Prisoner of my own faults

Hated is a strong term but it one I feel deep in my soul Not at others is this emotion stirred but by those who consider me to be a mere germ.

Pills and medications, solve little of my woes But none of these matters to my foes For in me, they see someone dishonorable A blight upon man, not tolerable

Label a fool, label a liar From those who seek my destruction with great desire To them, I am nothing but a mere obstruction

A Prisoner of my own faults Indebted to my own sins A heavy drinker of malts And a man who can scarcely grin

For what is the point of it all When everything you do is contemptible? In light of my reality, I feel so small and truly feel expendable.

by A.C. Crassus

Pub: 16 Sep 2022 18:43 UTC
Edit: 16 Sep 2022 18:45 UTC
Views: 171