourself too hard.
Iroha: That's not the case. A hero needs to be able to do what they can to grow each day!
Kaname: Gosh, you're a rash one. Thing's are going well, so I'm glad you honest about that.
Kaname: Remember Denki's motto?
Iroha: Have fun...
Iroha: ... Well, it's just like she says...
Iroha: But it's like, if I'm able to show off with my killer skills, I could star in a shonen manga style play.
Iroha: And if I can improve my expressiveness, I will be able to put on better plays, and more people will come to know about Denki.
Iroha: I want more people to know about Denki. That's why I want to work hard.
Iroha: There's still a lot that I can do. Of course, I have Towa-chan and Onee-chan to help out too.
Iroha: But still, I want to be able to give back to Denki. That's how I feel, is that really such a bad thing.
Iroha: I''ve returned home.
Koyomi: Welcome back, Iroha-san.
Iroha: Onee-chan! I'm glad I could catch you.
Iroha: I'm glad that we could be together to eat dinner tonight.
Koyomi: Likewise, although I did have Hikawa pull some strings for thawt to happen.
Koyomi: Oh right, we're having Japanese food tonight.
Iroha: Yay! I'll go wash my hands.
Senju's Mother: Oh right, Koyomi. Good work on "The Tale of the White Serpent", it was a wonder play.
Senju's Father: Indeed, as soon as I saw you play Fahai, I was incredibly moved that you've grown up to be able to play such characters.
Koyomi: Thank you very much. Every performances had sold out and went without a hitch.
Koyomi: Grandmother has told me to be diligent with my learning and I have learnt a lot from this performance.
Koyomi: I hope to put on a better show next time, and plan to put my best for the foreseeable future.
Senju's Mother: I'm lookig forward to it.
Senju's FAther: Oh right, how about you Iroha? How was that... what do you call it? Anime? How was it?
Iroha: Yep! It went off without a hitch. We sold out multiple days in a row.
Senju's FAther: Is that so? You were the lead weren't you? It's a fairly small troupe, but I'm glad that you're fulfilled with it.
Iroha: Thank you very much. It may be a small group now, but I'll work hard to get the name out there.
Senju's Mother: Don't worry over that. As long as you're having fun, I'm happy for you.
Iroha: ...Right.
Iroha: But, I want to do my best.
Senju's Mother: I see. Well it's just a hobby, so take it easy and get along with everyone.
Iroha: Of course. Thank you both for looking out for me.
Koyomi: ...
Senju's FAther: Oh right, Koyomi. About "The Tale of the White Serpent", there was something I was curious about--
Iroha: "It's a fairly small troupe, but I'm glad that you're fulfilled with it." "Well it's just a hobby, so take it easy and get along with everyone."
Iroha: ...I couldn't respond to those remarks.
Iroha: ...They went to see Onee-chan's play, but couldn't even remember the title of mine.
Iroha: They remembered her role even though it was the lead role...
Iroha: What the hell am I thinking about! It's just like Kaname-san said, Denki's motto is...
Iroha: ...But, if Denki were more well known, if I could show how amazing Denki is...
Iroha: No-no, I'm having such a fun experience, I need to be able to pay it back.
Koyomi: Iroha-san? The bath is free now.
Iroha: Eh!? N-nee-san!? I'll coming!
Iroha: Whats this all of a sudden? You went out of your way to tell me.
Koyomi: I just felt like it. ... Since, you know, we haven't been able to talk lately.
Koyomi: Sorry if you were busy with something. I just wanted to let you know that the bath was free now... I'll take my leave now.
Iroha: Ah...
Koyomi: ...Did you need something?
Iroha: U-um...
Koyomi: Is this about earlier?
Iroha: Eh?
Koyomi: About dinner just now, you seemed a little down.
Koyomi: SO I was a little curious...
IRoha: Ahhh, that's what you mean.
Iroha: About that, umm...
Iroha: Can I ask you about some things...? Although it might be a bit of a pain...
Iroha: Ever since I joined Gekidan Denki, I've been really enjoying theater performances, The daily rehearsals, the performance thrills, and the sense of accomplishment once everything's over.
Koyomi: ...I see. I'm glad to hear that you're continuing to enjoy it.
Iroha: Yep! I'm so happy I get to be a part of something like that. And so... I want to be able to do something that only I can do.
Iroha: Everyone in Denki is so kind, and says I don't have to do something like that. But I want to be of more use to Denki.
Iroha: So... um... COuld you give me some advice about this?
Koyomi: Eh...? Well... if you're find with me, I'll help you out...