Nervous Talk

Aubrey's loud laughter roared from the other room, whatever Kel tried to do must have failed miserably.

Hero was busy making snacks for the sleepover as the rest of the gang hung out in the living room, just some stove top popcorn to go along with some candy they got at Othermart.

Suddenly Basil grabbed Hero's arm.

"H-hero, c-can I show you s-something...", Basil whispered nervously.

"What's wrong Basil?", Hero inquired with slight concern. Basil had always been a nervous boy, but this week he had been a little too jumpy at anyone to close to him, and he disengaged from seemingly every physical activity from playing in the playground to wrestling the TV remote away from Kel and Aubrey for their sleepover.

"It's, um, b-bathroom stuff...", Basil trailed off.

Hero realized that Basil was getting to that age, and given his innocence his grandma likely didn't teach him about the birds and the bees.

"Ah, well Basil, I don't think I need to see to know what's going on", he smiled nervously, "you started noticing some big changes down there huh, ha ha..." Hero laughed lightly, a bit of nervousness still in his voice.

"N-no, I-I-I'm, b-b-b-bl-eeding.", Basil started to tear up, scaring Hero.

"M-Mari, me and Basil are going to use the bathroom real quick, I'll finish the popcorn in a minute!", Hero called out as he ushered Basil and himself up Mari and Sunny's stairs.

"O-oh, be sure to wash afterwards!", she chimed brightly from the other room, no doubt aware something was up but knowing to keep the rest of the kids in the living room and distract them from the comment.

Hero checked the bathroom cabinet for a first aid kit and pulled out some rubbing alcohol, band aids, and a wash cloth from the counter.

"Don't worry Basil, if anything is wrong I'll take care of it", Hero smiled calmly.

Basil calmly nodded, turned his backside towards him and took off his pants.

Hero was relieved at first, thinking he might of got some diaper rash or something somehow, only to become concerned as he noticed red in his underwear.

"Your bleeding, let me see", Hero said gently.

Basil sniffled as he took off his underwear and covered his groin, Hero didn't notice anything wrong with his bum however, that must mean...

"Oh Basil", sadness resonated in Hero's voice as he spoke, "What happened? Let me see. It's alright, I'm here for you".

Hero knew Basil had various helpers for his grandmother, especially with his parents out of town for... who knows how long, a thought occurred to Hero that one of them might have done the unthinkable to his close friend. Hero prepared the wash cloth.

Shamefully, Basil presented himself to Hero. Hero couldn't tell where the wound was at first until Basil lifted his junk to reveal-

"Dear God, that wound is massive!", Hero thought horrified, trying hard to keep it together for Basil. How long had he had it for, it looked healed up from all sides, a terribly misshapen deep wound, Hero could see a larger chunk of tissue hanging off the top leading with two large walls leading into a canal of another pair of walls with a thin trail of blood dripping down it all.

"I'm going to wipe the area down Basil, okay? It might hurt so be strong for me okay?", Basil sniffed and nodded in reply. The sleepover was over, he and Mari were immediately going to see his grandma, if not call the police.

Hero wiped canal gently and Basil shuddered, giving Hero a pang of guilt. He then went to wipe the hanging scar tissue when all of a sudden-

"ahhh~!", Basil cried out suddenly and sharply, tripping on his pants and falling on his backside.

"Oh God Basil are you alright? Did I hurt you?", Hero stated in a concerned panic.

"N-no, it f-felt...really good...", Basil started mumbling

"Hero was confused, was the sore so close to his groin making his pain turn to pleasure? He looked at Basil laying on the ground with legs arched, from this position it almost looked like Basil had a-

D-did he have a?

"MARI, I NEED YOU NOW!", Hero shouted down the stairs

Mari had a thought she pushed into the back of her mind, now in the forefront to her shame. She told her now concerned friends to stay and continue playing while she and Hero did some adult stuff and sprinted up the stairs, knee-be-damned.

"Hey Basil, are you alright, are you alright, did anyone hurt you?", She said calmly to the boy covering his groin. Basil had always been a nervous boy, as of late even more so, she thought it was because his parents were always out of town, but now she feared it was something far worse.

