[13:24] As the elder stands atop the foundation of the Observatory, he looks out to all in attendance, magi and non-magi alike. These times were dark ones, with the threat against Nightview coming ever closer- the threat of something much larger at play. Gloomlight had dealt a significant blow to those that attacked them, yes but-

Who was to say that the Atrellyan's plan stopped there? To cease with a mere army? There was stratagem in their efforts, something well-coordinated lurking in the darkness behind the wall of soldiers they had cascaded across the continent. Such thoughts burrowed into the elder's mind as he stood afore those who had come to help their settlements and to offer the chance to rebuke the Atrellyans even more- to continue to add on to the wealth and splendor of the defensive efforts of each nation.

"Hear me well, hopeful gatherers, we have united here to give purpose to the Element Core- such purpose, in fact, that we rend our hopes to be protected. Hope that our lands may not be tarnished and ruined, so our people may continue to eat and thrive- that our posterity may know of the land we saw in our youth... one they would otherwise only see as a fairy tale in the war-torn, blackened fields of ash and decay. Flooded by the blood of our dead, adorned by our loved ones' corpses, cascaded by a shadowed veil of the darkness."

His staff's heel lands hard against the stone bricks, the reverberating sound of clacking wood echoing loud against the dunes of the desert. His eyes shifting across all in attendance as he holds his staff straight and tall, his shield shining vibrantly in the sun.

Raising his arm, tapping on the cores, wisps of various colors and magics pop out and begin to search through the crowds, tending to any with minor wounds. As the wisps search for ways to protect the individuals, Oliphr draws forth lines of mana from the materials, surrounded by a light blue and a dark magenta wisp.

His voice gains some volume, growing with each word as his emotions become more and more apparent. Each thought growing with contempt for the Atrellyans and anger for what they wish to cause upon everyone- all the terrified civilians, the homeless orphans, the mothers and fathers who lost their children to the Atrellyan menace.

"For what becomes of our lands if the Atrellyans attempt something greater? We have seen what Prospera had done- to trick the Atrellyans into believing they had lost before attacking again when they least expected it. Who's to say that the Atrellyans have only this horde to contend with? We know of their deceit and trickery, so why should we believe this is all they have?

Should this wave of aggression be merely a precursor to something they work on whilst blood is being shed- a distraction to what works they conclude while we are in turmoil- then we must ensure no more blood can be spilled. That no more of our kin may die for the Atrellyans to force into their necromantic ranks when we are weak and reeling from loss."

His fingers interlacing the lines of mana, a small cloth, still attached to his shield, is secured on his staff. Constantly shifting his fingers to include new lines to the weave, providing the textile with more lines of mana to grow into something larger. As the smaller wisps concluded their duties, they returned to the shield leaving a trail of light to their cores before fading away.

The thought was left for the people to think upon. To wonder to what extent was truly known before he continued- his fingers ever diligently working throughout.
(Oliphr Ishiko)

[13:30] With a quiet, slow nod, Rhys raises his hand, index and second fingers raised, the third and fourth coming into a semicircle with his thumb. A simple sigil of prayer. Of courage upon the wind...

His brow furrowed as the fears of others were spoken and brought out into focus-

But Rhys simply focused his mind on the thoughts of Tomorrow, of what might come after all was said and done. Of a peaceful future, free for all to journey upon their own roads...
(Rhys Canavan)

[13:31] Kindle looked off to the side, in the west? They hadn't fully experienced int he invasion of the Atrellyans yet. Kindle however fought directly against the, understanding what they are and how powerful they were. Did they hold tricks? Most likely so.

Understanding what this ritual was for brought more inspiration to assist, even if Kindle had left the west, she still cared for it, and the people to not be killed and tortured by evil.

An elemental core, something Kindle could very well understand and assist with, it brought her some joy knowing there were others investing their time into the vast array of magics. She recall Oliphir asking for her assistance many months, if not years back.

