T3RRAC3 code.

#aiden vandelized this
A = input("Are you ready?")
if A == "yes":
  print(' ')
  print("The game starts as you are faced with your player character.")
  print("It's a young child with wide eyes and light brown hair, staring up at you. We'll call it Charon.")
  print("Charon stands in a dark and quiet room.")
  print("The silence is deafening.")
  print("There's very little inside the room besides a bed made of steel, a dirty purple carpet, and a blanket on the floor.")
  B = input("You must decide whether you want to attempt to escape or to stay.")
  #There is no escape
#I was never safe.
elif A == "no":
  print("Then leave.")
  B = "nothing"
if B == "stay":
  Pass = "nothing"
  Room = "nothing"
  print('So you decide to stay.')
  print("Charon sits down, still staring at you.")
  print("The room's quiet. Too quiet.")
  print("The silence almost hurts.")
  print("But it doesnt last long.")
  print("The sound of screams suddenly erupts, causing Charon to cover its ears, shaking.")
  print("Along that, the sounds of shoes stomping near shakes the ground as something seems to shatter.")
  print("The yelling grows for a while as Charon curls up in fear.")
  print("Then.. all goes quiet once more. Charon slowly calms down.")
  print("Its over.")
  print("Charon is safe.")
  print("You're safe.")
elif B == "escape":
  Pass = input("Please enter the code to escape.")
if Pass == "imdyvn":
  print("You manage to escape. Into a dark, dirty hallway.")
  print("It's mostly empty, besides the occasional kid attempting escape.")
  print("You cannot interact with them. Charon can't even try.")
  #Its never any use.
  print("You should try to explore. Just make sure not to get caught.")
  Room = input("But where should you go?")
if Room == "zdf32":
  print("You enter a dark room, much like the original.")
  print("Except this one is covered in glass and blood. It's everywhere.")
  print("Nobody's inside. It seems recent.")
  #Maybe someone died.
  print("There's a hole, a quite large one.")
  print("You wonder what it was for.")
elif Room == "m3m0ru":
  print("The child walks into a dark room. It seems the person who used to be here has left.")
  print("2 children, what looks like the Charon as well as a young girl, are sitting down and talking")
  print("The girl: Hey, do you remember your name? I think I've forgotten mine.")
  print("Charon: No, I don't remember mine either. I don't think I liked my old name, anyways.")
  print("The girl: Oh...")
  print("Charon: Hey, I had an idea! What if we named each other?")
  print("") #Nice lol
  print("The girl: That seems like a good idea, how about you go first?")
  print("Charon: Oh, okay! Well, how about 'Storme'? Like the storm in your eyes!")
  print("Storme: Alright, I like that name! Now for you...")
  print("Storme: Oh! I know, Charon, Charon Styx..!")
  print("Charon: I like that! I like that a lot!! Thank you Storme, really..")
  print("Of course, and thank you, Charon..")
  #I know it didn't go like that. Why does it look like that. 
  #I can't. I can't remember it right
  print("The two fade. It was only a memory. A bittersweet memory..")
elif Room == "ruined-walls":
  print("You find a completely abandoned room. Whoever stayed there must've died")
  print("Charon walks over to the walls, observing them.")
  print("They're ruined. Destroyed. The scratches fill the walls as blood covers them.")
  print("There's blood everywhere.")
  #So he escaped? He never died. He's alive. He and Sherif. They escaped. That was an option. I could have escaped. WE could have escaped.
elif Room == "g7sev":
  print("You walk to a room that's been abandoned for a while now. It's full of dust and blood.")
  print("Charon seems to shake as it sits on the floor.")
  print("It almost refuses to do anything. The silence is too much.")
  print("It's alone. It's scared. It doesn't want to be here.")
  print("It's alone.")
  print("It's alone.")
  print("It's alone.")
  print("I'm alone.")
elif Room == "wonder":
  print("Sometimes I wonder.")
  print("Why you play")
  print("Why are you so curious?")
  print("Why do you care?")
  print(" ")
  print("This isnt for you.")
  print("This isnt for anyone")
  print("Stop it.")
  print("Stop trying to figure me out.")

print("Please restart to explore more. Sorry for the inconvinience.")
print("To restart, simply reload.")

you know. I wonder something.
Why do people care so much?
Why do they care about me?
I don't get it. I don't deserve your love. Your pity.
I deserve what i get. I deserved what happened to my eye. I deserved every attack
I shouldn't be loved. I shouldn't be pitied.

#Stop playing this. Stop it. This isn't meant for you and you know it.
Pub: 09 Dec 2022 21:26 UTC
Edit: 27 Mar 2023 20:33 UTC
Views: 156