Shinji Ikari gorged.

Shinji Ikari feasted.

Shinji Ikari ate.

"Mormnf," he mumbled, picking up a cheeseburger. He took a huge bite, chewed it, swallowed it down. Grease and melty cheese oozed down his bloated, sagging jowls, and his three fat chins slopped forward as he leaned in to take another bite.

Kaworu set a platter of nacho cheese fries in front of him. "More," he whispered, stroking Shinji's hair.

Shinji had achieved an important milestone: he weighed 300 kilograms. No, he had broken through: he had weighed in at 301 this morning. More than 660 pounds of pale, buttery teenage boy.

"Eat," whispered Kaworu in his ear, stroking his enormous boy boob. Shinji had boobs the size of beach balls. Bigger breasts than most women.

Kaworu stroked Shinji's belly next. Shinji's belly was colossal: a gigantic gut, one that Kaworu himself could have sat comfortably inside. It was swathed in soft purple fabric. Shinji had eaten himself into such a tremendous size that he no longer fit in pants and shirts. Instead, the immense boy was comfortably swathed in a muu-muu. Shinji personally loved wearing the flowing dress. It didn't pinch his enormous waistline, or hem in his voluminous thighs.

"Mmhmnf, I love it cheesy," huffed Shinji as he crammed a fistful of nacho fries into his mouth. The goopy nacho cheese ran down his hoggish jowls, dripping, oozing in between his chins.

Shinji finished his cheeseburger. Kaworu handed him a chili cheese burrito.


Shinji ate.

A deliveryman arrived with a bag of more food. Kaworu paid him, and showed him out the door. Shinji kept on eating.




Farts blasted from Shinji's colossal ass. He was sitting on an entire loveseat and filled it to the brim. Each buttock, each butt cheek, was more than a meter wide. The immense boy had a vast bottom, another reason he was happy to say farewell to pants.

Shinji was done with the burrito at warp speed. He crammed more nacho fries into his mouth.

Kaworu handed him another cheeseburger. "More."

Shinji ate.

Kaworu stroked his short brown hair. It looked like some kind of comical wig on top of Shinji's immensely fat face. Shinji had a face and head as fat as a hog in a sty. He was so big around that there was a special tray elevated off the table to make sure he could reach the food around his belly.

Shinji ate, and loved it. Food was why he lived. Increasingly, more and more, eating was his greatest joy in life. His meals lasted hours, and they were always followed by huge amounts of dessert.

"Mmrnf," mumbled Shinji, cheese and grease and sour cream dribbling down his chins. "I love how you feed me, Kaworu-san."

"You must always be stuffed after every meal, Shinji-kun," said Kaworu, red eyes gazing down into the beady blue gaze of his fat pet. "From now on I shall be especially careful about that."

Shinji's beady eyes twinkled.

"I am going to feed you to hugeness, Shinji-kun," said Kaworu, his voice a soft and silky whisper. "You are going to eat like no one alive."

"Ohh... ohhh..." he moaned, sounding aroused. "I want to eat... I want to eat!"

"You shall be fed like the finest of hogs, Shinji-kun. You have reached 300 kilograms, and look how beautiful you are."

Kaworu softly stroked Shinji's huge ass cheek, and Shinji moaned in pleasure.

"Imagine how beautiful you will be when you are 350 kilograms... or 400? Or more?"

Shinji crammed another handful of nacho fries into his mouth.

"Mrnf... nfmf... ohhh, I want to be... so big," moaned Shinji, fully under Kaworu's spell. Kaworu's dominating love and devotion to him had made Shinji fully his creature. And now all the huge boy could think was one thing: "I... I want to be bigger... ohh, bigger... ohhh, bigger! I want to be," he took a huge bite of his cheeseburger, "ohh, I want to be the biggest boy in the world... mmrnff"

His cheeks bulged with food and cheese oozed down his chins as he spontaneously ejaculated, his gluttony and greed and Kaworu's affection enough to drive him to orgasm.

The doorbell to the apartment rang.

"Oh, that is certainly the pizza!" said Kaworu with a smile down at Shinji. He stroked Shinji's sagging, piggish cheek. "You are going to be so stuffed that I will have to roll you to bed."

Shinji's eyes rolled back into his head as an absolutely gluttonous urge for food completely overcame his mind.

"Ohhmm," he gurgled, and grabbed a spare container of nacho cheese. "Kaworu... the cheese..."

"I suppose the pizza man can wait a bit," said Kaworu, grabbing the cheese container.

And Shinji, the boy so fat he could barely walk any more, groaned in delight as he opened his mouth.

"Ohhh, feed me... oohh, feed me... oh, Kaworu-san, feed your piggy!"

And Kaworu poured the nacho cheese into Shinji's eager maw.

Pub: 23 Nov 2022 07:44 UTC
Views: 599