
That damn brat. Why couldn’t he have just stayed still and not have to make problems? You swear, that when you find him, he’ll learn never to run off like that again. But enough about that, you are going to find him even if it takes till the end of time. “SUNNY, WHERE ARE YOU SUNNY!?” You yell into the woods, echoing only for squirrels and birds to hear. You go in zig-zag directions, hoping to find even a vaguely humanoid shape, but you find nothing. Until...

You squint your eyes, and see a small building in the distance. Perhaps Sunny could be hiding there. You head straight to the building, which turns out to be a rather large cabin. The doors unlocked, surprisingly enough. Sunny probably didn’t lock it in his panic. The inside is quite swanky, whomever owns it clearly put a lot of money in this place. You inspect the first floor rooms, nothing. You head upstairs to check the rooms. Must be where all the bedrooms are. After a few minutes of frantically checking the rooms, you find Him.

Sunny was sitting in a corner, visibly shaking in a fetal position. When he catches sight of you, he freezes. This boy was in need of some serious care, one that you knew would help him, but refused rather rudely. “I offer him treatment, and this is how he repays me!? By running off into the woods all by himself?” You thought to yourself. “Sunny, what did Mari tell you about going all alone out in the wilderness!? If she was in my shoes, she’d be worried sick! Now why’d you run off like that?!”

You stare at Sunny with an angry gaze. With his pose, and darting eyes, he almost looks like a cornered animal. As you walk up to Sunny, he starts shaking again. You pick him up and put him on the bed. “Why are you so scared, Sunny? There’s nothing to be afraid of. Trust me.” You stare into Sunny’s eyes.

Mari was right, Sunny really was cute. His onyx hair & eyes complimenting his youthful features merge into a face, completely irresistible to the likes of You. You can’t stay mad at Sunny for much longer. With your desires overwhelming you, you pull your shirt and bra off, revealing your breasts to the antsy Sunny. Sunny stares at them for a brief time before darting his eyes away. “Why’d you look away?” You say as you pull Sunny’s face into your chest. His cheeks turn beet red, basically touching your chest.

You pat Sunny’s head, holding him firmly. Eventually, you pull Sunny up from your breasts and proceed to kiss him repeatedly. They were shot kisses at first, but proceeded to become longer and lewder. “Mmhm Sunny...” Sunny tries to pull away, but can’t escape your grip. “Why are you trying to pull away, Sunny? I’m just trying to help you...”

After you pull away from a rather sloppy kiss, you take off your skirt and panties in one fell swoop. Sunny has a rather big tent in his pants now. “Hmmm... looks like you need more help than I thought.” You disrobe Sunny, putting his slender figure into full view. “hmmmhem...”

After a bit of shuffling, you slowly get on top of Sunny. A tidal wave of pleasure hits you as Sunny’s rod occupies your vagina. You slowly move up and down, taking in the cornucopia of ecstasy. You pick up the pace, bringing Sunny to his limit. You feel Sunny’s rod shoot into you as it throbs. You can hear Sunny moaning and gasping from your treatment.

That must mean it’s working.

Pub: 29 Dec 2021 04:11 UTC
Views: 758