She held faith this ritual would bare its fruit, so her assistance would come once requested. Kindle listened on, eyes focused back onto the Ishiko.
(Kindle Sandsker)

[13:34] Esoti had arrived late, halfway through Oliphr's speech, in time to see the mana woven into a cloth. He watches with interest, curious about what exactly is happening, and what that shield truly is.

Yet even so, he doesn't know what is asked of those in attendance, and is just standing there awkwardly, trying to gauge what others are doing, and trying to fit in with them.
(Esoti Liam)

[13:36] She stood there, feet planted in the sand as she looked up at Oliphr. She didn't really know why she was there, but Oliphr was here, and this seemed like something important to them- Something that perhaps could help protect his home from the invasion.

Perhaps it was because of this that she found herself her now, after not being able to protect her own home.

Though, she had no idea how she could help. She looked around her, before refocusing on Oliphr, onto the lines he started to weave... Everyone else was quiet, thus she would be the same.

[13:37] Svengalf would gather on horseback, accompagnied with his niece and some of the people remaining from the Carnation District. Despite the rallying call he made last year, people were Indeed wary of the incoming army. And even perhaps, on how the future may change.

He listens to what Oliphir had to say, before nodding. A smile is adressed to him, approving his sayings.
And yet from the back of his mind, his words struck a sensitive chord.

It has been so many générations Svengalf has to live through different invasions from the Fel. Friends dying, family dying. Mentors and other beloved leaving.
Despite being accompagnied, there was a growing solitude within his heart, worried. And yet, there was still Something pushing him to move forward against the currents. He still had hope for whatever he still had...
(Svengalf Sandsker)

[13:40] pressed against the wall of Nightview itself, the owldrake listened.

Oliphr´s first words made a...frightening amount of sense.

He´d known firsthand the disturbing ingenuity of atrellyans, and it had for many years been a matter of the demons putting in play a neverending series of plans and the enemies of the fel barely catching up just before disaster struck.

yet, disparaging the fact would achieve nothing, whereas Oliphr´s plan? that perhaps could.

Really, if anything, the owldrake was somewhat dissapointed in himself, for he too had failed to try and get ahead, spending his time instead patching up the injuries left in the wake of the invasion and fending off fruitless fears.

however, he was no longer a fragile juvenile. That disappointment, instead of harming it, only solidified his resolve. Hope, after all, must be fought for, in whichever way that may be achieved.


[13:42] Orik looked at oliphr explaining what atrocities the demon wave might commit if they won the war.
Although He didn´t want kids to suffer the same fate that he has, he was hopeless to help them. Looking to his father´s confused face, he held his hand, holding it tightly and nervously.
Orik mind seemed agitated. he didn´t want to leave his grandmas house to get turned into ruin, he wanted to do something more. But in the end, he was lost.
Orik looked at his father with scared eyes, not knowing what to do.
He waited for Oliphr to give orders to him
(Orik Tkan)

[13:56] As the crowd of people gathered around, magi and not, a peculiar figure would make it's presence known...

He was seen only in sparce occasions as of late for who knew of his efforts... knew that the Sage of Sands was preparing something big, a large stand against the very same hoard of demons that he was summoned here for.

"People have died already... and many more will die and countless more will suffer because of their arrogance."

His voice echoes from behind, a reply upon Oliphr's discourse.

"There is nothing we can do to undo what has already been done yet, we can prevent more blood being spilled... and in doing so, we send them but a simple message.

That Meranthe stands united against their self-righteous conquest.

They are not the judges of our sins...

For our sins alone are judged by those we worship."
(Dunsman S. Viridi)

[14:00] Flown awnsers oli call, something about it deep inside him tells is the right thing to do almost like a familiar feeling, even never seeing the shield before, he had the same feeling about the mana egg he helped once in past.

So far he reflects, what all the invasion was, how was impacting, so many lifes taken, people changed, families destroyed, atrelya will burn meranthe down for the sake of his self goals, the shield resembles the exact purpuse, protect something important to all.

