Impromptu College Break

Sunny yelped back as his big sister practically fell on him, all her clothes removed. She started planting kisses all across his face, his neck, his shoulders, reminding him of just how much she obsesses over him. It had been months since he last saw her, and clearly it had taken it's toll on her.
Sunny cringed a little as she pressed her face up to his hair, taking deep, disturbed breaths.
"Mari, this is...weird." Sunny managed to say.
Mari pulled back, the look of avarice on her face silencing him, as she pulled him into a big hug, just like she did earlier.
Only, he was pressed into her chest, like she used to do when they were kids.
Also she wasn't wearing anything. And she had a chest now. It wasn't a lot, but it still felt soft on his face. It would of felt nice, were it not for the fact that she was doing this just to sniff his hair more.
Sunny's really starting to regret taking a shower this morning. Maybe if he hadn't, she wouldn't be doing this...
...Once he could ignore her sniffing at his hair, this felt comforting. Being hugged like this...

"Sunny, Sunny, Sunny, Sunny~!" Mari kept singing like a broken record, hugging her little brother, all that stress from college melting away like ice in the middle of desert. How did she survive so long without him?! No wonder schoolwork had been so rough these last few weeks, she'd been running on fumes this whole time! She needed energy, absorbed from her own little Sun-ny, hehehe!
She loved her wonderful, adorable, cute, precious, perfect little brother!

Finally, Mari pushed Sunny forward a little, and he was back on the bed.
"But now, It's time I really enjoyed my little brother, don't you think?" Mari spoke with a rather worrying tone.
And then, Sunny made a mistake, one he should of known from past experience, partly the reason why he never does this to begin with. He began to speak.
"What-" was all he could say before Mari pressed her face right up to his, and dug her tongue into his mouth.
She held his head with her hands, so he couldn't move, only squirm a little. She held his head up, because she was taller then him. It held his head up at an awkward angle, as she kept digging into his mouth, messing with his tongue, tasting him. He could never get used to this part, no matter when she did it.
Sunny always brushes his teeth. It was Mari that inspired him to do so. Two to three times a day, he'd brush. Part of Sunny wondered if she encouraged him to do so purely so she could do this. Maybe he should stop brushing his teeth too. Pff...if only...
A solid three minutes of Mari tasting her little brother, before she finally let him free. He tried to breath in, but Mari delved back at him, pulling him into yet another hug, now squeezing him so tightly it hurt just a little bit. Eww, bits of saliva fell on a bit of her chest...and now it's in his face...

Her little brother was so cute! His reactions are just as adorable as she remembered! The way he shivers, the little noises he makes, his cute face, she needed this! Those pictures were adorable, but none of them did her little brother justice! She might crush the poor boy at this rate, but she needs, needs, NEEDS this so much right now! Exams feel emotionally, and literally are, miles away right now! All that matters is her wonderful Sunny!

Sunny realized she was enraptured by just hugging him right now. They'd been like this for what felt like a whole minute.
Not that he minded. It was embarrassing, but he did enjoy when she did these kinds of things to him, in moderation. But her hugs where most important to him. Her hugs held so many memories, both good and bad...
...Why is he getting emotional now...? He can actually feel his eyes starting to water now...why now...!
No, no, no! He can't do this, he just can't!
Thankfully, before it got worse, Mari pulled him out of her hug, and that sadness quickly faded.
"Sunny, remember that message I sent you?" Mari's tone had suddenly turned. She had an odd look on her face...
"That you'd...make sure I..." Sunny couldn't finish the sentence, it was too embarrassing.
"Sunny...I really don't HAVE to go back to college today. Or tomorrow really."
Sunny tilted his head. That sounded like she was trying to convince herself. She really did just skip class, and might skip a whole day tomorrow, too? Classes were important to her, for her future, her career...was she missing on that, just for him...?
"And, well...I think you fail to realize how painful those pictures you send me really are." Mari's voice had...a genuine edge of anger in it.
Sunny froze. Now he recognized the look on her face. She was actually upset at him. She was frustrated with him.
"Sunny, you surely must realize how much you mean to me. Sending pictures like that is really, really distracting."
Sunny was starting to get worried. How bad...was this going to be?
" need proper punishment."
Mari descended on him, and started taking his shorts off.

