The result of a lower catechin concentration, catechins are converted to thefaflins and thearubigins, which are absent mostly from unused teas. The oxidation process changes the relative amounts of catechins vs. Theflavins and thearubigins, but it does not necessarily result in a lower total antioxidant content.
In addition, a study that examined the antioxidant content of a different series of teas found that the number of antioxidants (both catechins and theafavins) varies widely from tea to another. It is impossible to generalize about a class of tea, such as black tea, green tea, white, or oolong, which has a superior or lower antioxidant content. [2]
Does antioxidants in tea have health benefits?
There is a general public perception that antioxidants are generally beneficial for health. This is not necessarily true, and this impression is mainly the result of tea companies and nutritional supplement companies that exaggerate health claims to promote their products. One of the most common affirmations is that antioxidants in tea prevent cancer. The Linus Paul
Ing Institute has reviewed the scientific literature surrounding tea and cancer and has concluded that although there is some evidence that tea flavonoids can prevent cancer, they probably do so through some other biological route, and not because of their Antioxidant activity. [3] While there is significant scientific evidence that support some of the tea health benefits, there is also a lot of exaggeration distributed by several less than reputable sources, about the health benefits of antioxidants in tea.
Although antioxidants can have positive effects, they can also have negative effects on health. For example, antioxidants such as TheFlovins in black tea can join non-human iron (the main iron form found in plants and dairy sources and in most nutritional supplements). It has been shown that the consumption of beverages rich in polyphenolic compounds, including black tea, mint tea, cocoa and chamomile tea, has been shown to reduce iron absorption; In one study, 79-94% of absorption was inhibited by black tea, and chamomile inhibited 47% of iron absorption. [4] Frame