"Just history repeating itself, fools with enough power trying overcome others for their gains and beliefs, without worry about the process." He says.

"For every assult they land at us we shield ourselfes from it and retaliate, with equivalent force..." he says then cross his arms on his back.

"Or so i trust in oli shield."
(Flown Akatsuki)

[14:11] Oliphr's heart ached with the thoughts of the lost, of all that there was to lose- of all that could be lost. This was merely the first attempt to awaken the shield, but the Atrellyans would not give second chances to the places they exterminated.

None were given quarter- the weight of such burdens was heavy upon his shoulders as his shield, and his mana, commanded him to protect others as he had promised them. There was no room for error- all mistakes must be corrected. Should he not succeed in this, then he would take to the battlefields himself.

The thoughts of the people were picked up on by the two wisps beside him:

The dark magenta wisp, Occult mana, detected the sorrow and fear from those in attendance. Orik's fear of misguidance- Sven's feelings of sorrow and solitude- TU35-D4Y's remorse for Prospera- ... Esoti's feelings of awkwardness- and countless non-magi's fears.

The light blue wisp, Holy mana, detected the hopes and resolve from those in attendance. Rhys' focus on hopeful days- Kindle's belief in a better future from this meeting- Sven's hope in something better to come- Pittwald's resolve to correct the actions of the darkness- Dunsman's drive to defeat the Atrellyan hordes and his faith in the divines- Flown's belief in the Element Core- and countless non-magi's hopes.

The wisps, upon hearing the thoughts and minds of the many, became excited in their movements. Moving through the crowds of people, encircling them as if to draw some of their spirits to bring together. The wisps returned to Oliphr's side, as he continued to weave

"I ask of you here, hold such thoughts in your minds! Recall the faces of those you love!! Think of your lands and the good born from them!!! Think of the lives of those you hold dear!!!!

Do not let those bastards burrow into your fears and rend no quarter to them that offer none in kind! Burn the vile toxin of their deeds to naught and inject your hope in its place! Shine the light of your prayers on the destroyed lands of the Citadel and envelop the nations in the light of your conviction!"

His staff was raised high, high enough for all to see. Upon it, the tethered magics formed from lines of pure mana, imbued with the spirit of protection that lay dormant in the Element Core. The work of the elder was not small, in fact-

It was a banner of mana that did not flutter with the wind- but with the hopes and prayers of the people.

Giving off but a small wave as it bore the hopes of Oliphr that such a gathering could prove to the shield a desire for protection to be caused.

With that banner of magics raised, he could not keep hold of his fears nor his worries. Gala's words returned to him, the words that cast aside the corruption of the occult that plagued his mind- that caused such turmoil in emotion and judgement that wrenched his heart once before. Words that, in the time of deep loss, sorrow and anger, allowed his heart to be unburdened.

'As the stars sit apart, as the realms are divided, we do not mix our lives so completely with another that it might shatter with their absence. The stars are distant so that they can care.'

We are those stars.

The wisps beside Oliphr began to channel in the fears, the hopes, the despair and the resolve of the people in attendance. The banner etching a design in its fabric, the names and imagery of the people, coalescing into one central design-

A star of rainbows, bearing wings such of a Nephilim, the magics of Meranthe's sons and daughters, the symbols of the divines that watched over their faithful. A banner of Meranthe, waving with the might of the people, sending out waves of mana forth.

"Raise your voices! Call out your hopes! Rend to the heavens your prayers! Give hope and life to your desire to protect all you hold dear! Shout with such heart that the Atrellyans fear our resolve!

Force all your sorrows and fears to fall before your conviction to protect all you love! Conquer the darkness that lies in all of you!"