Mari always wondered when her feelings for her brother turned out like this.
She knew she loved him dearly, but when did lust become a part of it?
She never felt this way when she took a bath with him for the first, and only time. She was only 8 at the time, so obviously not.
She remembered she had to bathe him after falling in the lake to warm him up, but she had bigger things to think about at the time.
Sunny was always affectionate and clingy with her, but she never really felt like this about him back then, either.
So when did this happen? What exactly caused her feelings for him to change from platonic to this?
One day, she was teasing him, asking if there were any girls he liked, and laughing at his embarrassment. And then he walked over, and kissed her on the cheek, silencing any further comment. He said that he loved her.
She knew he meant that as a way to evade the question, but...she was still thinking about how he kissed her.
It felt magical. It truly felt like his kiss had enchanted her.
Suddenly, she saw Sunny completely differently, yet the same. She loved him before, but now she...loved him.
She remembers how she hugged him, and said she loved him too. He probably didn't think too much of it, but it felt like a true confession for her.
She really, really hopes...that he sees her in any way as she sees him.

Her little brother was fully erect, and she let out an "Oh" upon seeing it. It was cute, just like him. Cute, and adorable...a perfect part of her wonderful little brother. And she started licking it, all over. She could feel Sunny shiver, and make little noises in protest, but he made no effort to stop her, or ask her to stop.
N-not like she was going to stop if he asked her, anyways. She had to punish him, after all...
She kept licking it, wrapping her mouth around it, and tasting more of her little brother. Her dear, wonderful little brother, how much she loved him!
She kept going, and going, feeling him shake and shiver, the little moans he let out just further fueled her lustful desires, and she could tell he was getting close. He was always a sensitive boy, and it seems that translated here, too.
After thinking twice about it, Mari decided to wrap her mouth around the head as he let out a spurt. It tasted odd, but this was part of her little brother she wanted to taste. To taste him. Call her greedy, but she wanted all of him.
Finally, she saw him relax a little, taking breaths.
So she restarted her assault, sucking even harder on him.
"Wha-Mari-~!" Sunny yelped as she kept going.
She was going to make sure he couldn't get an erection for a week. A price to pay for being so cute and sending her distracting pictures during her classes!

Sunny was shivering, as she kept going at his dick, tasting every last bit, his moans were so cute.

While Sunny was lying down, probably overwhelmed by all this, she went to the bathroom to brush her teeth, rinse out her mouth. If she wanted to properly taste him in other areas, and give him optimum kisses, she wanted her teeth and tongue to be so clean they shine.

She came back, and started kissing him all over again. His face, his chest, his nipples, his belly, his head, she nibbled on his ears, she wrapped him in hugs, she kissed him all over, she celebrated every last adorable piece of her Sunny's body.

Sunny had recovered, just a little, enough to let out a "Mari...please..." which signaled to her to tone it down a bit. Well, after she wrapped her tongue around his one last time. She felt him protest, but he didn't back away. In fact, he leaned into her. His eyes were so, so cute, how weak he looked, his eyes wavering, oh my God she loved her little brother so, so, so, SO MUCH! All this resulted in her kissing him even more intensely.

Mari had an idea. Something she wanted to try. She picked up her hoodie, and walked back over to Sunny.
"I'm going to try and wrap this around you, and we can both wear it. Please face me while I do so." She instructed.
Sunny shivered a little, and for a bad reason. Hearing her instruct him like this brought back bad memories, but he shook that way.
He sat on her lap, facing her. She scooched him closer, till she was inches away from her face. Then, she put her hoodie over both of them, and tried to fit both their heads through the hole at the top. It was tight. Very, very tight, pressing him against her. Her body was really warm, and so was his from what she had been doing to him. He was pressed so tightly to her, but it felt nice. He felt her heavy breathing against his face, as he saw that crazed look in her eyes again.
"Sunny, I love you so, so, so, so, so, SO MUCH!" She almost screamed in his face, nuzzling her cheek against his, humming.
She wasn't going to let him go anytime soon, was she?

