What Is Dreame L30s Ultra History Of Dreame L30s Ultra

Dreame L30s Ultra Robot Vacuum Cleaner

The Dreame L30s ultra is the flagship model from Dreame and has been launched on Amazon. It is packed with amazing features, including the ability to clean effectively and an innovative mopping feature with the help of Wasser.

The device can vacuum and mop hands-free for 60 consecutive days without any intervention. Simply replace the bag at docking stations regularly. It is also programmed to empty and clean itself at a frequency you decide.

Here are a few examples of

The dreame l30s Ultra not just a powerful robot vacuum cleaner, but it also has several other features. It's one of the most complete robot vacuum cleaners available on the market. It comes with a 3L dust bag as well as UV-sterilisation, and the capability to utilize its mop pads with water. The mop pads will be immersed in water, and then spinning at high speeds against the grooves of the base plate that can be removed. This will remove dirt. The mop pads then dried using hot air to stop the development of mildew, bacteria and odor.

Thanks to laser navigation with LiDAR sensors, the robot can always find its position and recognize obstacles. It is able to clean a room and not leave any dirt on the cabinet or edges. It also does not get stuck on carpets and is able to easily navigate stairs.

A robot's intelligent brush system is another great feature. It ensures that the robot reaches all corners of the room. This makes it particularly effective when cleaning stairs. dreametech l30 enables the robot to stay clear of obstacles such as furniture and pets.

The application is easy to use and allows you to control the dreame L30s Ultra. The app can be used to adjust the suction settings, choose the cleaning mode and manage the mopping pads. Additionally, you can create cleaning zones so the robot vacuums and mop only areas that require it. The app is also a great way to monitor your home from the convenience of your smartphone. It can be paired by voice assistants. It is compatible with Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant and Siri. You can also connect it to your smart TV or other devices.


It was launched at the of 2022, the dreame l30s ultra comes with an impressive range of features. It is able to mop using two wiping pads that can apply a cleaning agent for an even more thorough sanitisation. The robot vacuum cleaner also features effective obstacle detection and a sturdy docking station with an automated docking system that can be connected to an external water supply.

The dreame l30s ultra is easy to connect and set up using the app on your smartphone. It then creates a 3-D map of the floor area that needs to be cleaned, by using lasers and an AI camera. The mopping robot is able to be able to safely avoid walls as well as other items such as cupboards, chairs or tables. The robot can also recognise stairs, so it knows to move up or down them when needed.

The mopping robot will begin working as soon as the maps have been made. It can cover areas of up to 200 square metres and can even raise its mops when it reaches cabinets. The robot is able to clean the entire home in a single cycle before returning to its dock to recharge.

The mopping performance is exceptional. The mop pads had 77 percent battery power left after mopping 34m2. This is fantastic, and the robot did a great job of removing even the most stubborn remnants of tomato sauce from the kitchen floor during our test. The docking station thoroughly rinses and blow-drys the brushes to ensure they are ready for next use. This ensures that the brushes last longer, and it's easy to understand why the manufacturer promises a minimum of four uses for each pad.

Suction performance

This vacuum with mopping functions is very efficient and requires minimal maintenance. Its integrated tanks for water to clean and dust bags in the docking station allow this to be done. The manufacturer Dreame Technology also promises a long battery life and, in our tests, it matched this promise. After mopping and vacuuming 34 square meters and still 77 percent of battery power. Cleaning time is also very efficient, particularly for vacuum robots with mop heads.

The mopping efficiency is good, and the dual rotating mop pads are extremely robust. Even tomato sauce and ketchup traces were quickly removed. The pads are blown dry and then thoroughly rinsed when the robot returns to its dock. The pads are then used again to clean.

The instructions were concise and clear, making it simple to build and set up the robot. The tablet was easily removed to free the device from the transport locks and the tanks for water and cleaning detergent were filled up to the maximum mark. The app lets you create a schedule for cleaning and also to specify the floor conditions (for instance, if your floors are wood-based and prone to damage). You can also set up "no-go zones". The app comes with a camera monitoring function that works with voice assistants such as Amazon Alexa, Apple Siri and Google Assistant.

During the testing phase, the device quickly mapped out our apartment at a rapid pace thanks to laser-guided navigation and was ready for our first clean-up. The mapping was completed in just one minute, and the mopping was extremely thorough. The robot had a harder time vacuuming, and did not reach corners in rooms that have large furniture or other obstructions.


The Dreame X30 Pro/L10s Ultra was launched at the tail of 2022, Dreame X30 Pro/L10s Ultra appears to be an impressive intelligent cleaning robot. With its powerful suction power as well as advanced navigation capabilities and a variety of smart functions, it looks set to revolutionize the way we clean our homes.

The device was easy to set up. Only a few buttons were needed to take off the locks for transport. Once this was done the mop pads were put in and the detergent cartridge attached. The tank can be filled by a faucet and then inserted in the station. Connecting the camera to the app and activating remote control is all that's required.

After the robot is connected to Wi-Fi, it will begin to create an image of the floor it's cleaning which allows it to identify walls, cupboards and chairs as it moves across. A distance sensor ensures the robot is safe and prevents collisions.

Utilizing the app, you can begin, pause and stop the cleaning cycle and also monitor the progress of the cleaning process using the integrated camera. The app is compatible with both iOS and Android devices. The app is user-friendly and offers many useful features. These include a virtual joystick to control the robot, voice commands and video surveillance. It's also possible to connect the device to your existing home assistant and use it with Alexa, Apple Siri or Google Assistant. This is an alternative to teleoperation using the app. It's a nice feature.


In 2015, dreame Technology was founded with the aim of improving the quality of life for customers by creating high-end intelligent appliances. With a focus on robotic cleaners, the company's offerings provide everything from automatic emptying to seamless navigation to customized cleaning using AI and powerful suction.

The l30s ultra is no exception and packs some impressive features, including an impressive wiping power of up to 8300 Pascal laser navigation and an innovative floor sweeper with hair-schneiding technology that stops hair that is wet and long from being clogged in the mop pads. In addition the wisch function allows the robot to scour the corners and nooks of your home.

A sophisticated obstacle detection system that makes use of lasers and cameras to detect cabinets, walls chairs, walls, and other objects, allows this to be done. This stops accidental cleaning. The robot can also be easily controlled by voice assistants like Amazon Alexa, Apple Siri or Google Assistant. Additionally, the l30s ultra can be connected to your smartphone via Wi-Fi and therefore controlled remotely.

Pub: 21 Jan 2024 19:55 UTC
Views: 88