A strong and powerful thrust of his shield skyward, his eyes sharp as they watched the banner begin to wave a bit more as gave the hope the people would find such words to be inspiring to show their hope in kind. As the shield shone, the symbolic gesture would show in its design. A purposeful choice when the Element Core was crafted-

[14:14] An hourglass with both Holy and Occult in magenta cores. The hourglass flipped, the count now showing the Occult on the upper side. Time was ticking down for the Occult, grain by grain their time of fear and chaos was coming to an end. Drop by drop, the blood of the fallen would be avenged by the people- a people who did not want to lose any more than they had.
(Oliphr Ishiko)

[14:23] Christophore had been standing there the whole time, waiting and watching for some time. Just listening in to the speech of Oliphr. Usualy, he doesn't quite say much or do much about any of this. It simply was something that… well, he was working on things in his own right. Creating weapons for the defenses and offenses.

He of all people hadn't lost his hope in any of this yet. He simply was just busy with alot of things instead. And there was always so much to do and so many working with people.

Just another moment of this it seems.

"Well... I don't have much sorrow at this point. I knew that this would all happen. Deaths that would come. Violations happening."

"I'm just trying my best. And my only hope at this point is that whatever I pump out will take at least a few bastards with it."

How… crude. But perhaps that's what it meant right now to be a priest of Mortyl at this point in age, where too much death happens and it becomes an almost daily occurance.
(Christophore Garijn)

[14:25] Orik still holding his fathers hand, Recalls the memories of loosing his biological parents, failing his sister, feeling hopeless.... Despair...Hunger...Sadness...

He seemed to be trapped in his own illusions reliving the memories of past event´s with the turmoil in his heart going and beating up by the second, Orik´s face tearing up with fear.

It all stops.......
As the mana waves hit Orik´s face his tears get thrown out with the powerful gusts.

Listening to Oliphr´s amplified shouts, piercing his heart with words of stern comfort and hope...

Orik faintly smiles as he closes his eye, the last tear dropping... like the despair dropping from his heart.
(Orik Tkan)

[14:27] Hope, it was called upon, and hope would be what Kindle brought. The plans of a counterattack were coming to fruition from where she was.

Hope herself is what she needed, for she would be going straight into the heart of hel once more, to face against the evil and wicked. And despite one who should be overly nervous? She wasn't. She held hope, she held resolve. She would not be worn down, like the tallest mountain, she will stay standing. Like a rushing river, she will keep pushing!

Her helmet was put on to show her stalwartness. The readiness she held. She will attempt to bring hope too, to others who held nervousness, fear or uncertainty.

"Meranthe is in a dark hour but one that can be brought through. The light will come. We have seen the defense of Gloomlight, and we will strike back before others are hurt!"

Kindle's element spartked to life! Fire, earth, water and air! All holding different meanings. from air's freedom,to earth's defense, to fire's passion and water's hope and peace!

"We will overcome the Atrellyans, as Meranthe! We will repel them and live our lives once more, as Meranthe! We will not fall to the evil!"

"Pray, do your parts, and together as one, we will stand tall!"

A fist raised up, the four elements swirled in unison around her arm, before a ball of it, the force of the world itself shot high into the sky! An explosion almost akin to a fire work, where small sparkles of those very elements rained down onto the people. The positive side of the elements washed over people, inspiration, creativity, passion, warmth, resolve, freedom, ease and more.

A rallying cry of elements, and one to push everyone forward. To inspire.
(Kindle Sandsker)

[14:28] Esoti holds his head in a bow, reverently.

He thinks about all of the hope he's had. He thinks about all of the hope he's had.

He came to Meranthe with his parents, who disowned him a few years later. Only now to have a family of his own.

He applies triple hair ruffles to his adjacent son.

And so he fills the air with thoughts of family bonds, the ties he built that won't be separated as trivially as his parents severed their bonds with him.

Yet at the same time, he remembers all of the things his parents did, despair gripping him from another direction.

And so, ye yells back,

"My hope is to have a healthy family here in Meranthe."
(Esoti Liam)

[14:28] The Sage nodded but quietly, his hands both emerging from under his cloaks but shily to meet together for a simple chant... thus, he himself spoke.