It had been too long under that hoodie, and they were both sweating. It was only when Sunny genuinely started tearing up, saying it was too hot that she finally let him go. She consoled him a bit, and apologized for being too mean, while he pouted at her. That too was really freaking cute. Her little brother always found ways to make her so giddy. She's supposed to be consoling him, yet she finds it hard to not just wrap him back up again and fawn over him again. She pet his head, to help him calm down.

She convinced Sunny to take a bath with her, since they both needed to wash off. It was obviously to big for both of them, so Sunny had to sit on her lap. Oh, thank you sweet merciful God. Sunny even let her clean him, which just...Mari honestly felt like she was going to cry from how happy she felt right now. She started cleaning his shoulders, and his arms. Sunny didn't resist at all, leaving his arms almost limp, so she could move them however she pleased while cleaning. She got shampoo, and started cleaning his hair. She made sure not to get any in his eyes, and he put one hand above his eyes to protect them. She kept cleaning every last inch of his body, once, twice, thrice, however many times it took her to learn every last inch of him.

Alas, all things...must come to an end. Sunny pulled the drain, and all the water, along with her happiness, was gone. But from the ash of her happiness, little sparks danced in the darkness, slowly burning into a great flame, as she got to dry off her little brother. He shivered like a kitten from the sudden coldness of getting out of the bath, but she dried him off, and he didn't resist. Wherever she pushed, he'd lean against. She loved him so much.

"Mari, can I dry you off?" Sunny asked, curious.
She paused. Oh, he wanted to use the towel and clean her? Well, she HAD been touching every last inch of his body for the past hour, he should be allowed to explore hers, too. Mari kneeled down in front of him, to make it easier for him.
Sunny started with her shoulders, and then her back, and then stayed on her back for a while.
Mari smiled. "Sunny, you can do whatever you want, too. You have the rights, as my little brother."
Sunny hesitated a little, but slowly brought the towel around to her small breasts. Mari giggled a little, which almost turned into a laugh. Poor boy, she'd been taunting him with these for so long, he's probably wanted to touch these for so long!
She could see his face in the mirror. He seemed so enamored, but eventually he looked pouty, realizing he had to clean other places. He moved to her stomach, and eventually her legs. He noticeably and very clearly avoided the inside of her thighs. Guess he wasn't ready for that, yet...was she even ready to try something like that with him? Not's too soon...

Soon, they returned to their room, and got new clothes. Well, Sunny was still wearing shorts, those were the only clothes she picked out for him. Sunny moved over to his bed and lied down in it. He was exhausted, and drained from the past hours events.
"Sunny, why don't you sleep in my bed, like we used to?" Mari asked, hopeful.
Their parents were jerks who told her she shouldn't sleep with her younger brother anymore. She was only allowed to do so if he was having nightmares, but they weren't around to tell her no right now.
Sunny got up, and moved over to her bed. He laid down, as she wrapped her arms around him, content.
She missed him so much...she missed him so much...she missed him so, so much...

"Yes, Sunny?"
"Are you going back to college tomorrow?"
"Oh...right...I-I guess I have too...I did kind of leave out of nowhere, heh..."
"Do you...want me to stay?"
"Mari, I...will I...ever get to see you again when you graduate?"
" you mean?"
"When you'll get a new house, right...? And...that could be far away...and then you'll have work...and someday...will you still visit me...? I barely get to see you that often already..."
He sounded so sad, was he crying? He really missed her...maybe he missed her even more then she had him...oh, Sunny...
She hugged him tighter.
"Sunny, I'll always visit you, you'll always have a part in my life, a very, very big part of it."
She tried to turn him around, and he rolled over, so his face was to her. He looked at her, slight traces of tears in his eyes.
She kissed him on the cheek.
"Sunny, I love you. More then anything. I'll always want you with me, by my side."
Sunny only started to cry more tears, as he hugged her as tightly as he could.

The two of them fell asleep like this, so very happy to have the other in their lives.

Pub: 08 Feb 2023 12:47 UTC
Edit: 08 Feb 2023 12:47 UTC
Views: 623