Basil, a bit ashamed a girl was going to look at his junk, hesitated, but at Hero's nod of assurance, he nodded back and presented his junk and covered his face and teared a bit.

Mari knew what male genitalia was from school, despite not even seeing her boyfriend's before, but on a cursory glance she didn't know what was wrong. Afraid to touch, she looked Hero who nervously whispered something into Basil's ear, him nodding and removing one of the hands from his face to life up the junk to reveal-

"Is that", Mari inquired curiously.

"That's what I wanted you to tell me", Hero replied.

Mari looked carefully for a short moment longer and nodded to Hero, letting him know she saw what she needed and that they were done.

"Alright champ, you can put your britches back on, I need to tell you something", Mari smiled, her smile a bit off due to her concern and thoughts about what to say.

"Is everything okay?", Basil stated a bit nervously while quickly getting redressed.

"Yeah, um, it's just that, um you...", Mari trailed off.

"W-what?", Basil was starting to panic again and Mari grabbed his arm to console him.

"Oh, it's nothing, it's just, um, you are a fu-, um no, tr- no, um, hermaphrodite that's it! You are a hermaphrodite!", Mari smiled cheerfully.

"What?", Basil questioned curiously.

"The bleeding is normal, it's just that, um", Mari started.

"You have guy and girl parts Basil", Hero finished.

"W-what do you mean?", Basil said nervously.

They spent the next 15 minutes or so explaining to Basil what they meant, each awkwardly giving their side of the birds and the bees until being interrupted by Aubrey knocking on the door.

"Is everything alright in there", Aubrey cautiously.

"Yeah, I gotta go!", Kel chimed in loudly.


"YEAH, BUT WHEN I GOTTA GO I GOTTA GO!", Kel yelled back.

The bathroom door opened and the trio stepped out, Hero and Mari assuring them that everything was fine and that they need nothing to worry about. With that, Aubrey led Basil downstairs with Hero and Mari behind them while Kel rushed into the bathroom.

As all this had been happening, Sunny couldn't help but think...

Was Abbi right? Did his impact on his friends in his dreams affect them in the real world?

"You need to be careful Sunny, your dreams are powerful, avoid taking your friends too deep, there are shady characters down there who can bring you nothing but trouble...", Abbi said while checking down Dream Basil, having recently drank a mysterious potion at Sunny insistence to test what it did and if it worked, depressed at the thought nothing seemed to have happened besides some hair growth from his scalp, "If he gets hairy arms when he awakes then it will be on you", she chuckled, "next time bring any mysterious items you find on your journeys for me to analyze first, alright Dreamer?" Sunny nodded, thinking back...

"This potion will let you experience what it's like to use the little girl's room instead", the green slime girl stated, "and if you want, I have things to make your buds bloom into watermelons, turn tushes into cushions, love into lust, so to speak", she smiled, "you and your friends spared me from that Guardian whale of the deep, it's the least I could do, among other things...".

Recently Sunny began to experience his own, natural, changes, but these changes started to affect his behavior in his dreams, him doing things he never thought to do before, before a thought sometimes in the back of his mind that maybe his makeout session in his dreams made Aubrey almost kiss him that day when he was awake would be quickly cast off, but now...

No, Abbi wouldn't allow it, he remembers when Mari wanted to have "the talk" he already knew everything already, Abbi having prepared him for it years before warning it could "corrupt his mind", and cause him to accidentally harm his friends despite them always making it back from adventures even after turning to toast, "Remember Dreamer, it's vital to note you ALWAYS have enough of your Life Jam after any battle to revive your friends and it's important to do so", she'd reply.

But he never knew his dreams were real, or could affect reality. Did Kim and Vance love candy, or was it because he felt Van and Berly should love it?

A slew of perverted thoughts filled his mind, as much as he wanted to he couldn't dismiss them. He WAS going to do some more testing with the slime girl, but that would that mean...

As the gang walked down the stairs Sunny somberly on the couch decided that he'd have a talk with Abbi next time he goes to sleep, and hope he wouldn't have to do something unthinkable to his oldest friend.

Pub: 29 Dec 2021 04:58 UTC
Views: 526