"Like the seas, the mountains and the lands... we too shall stand unmoved against that which claims to be the all cutting wind.

We are the bulwark of Meranthe... us, the people and together do we stand in the face of danger to protect those which are weak and defenseless.

We are the light in the darkness cast upon us... we are the shadows hiding the frail from the blazing fires of hatred.

Those which stands for the virtues given upon us... the wisdom given by the pantheon, the light given by the spirits...

We carry their torch forward and even in days of rain does the fire ever shimmers..."

The sage would speak, a passage of preaching, a moment of reminder for that which they all stood for.
(Dunsman S. Viridi)

[14:28] Quietly, he breathes out, raising his face to the front...

"I can't- really say with any confidence I'm much beyond - just another person doing his best. But we are the ones who are standing up to this. There have already been grave sacrifices, and more are likely to come before the end..."

"But we've proven we can do this. We can win. Even if that victory comes at a terrible cost, we will rebuild, and we will live on. We exist for more than destruction, for more than murder, for more than cruelty."

Rhys's wings spread wide, as rose-red particles of Aether rise into the air around him, to accompany his passion.
(Rhys Canavan)

[14:28] A bit dejected, she could not help but to do as she was told- Oliphr told them to think of the faces they loved as she would.. There not without an air of sadness with them as it was them who lost their home, their lands.

Though in totality the entirety gone.

She tried not to think about the destruction but only on her friends who made it out without even a scratch. Sure there were people lost, but the vas majority- and all the people she held close to her heat all survived.

Her hands were removed from her pockets to adjust the goggles on her head, hiding the slight smile that formed on her face. It was a little win in blowing up all those demons.

And now with Oliphr's speech, demanding those to bring home to their hearts. To give hope to their people... She was not much of a shouter! (Well she was, but not when surrounded by people like this! Even a robit gets flustered)

"My hope is for us to be able to put what divide us on hold, to be able to work together- and for no other nation to be forced into making the decision Prospera was backed into."

With that her hands were stuffed back into her pockets.

[14:34] The feelings came, flown fills his mind with his memories from atrelya from the very early days he was forced on this fight against the night creatures, to demons and all kinds of fel stuff, his personal dislike, undeads....

The memorie of his father came in, despite the historic he he reminds , as well he was victim from atrella someone flown could not save, flown fills his wishes with his hopes about the land healing from this wound, from everyone able to survive and move on the ones that suffered find peace and a way to life with lost and the ones that were saved, live properly

His fears insecurities hopes, all mixed feelings are eaten by the wisps manifesting even as a sheild for his will, he remains with his eyes closed letting his emotions speak for himself by the way mana acts.

"My hopes havent changed, that kids be able to be kids, instead fight fel very young age, and become skilled fighters for sake of suvival." he says.

"That the land heal from all damage caused, that people be able to simply live their lifes without wake up everyday expected be a day thei die." he continues.

"That people arent forced be dragged to this."
(Flown Akatsuki)

[14:40] challenging indeed was the daunting task ahead, to stem the tide of the fel.

He´d fought, struggled and clawed his way past and through demons since he´d barely been old enough to remember it, and almost every time, he was inevitably reminded that he was no warrior at heart.

And yet, what did that really matter? As the sage of the sand said, as Flown said, this was a challenge that had been placed in the way of many generations of magi before his time, and would presumably be placed in the way of many generations to come.

And every time, it´d been answered.

"Meranthe´s people need aid, as they have before"

He´d cowered away from the demons of atrellya for a very long time, learning to spot them so he could avoid them while braver warriors fought and bled in his stead, crippled by the haunting memories of his capture and the loss of the first of his kin he´d known.

"Whether we succeed, or whether we struggle…"

Yet, as his new name formed, as he grew and slowly matured, he´d found ways of resisting. Mercilessly hunting down weaker demons and undead alike that tried their hands at attacking young magi, learning to counteract the effects of occultic and necromantic curses alike, putting back together those that came away from battle at the brink of death and offering counsel to any who asked for it.

