The Bar and Artur

short story, that may continue

by ArcadianRhythm

Okay, this is a bit heavy, you’ve never been much of a people person, plus you’re new in town and know next to nobody. Hoping you could change that you decided to find a bar close by to see if you could find some friends. Unfortunately the closest bar was still a long walk away, and worse yet was in the anthro side of town. You didn’t hate anthros like some other humans did, but you were never quite comfortable around them. Never ended up staying around anthros long enough to find out why you were uncomfortable in the first place.
Heading in, you didn’t know what to expect, what it’d be like, you’d only seen what they look liked in a few movies, between wild, loud and flashy dives, or the more subdued and relaxed bars of old.
Looking up you saw neither, it was simply decorated, simple furniture, fairly modern, it was pretty nicely decorated. There were only a few other patrons- all anthros -this was probably not gonna end too well all things considered.
Heading up to the counter, you sat yourself on a stool, you kept your eyes in front of you. Staring at the bar, you stalled, unsure of your next move.
“Can I help you? You seem to be a little out of it, mister-?” Searching for the speaker, you glance up, seeing a well dressed feline, polishing a glass, almost picturesque. You stumble over your words, “Well I uh, c-could I just get something to drink? Maybe a- uh -a cider?”
Your felid server chuckles at your expense before grabbing out a tall glass and an ice cold beverage, “Here sir, enjoy.”
Your heart is already pumping at a million miles a minute, you can’t help but feel completely out of your depth. Taking the glass in hand, you swivel around to catch a better look at each of the other patrons.
Scanning around the room, you see a few groups, avians, canines and a lone reptile sitting up the other end of the bar. When you look back around at each person, they’re all staring back at you, nervously you spin back around and plant your face firmly on the counter, afraid you’ve ruined any chance of a friend being found.
“Hey.” You jump a little hearing that voice so close, turning quick you see the lizard man setting himself down on the seat beside you. “New to town aren’t you?”
“H-how’d you know that?” You clasp your cup to keep your hands from shaking, looking up at the man, his golden eyes staring you down with an expression you don’t quite understand. “Well, you’ve obviously not spent a whole lot of time with any non-humans, haven’t you?” Nervously looking away, you can’t help but be drawn back in by his voice, equal parts smooth and dry, like a good drink. “Well… you’re right, I grew up at an all human school.” Taking a sip of your drink, you try not to get lost in his eyes, their colour so piercingly brilliant. “Well, have you got a name kid? I’m Artur.”
“Anon, my name’s Anon.” You sip down the last of your drink, eliciting a chuckle from the reptile, “Here, I’ll grab us a round.” Beginning to confer with the bartender, you get a good look at him, he appears to be some kind of gecko perhaps, orange and gray patterns all over his head. He’s taller than you, but not by much.
You feel your heart in your throat still as you stare at him, his gentle features cheerily turning to offer you another drink, “Bourbon, you had it before? It’s great!” Taking the glass from him, you confess, “Never had much more than a beer in all honesty.” Taking a sip, you pull back immediately, the taste hits you like a freight train. “Heh, I’ll admit it’s an acquired taste, here I’ll order you another cider on me.” Smiling at him, you slowly finish the drink you’d been given before taking the new cider.
You’ve been thinking it the whole time he’s been talking, but now with the liquid courage flowing through you, you decide to ask him, “Uh, I’ve been wondering… how do scales feel like?” He bursts out laughing the moment you pop the question, as he calms down, he looks you dead in the eye, “Not gonna ask me to dinner first huh?” You turn bright red hearing that and look straight down at the counter again, both hands clasping the cup once more.
“Hey, it’s okay,” his hand finds yours and gently holds it, “I imagine it must be weird for you.”
The scales on his hand gently rub against your soft skin, slowly you lock fingers, gently holding hands, you find yourself staring into his eyes again.
“We can take this back to my place if you’d like.” Much as you hate to admit it, that sounds wonderful no matter how you slice it. “Yeah, I’d like that.”

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Pub: 31 Dec 2021 02:14 UTC
Views: 1573