Mwa, What da hell is a dni list?

A dni (Stands for Do not interact) is a list were a person doesnt want certain characteristics/problematic stuff to not interact with them duh (More info can be found Here yeah am not the best at explaining)

Warning: Offensive references ahead

This DNI list contains references to sensitive topics that some people may find offensive/shocking.

Note: before not interacting (I used mostly basic dni criteria)

Somtimes, Idrc about this list soo and Only Dni if your beliefs affects me. And this is not Updated alot.

Dni if:

  1. Your Islamphobic(Am muslim),racist,etc etc
  2. Your toxic and/or rude
  3. You force beliefs on people
  4. Your support extremist ideology
  5. Your a pedophile,zoophile,map
  6. Your like proshipping (Includes shipping)
  7. You joke about very serious topics and make edgy jokes (Eg, 9/11)
  8. Your a Nsfw Account/Addict (Am a minor and i dont see that haram stuff anymore)

Thin Ice:

  1. Your 18+ (As mentioned in 8 at Dni if without the I don't see)
  2. You like saying slurs as a "joke",etc

Interact if:

  1. You have very similar beliefs
  2. Your friendly
    Previous versions:
    Tiktok dni list
    Had to put it as a screenshot my tiktok account is private
    Don't mind some stuff I was 11-12
Pub: 24 Aug 2023 08:01 UTC
Edit: 28 Aug 2024 14:49 UTC
Views: 332