My Scream Which Can’t Be Told to Anyone (Event Story)

Chapter 3: A Girl Who Is More Mature Than Her Teacher

Yae: Hehe, Sasuke is also doing well today.

Classmate A: Yae-chan with a rabbit on her arms, how cute....

Classmate B: Right, it feels like we’re seeing Alice in Wonderland.

Yae: Sasuke is just so cute, don’t you think so?

Such as how his tail is round, or about the straightened ears whenever he jumps,
Or how he’ll always come whenever I call for his name.

Classmate A: Yae-chan seems really attached to Sasuke, doesn't she.

Classmate B: Sasuke itself is also keep getting closer with her,
Somehow it makes me feel jealous, too.

Yae: If that’s the case, should we all play together with him?
I’m sure Sasuke will feel welcome. And of course, I’ll feel the same too!

Shigure's Homeroom Teacher: Heey. Sasukeー? You’re there..?

Yae: Ah. Greetings, teach!

Shigure's Homeroom Teacher: Yae-chan, good afternoon...

Yae: Good afternoon. Is there anything you need to do with Sasuke?

Shigure's Homeroom Teacher: Yes. Thinking that, I want Sasuke to heal me for a while...

Yae: ... Teach? Did something go wrong?
It seems you’re not doing well today.

Shigure's Homeroom Teacher: Mhm, there’s a bit of it...

Yae: Would you mind talking about it with me?

Towa: Right there is, kouhai? And the one beside her...
Seems like Shigure's Homeroom Teacher?

Shigure's Homeroom Teacher: But the thing is, it’s not only Fudeshima-san,
It seems no one listens to whatever I ask them for...

Towa: Hey, what is Yae doin’ in there?

Classmate A: Seems like Yae-chan wants the teacher to consult about her problem.

Towa: Eh? Like how exactly?

Shigure's Homeroom Teacher: I’ve failed myself as a homeroom teacher, haven’t I?
With how I can’t have mutual understanding at the class I taught..

Yae: So even a teacher has their own problems to solve..

Shigure's Homeroom Teacher: I apologize. I may have troubled you after talking about all of this.
Maybe... It’s the best if you pretend like nothing happened.

Yae: I understand. I’ll assume today’s conversation as a passing wind.

Shigure's Homeroom Teacher: I appreciate it.

Towa: Nng..? Which one’s the teacher again?

Yae: Sasuke~,
The teacher came here to play with you.

Shigure's Homeroom Teacher: Yae-chan? What are you planning to do with that?

Yae: This is simply a hole digging!

Sasuke likes this kind of stuff.
He’ll feel happy whenever we dig holes like this together.

Shigure's Homeroom Teacher: ......

Yae: Being honest. At first, Sasuke also refused to look at me.

But when I learnt about things that he likes,
I continued to do the thing since then.

And without realizing it we’ve become this close.

Shigure's Homeroom Teacher: Yae-chan...

Yae: It makes me happy to know that we could get closer as the time goes.

So let’s dig some holes together, teach!

Shigure's Homeroom Teacher: You’re right. Now you’ve said that,
Perhaps there’s still some things that I need to understand from the students.

Thank you, Yae-chan!
I will try to face them properly again!

Yae: That’s great!
Do not hesitate to visit Sasuke’s place whenever you feel troubled.

Towa: Nah..... She’s a pastor now.

Yae: Ah, senpai, since when you’re here?

Towa: I’ve been here since the start of Niizuma's Consultation Room.
Kouhai seems to be well-known too, huh.

Yae: Well-known? I think this is nothing if compared to you, senpai.
Oh, also, I’ll look forward to working with you by afternoon time.

Towa: ... Huh? We have something to do this afternoon..?


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Pub: 13 Oct 2024 17:10 UTC
Edit: 18 Dec 2024 03:39 UTC
Views: 272