"...We must do our part in providing it, in whichever way we can"

Somehow, in that moment, the already large owldrake looked larger yet, a shadowy outline appearing around him, before it disappeared, the outward proof of his emotion controlled once more.

"and I shall. As shall all, for the memory of the past, the stability of the present, and the hope of the future"

His fear did not disappear. Perhaps it never would. However, one crucial thing he could perhaps change. He could stop hiding behind it. Perhaps he could not fight them, perhaps he did not yet have the experience of someone like Oliphr, or the power of someone like Talguth. but that was no excuse to stop trying.

And stop trying he would not. That would be a betrayal of everything he´d now worked so hard to embody now, and among the few things the owldrake who used to be Pittwald truly despised, betrayal was chief among them.

[14:43] Svengalf observes the wisps flying from his shield. To Oliphir's pleas, the Elder Lapine was pensive. A reminder of these last 80 years within the Frontier. Melancholy and Nostalgy reaches his heart from the better days the Frontier has seen, but so did Meranthe. But also, he remembers the hiccups, the different assaults of the Fel that happened.

And yet, Meranthe has managed to hold them off, to repel them, and mute them. Until, the Atrellyans came with their unsatiable thirst for conquest.

Often he has been standing asside or behind, to be the Shield of the Lady Silver. To protect the meek, and heal them while the soldiers march. Such has been his fate through all of these decades.

But now ? He had to be more involved directly. It was the lives of his people, his family, and his faith, that were put in challenge. And to think, the last years of his lifespan would be more gentle... alas it became even more ruthless than his youth.

The Elder takes a deep breath.

"80 years I have been living here. I have seen and witnessed the growth and fall of many generations, along with different invasions. Invasions in which Meranthe has shed sweat, blood, tears, cries, shouts and cheers through their battles.

To think, we have managed to go this far in repelling back the forces of Skarnel and Sheol in the days of Aegis, Meranthe has the ability to stand against the tide, if united.

Only Fools and Sinners would deny such stance. We have faced at least three existential threats. How can people forget the past and repeat the same mistakes ? The wars betwene the East and the West have drastically weakened our defenses."

The Elder nods, gathering one hand on his chest.

"And if it is not enough, remember the saying : As above, so below. The conflict of Mankind has reflected upon the Pantheon, waging war against each other too. But when the Meranthians gathered to free the prisonners from the Mementoes, the voices of the Pantheon gathered in unisson.

So I trust upon all of us, to inspire this same unity, solidarity and cooperation with each of us as the Atrellyans are upon us. Standing united, as we pray for our Divines, will allow us to grow a stalwart defense of faith. Let us show how we can behave better then their squabbles. Because should we fall and fail ? They will fall too without believers."

A soft nod is adressed towards Oliphir, as he adds.

"But as for myself. Even if I may be reaching my last decades of lifespan... I pray that I can make it alive, and set a seed to renew the broken land after the war..."
(Svengalf Sandsker)

[14:54] His shield, raised to hear- or feel- the calls and the spirits of the people, begins to illuminate. Each core, channeling mana from nearby, would warm to the concepts instilled in them, brought out by the people.

Fire, expansive, to extend far and wide like the wills for protection to spread across all of Meranthe.

Water, directive, to shift into varying forms yet maintaining the same core being as the idea of peace, though altered, remained the same.

Earth, fortification, to shape and unify as the people of Meranthe have been to defend against force.

Air, direction, to guide with a general direction like the wills of Meranthe's people guide Meranthe slowly toward its future.

Biological, life, the tangible existence that brings life and being as Meranthe's people give life to it.

Metaphysical, law, the intangible forces that allow life to exist and allows Meranthe to progress and exist as it moves ever onward.

Ethereal, spirit, the memories, beliefs and morals of the life that exists to truly give 'life' unto them.

Physical, enhancement, the improvements on what lives to bolster them as the people's hope, dedication and resolve strengthens them to continue toward their goals.

