After hours passed without an ounce of rest, Eko finally accepted that he wasn't going to get any sleep. "Ah... It can't be helped I guess..." he got out of bed and wore his coat. Despite the cold and the late hour, Eko had to go for a walk, he knew that nothing else clears his mind like a comfy walk in the night. It was the 3rd day of the dad meetup party, Eko spent quite some time with all the dads and got to know them better, except one, Tachi. Eko wondered what he's doing wrong as he walked through the night, he simply couldn't get close to Tachi no matter what he did. "He is a popular dad after all... He probably doesn't care about someone like me..." Eko had imagined that once he finally got to meet Tachi, talking with him would be easy and everything would go smoothly but Tachi was always surrounded by other dads, talented, strong, good looking and... autistic dads. If they were anonymous, or were chatting on discord, Eko could easily join in, but his confidence had been broken after seeing Tachi in real life. His soft fluffy hair, silky smooth skin and oh so beautiful dainty hands. Even at first glance, Eko had instantly recognized Tachi and made up excuses to himself to avoid him. Even though he spoke to Tachi quite a few times before, realizing that he actually has a crush on him brought Eko back to square one. What if he stuttered or had an awkward moment? What if Tachi hated him? It's best to avoid irl contact he thought. If he could make it through the remaining week of the meetup then he could go back to chatting with Tachi, safely, on discord instead. But then he may never get to hold his pretty hands. He would never get to look deep into his eyes. "Ah... I didn't even get a good look of his eyes because I was too scared to stare...". Silence of the streets, uncanny glow of the dim lights and the sound of gravel crushed beneath his boots were not going to drown out the sounds of his desires. He decided to head back.
Needless to say, the walk didn't help. Eko's mind was plagued by a disease that kept dragging his thoughts back to one thing, Tachi. Could he really be in love? In love with a dad?! And witch Tachi of all people! Maybe this was some kinda dream, yes this was one of those weird train nap dreams he always has. Unable to fight his thoughts anymore, Eko convinced himself that it's normal to have weird thoughts like this every now and then, he needed sleep and if these visions are what it takes so be it, he said. Eko tightly hugged his pillow and let his imagination run wild as he succumbed to sleep.
Eko woke up clenching his teeth, he quickly realized that his body and mind betrayed him. He was harder than he ever was, he had drooled all over his pillow and the first thing that had popped into his mind was unsurprisingly, Tachi. Eko washed his face and was startled by his own bloodshot eyes. "Maybe it's true. Maybe I do love him... But what if he doesn't love me... What if he hates me... But dads always joke about us being together so they must see that we are compatible right? Even if they are jokes there must be some truth in them. Maybe Tachi thought this as well... Maybe he thought about us... being together as well...". The thought of Tachi having feelings towards him made his heart skip a beat. Faced with his feelings, Eko couldn't deny reality anymore. No matter the outcome, he must go talk to Tachi.
When he checked the meetup activity schedule, Eko saw that it was time for "Epic dad fishign time :)". He was already a few minutes late. Afraid of wasting more time, Eko grabbed his dadpole and sprinted to the fishing spot. When Eko got there the dads had already starting fishing. To his luck, Tachi wasn't occupied by other dads as most dads had gathered around ** after he caught a huge fish with his bare hands. Eko took a deep breath and walked up to Tachi. "Hey Tachi! What are you up to?". It takes Tachi a moment for him recognize Eko.
"Oh hi Eko, just fishing with the dads. Have you had any luck?". Tachi's speech was calm, it had no trace of anxiety or deeper feeling, this alone was enough to deal a blow to Eko's spirit. "Ah I just came here actually" Eko dipped the tip of his fishing rod into the water, it was clear he wasn't interested in fishing at the moment. He had to push himself to break the awkward silence, "Do you fish a lot, Tachi?". "I fish sometimes, especially in the summer. It-s very comfy.". Eko knew he wasn't going to get very close to Tachi while pretending to be fishing, "Wanna have some tea after this? I have a few stuff I want to talk about" Tachi said yes, after the fishing they went to a cafe. "What did you wanna talk about Eko?" He didn't have anything in mind, he made that up on the spot so Tachi would be more likely to accept his offer. "I uh... I'm working on this one drawing and I thought you could help me with the background... Can you show me how you get the strokes like that" He quickly pulled up a random image Tachi drew on his phone. "Oh of course, always happy to help with reps. I thought you meant something serious when you said you wanted to talk though." Excuses and lies hasn't helped Eko thus far, he had to be honest. "Well... The truth is that I wanted to be alone with you. I... I always have a lot of fun when we're together. Like when we built that minecraft arena together. To me, Bea was just an excuse, I just wanted to spend time with you." realizing how gay that sounds, Eko stepped back "D-don't get the wrong idea though!". Tachi giggled, "Don-t be shy Eko, I think of us as geniune friends at this point. The way you said this stuff like it-s some love confession is cute though~ Could the crush rrats be true?" Tachi's tone made it perfectly cleat that he was merely joking but Eko felt like he was going to faint upon hearing his words, his heart was beating so fast that Tachi could almost hear it.