Holy, light emotions, the joy and the laughter, the smiles and cackles, love and devotion.

Occult, dark emotions, the fear and the anguish, the melancholy and the tears, the hatred and the sorrow.

Each of these cores form a large amalgamation of light before them all. As this light splits off into motes of light, each one finds itself moving to someone in the audience. Hundreds of these motes of light appear as small wisps, not unlike Oliphr's own, which bear the emotions and the spirits of the people of Meranthe.

These spirits hover gently beside who they are with, each tethered to the spirits of those they land beside- as it represents their conviction- their resolve to bring forth a better future for Meranthe's people. To bring safety to those in need, to bring protection in the face of aggression.

Oliphr can only stand still while these wisps find their places, looking with a smile as they find their spiritual homes in the people.

"Go forth, brave people, go with confidence that the divines and your hopes may prove more alive in Meranthe than you may have once thought. Live and find joy in what we have, find strength to combat the darkness and find peace in whom you are with. Let these hopes, joys, smiles, strengths and resolves bolster Meranthe against the dark."
(Oliphr Ishiko)

[15:00] While she had arrived late, Reina smiles up at Grandpa Oli. Happy to have made it at all, and more than happy to listen to the replies people had given. Though the spirits know her heart without her needing to say a word. She is a creator, a builder, one that dreams big and works toward those lofty dreams of hers every day.

A future grandmaster artisan, runemancer and golemancer. Determined to learn and become those three things so she can not only help her family, but so her family can have the best of odds to survive in these troubled and uncertain times. And for more than just her family, so anyone in need of help can find it, especially once she gets big and finishes learning.

She just wants people to get along and be safe. And is willing to give of herself to see it done.
(Reina Amamiya)

[15:00] There's a quiet, if weary smile on Rhys's face as he watches the wisp dance around his head, nodding slowly. With an exhale, he casts out his hand, winds open a portal, and steps through.
(Rhys Canavan)

[15:04] She listened to those around her, they were all so different- yet.. Similar? It was rather fun to hear everyone's words, to see so many people brought together.

"Thanks Oliphr- if you need any help in the next coming days, I always have a set of hands to spare."

[15:07] Having showed up at the later point of this ritual, Rook quietly joined the head and bowed their head in reverence. While they really only worshipped Asena and Saekanis the Ookami still respected the other faiths and their practices.

There was certainly a vibe that could be felt in the air, things felt more...serene for now.


A hum let out in curiosity as the young Gozen stood silently throughout the rest of the ritual.
(Rook Gozen)

[15:09] For now, Chris watched. He didn't quite particularely needed any of this. But... hm. A wisp coming towards him. It would be rude to shoo it away, wouldn't it?

"Mhm… lets see how many more I can pull to death before they have to tug tail and flee… hopefully alot… they deserve that much."
(Christophore Garijn)

[15:09] Orik looks at the wisp slowly approaching it, as it makes some turns around his head.
Orik Bows down, as he leaves. With the spirit still following him...
Orik starts walking faster, as the spirit follows him faster.
(Orik Tkan)

[15:09] Kindle closed her eyes, the hare felt the spirits and motes find their place, one soon taking place beside her. She smiled, overlooking the small friend.

This was hope, manifested. Inspiration, it was the drive to push forward. She felt right, and here many of the magi would need this fore Frontier was the first to be struck by the western front of Atrellyans.

Kindle wouldn't be able to fight for them unfortunately, be she looked over to her uncle, knowing he was. The hope she held, she held it for her uncle mostly. Svengalf was at risk, and where his mind was certainly at worries? Now Kindle's would be too.

But hope, she knew he would persevere, as most of Meranthe would. There will be loss, but without loss, what truly was life?

These lessons stuck with her, and allowed her to understand the value of what she was fighting for. She had just hoped those lessons didn't come firsthand experiences...
(Kindle Sandsker)

[15:12] As his prayers conclude, Svengalf witnesses the amalgam of elements. The wisps of the shield fly by. To him, he would witness near the wisps of Earth, Biological… and Holy and Occult ?
For Earth, Svengalf has stood for unity and solidarity against all common threats within Meranthe, casting away different personnal grudges when needed
For Biological magic, the Radiant of Life obviously had to be attuned to such : for Healing, and mending the living beings within this world, it was a crucial duty for the Champion.

But for the Holy and Occult wisps… despite not being attuned with, Svengalf's attitude often marries well within them.
For many years, Svengalf has been a joyfull and cheerfull figure to help inspire others and provide solace to them.
But in the last décades, Svengalf has felt darker. The Sorrow and the Grief biting his heart, along with his frustrations within his status and the world.

For a Radiant of Alacritas, Svengalf was getting way quite acustomed with the Lady of Death too. He may be a Radiant of the Constant of Life… but his body, his feelings, his alchemy… it was still mortal. His faith may be transcending through the universe, but his concrete physical presence was still bound by the universal laws of living beings.

And so. It wouldn't be too far fetched that even the Radiant of Life could decay to the gloom of Death, if left alone.

"Together… let us hope we can manage the first line of defense. It will be important to succeed, so we prevent the armies to spread out within the West."
(Svengalf Sandsker)

[15:17] Those old fears, excavated by Talguth and then broken through with the help of Oliphr. Perhaps the most prominent of the many teachers the owldrake had taken over the years. It was only fitting they´d show him that there was much to learn yet.

Not that he had not been aware of it previously. He´d always relished that kind of opportunity.

And, being witness to this, he once had that drive that the grinding, relentless aggressions of the fel had been chipping away at.

It was a nice feeling, to have the sense that he was fighting for the sake of a vision, as opposed to clawing his way up endless slopes for the sake of mitigating consequences, even if the occult sprite still flickered strong with his oftentimes worn down outlook on the hope of a truly peaceful future.

He´d spent decades already broadening his skills, absorbing knowledge, mastering crafts, indeed, he was slowly outgrowing even his own flesh. In addition to that, perhaps it was finally time to begin putting all those countless lessons to use now. He´d find something that could achieve this level of effect eventually. Whether it take a year, a decade or a century. One step at a time.

"There are many who can be saved yet, provided the help they need. I owe it to them to try that much. Then, perhaps that work may be continued, this time by preventing those that should not be thus from being involved instead of pulling them back out of the water once the flood has already come in"

[15:26] At a voice speaking in her head, Reina's mind goes blank on purpose. Zero conscious thought, only the subconscious thoughts necessary for her survival occur. A suspicious look forming on her face as yellow eyes so like Tatsuya's scan those present. As she tries to pinpoint the mental invader.
(Reina Amamiya)

[15:27] Oliphr Ishiko lowers his shield, letting his tired arm find rest
(Oliphr Ishiko)

[15:29] A hand slowly shifts up her back, toward the hilt of her sword. Clearly not liking that someone keeps talking into her head. Although she keeps her mind free of thoughts. She won't be making the same mistake as her sister and trusting some strange voice in her head. She is far more wary than that, far more suspicious.

And currently completely on guard as much as an eleven year old can be.
(Reina Amamiya)

[15:31] Svengalf Sandsker looks around after Reina's telling, raising one eyebrow
(Svengalf Sandsker)

[15:37] Flown very essence , his unarmed soul manifests with glow, his energy feeds the physical enchament core of the shield, as one hope be strong as one will, that the body be a mere projection of what a strong will is capable of, force a being beyond his limits.

His eyes locked on the all energy manifesthign a true pillar achieved by artificing, that now carri the hopes of many empowered by every one hopes and dreams.

The gentle spirtis arround bring a grin on his face, almost like his desires are not so long dream and more and more a reality that can be forged by defeat atrelya

"In inermes meo pugna, meo verita." He says liting his hands up;
(Flown Akatsuki)

Pub: 21 Sep 2024 19:54 UTC
Views: 76