Laying in bed, Tachi pondered about the way Eko acted today. "It was almost like he-s actually flustered around me... Ah this is bad, I shouldn't let rrats infest my head." Tachi applied his hand lotion. "Time to do some reps." He grabbed his pen and started doodling on his tablet. Undoing his scribbles after a few strokes, Tachi just come up with a doodle that satisfied him. "Ah! An aggie would inspire me! But all the dads are at the meetup, they probably didn't bring anything to join the canvas with." Indeed, only Eko and Tachi were autistic enough to bring their tablets to draw. "Oh I know! I'll just get some paint and a big canvas so we can all draw together!" Tachi woke up early to prepare the surprise for the dads, an irl aggie was sure to please Bea too. After breakfast Tachi gathered the dads in the lobby for the painting collaboration, this piece was developing to be the most soulful of all with even non-artdads contributing a few doodles. "Hey Eko, you wanted me to show you how to get certain strokes right?" Eko was constructing the base of his cute fuwa drawing but he gladly took a break from it to watch Tachi. Tachi's brush masterfully slid across the canvas, leaving perfectly defined edges and curves behind as he talked about brush strokes like a professor. Eko was completely enchanted, not that he didn't know about this stuff, he didn't care anyway, he was focused on Tachi's hands. His soft, smooth hands must have been framed by a sublime artist just like Tachi, he thought. Eko accompanied Tachi's lines with his own brush, their hands were captivated in a dance as the two artists let their talent run wild. Strokes intertwined, colors mixed and their hands occasionally touched in this waltz. When their opus stood complete on the canvas they both took a step back to appreciate it. Even though they didn't speak a single word while drawing it, the piece looked like it was planned and constructed carefully.
No doubt, only an artist expert in his craft could tear this piece apart from his soul and project it upon a canvas, only the hand of a single master, or two hands of lovers interlocked. "It turned out pretty good right?". "Yeah it-s good. Good art is art that makes you feel something after all." could they be feeling the same thing?
The entire canvas was filled and it was obvious everyone poured their heart and soul into it. It was going to look good on Bea's wall for sure. Only if she knew that among the paint, doodles, sketches and shitposts, a confession of love between two dads lied within, alas only Eko and Tachi could read the poem secretly engraved in plain sight. Both were overwhelmed by the same emotion whenever they took a look at their collaborative painting, it was almost obscene to have such a thing exposed in the open, for it was their love ran free, clad in none.
Eko was able to talk to Tachi normally again after sharing such an intimate moment, he felt stupid for letting his fears keep him away from Tachi, of course they were friends, it's normal for friends to chat so there is nothing to be afraid of. He was trying to build up confidence in front of the mirror again. He had just gotten back from his walk and he was now getting ready to ask Tachi if he wanted to draw together again. Eko and Tachi had dinner together, finally, Eko could calmly talk to him and get to know Tachi. As they opened up their entire personalities to each other they both felt their relationship detach from "bea's dads" and become people who met naturally and grew to like each other. No one, nothing else was needed as an excuse for them to be together anymore. "Wanna draw something together, Eko?". "I was going to ask you the same thing!" Eko happily replied. "Let's draw something other than Bea this time.". If it's not reps, then it must be a date, both thought at the same time. Instead of going to the lobby for the stream watchalong, they both went to Tachi's room.
Eko's heart started racing again as soon as he stepped into Tachi's room. His sweet fragrance was unavoidable, Eko made the mistake of taking a deep breath to calm himself down, the odor swept him off his feet, his mind had already sunken into blissful dreams. They had much talking to do, so they began drawing. Sketches, edges, lines, curves flooded the canvas as both artists loudly sang their feelings from their pens. Complex shapes formed as they worked in perfect coordination like they had practiced the drawing a hundred times beforehand, they had the same piece in mind and worked together to bring it to life. Like expert stone cutters placing and hitting nails in harmony, Tachi and Eko completed each other's lines as if they shared a single mind. With bold strokes upon each other's paints, colors were rendered as if by the hand of breaking dawn. With fingers interlocked, two lovers grasping the pen together drew their last line, finishing labor of their love. They realized that they were holding hands but did not break contact. Their eyes met, synchronized rhythm of their hearts could be hidden no more. Magic words needed not to be spoken as they had just finished singing their serenade. Their lips naturally gravitated together, ecstasy melted their vision into a colorful scene almost as pretty as their drawing. When their lips parted both were met with a portrait of their lover.
Feeling Tachi's hands on his chest set Eko ablaze with lust. Eko's grasp around Tachi's waist had his skin burning with desire. They didn't know who would be top and bottom but they had to have sex right now, their bodies could not bear being apart anymore. After they undressed each other Eko pinned Tachi down by his hands, not because he wanted to take the lead but because that's what his instincts lead him to do, he had been dreaming of having them in his grasp for days. "This... Is my first time..." Tachi muttered. "Same." Eko replied
Being afraid to penetrate, Eko made out with Tachi while frotting. Steam coming out of their bodies as the friction of skin rubbing together generated seemingly as much heat as a campfire could almost be seen. Beating of their hearts and excitement of sharing their first time coupled with the sweet tingles vibrating through their body as they approached the edge had both of them moaning and panting. Tachi spread his legs "I... I want it...". Eko nervously deflowered his lover, their bodies naturally worked together and they gently made love. Tachi's body wholly welcomed Eko, texture and warmth of his soft skin pulled Eko deeper and Eko's member gently stroke Tachi's prostate as if he was being careful on purpose, his loving caresses sent wave after wave of ecstasy throughout Tachi's body. With fingers interlocked, tongues intertwined and every inch of their skin pressed together Eko released his seed into his lover as both embraced in euphoria.
After they were done making sweet love Eko and Tachi cuddled in bed. Eko finally spoke the words that had plagued his mind for so long, the words that had so desperately fought to escape his mouth, the words that were written all over the bed now. "I love you. I love you Tachi."
"I love you too Eko"

Pub: 19 Apr 2022 14:17 UTC
Views: 465