Chapter 5: The Actor with a Sense
Chisa: Whew, I'm starving. Time to eat~.
Shizuka: That smells good. What did you buy?
Chisa: A hamburger. Fried mushrooms and the beef patty are a exquisite pairing.
Kathrina: That's quite junk foody... It does look good though.
Shizuka: Wait, it's no different to what youre having. You have a katsu sandwich with vegetable juice.
Chisa: Vegetable juice may look healthy at first, but its quite high in sugar.
Kathrina: This is fine for me. I don't have to eat vegetables this way, and it's not like it's been bad for my body.
Shizuka: I wonder if that's truly the case...
Kathrina: Hey, what did you mean by "The good old days" earlier? Did you used to do improvisation?
Shizuka: Yeah. most of the time, it would be about plays or fairytales that I knew, but occasionally I would create settings by myself.
Shizuka: When I was young, we would suddenly switch scenarios, and play a whole range of characters, it was a extremely tiring but it was fun.
Kathrina: Is that so...
Chisa: I totally get it. Shizuka, you truly live and die on the stage.
Shizuka: Haha. That's true. Today was a lot of fun too.
Shizuka: It's not often I get to raise my voice like that... To perform in front of a crowd like that as a Sense, its kinda refreshing.
Kathrina: It also felt quite strange for me too. I often help out Kokona with practice, but it's not often I get to perform with you.
Shizuka: That's true. Likeiwse, it was quite exciting to be able to perform with you.
Kathrina: Shizuka...
Kathrina: Hey, Do you mind if I ask something?
Shizuka: Hmm?
Kathrina: Do you ever think you want to be able to stand on the stage?
Shizuka: ...
Chisa: I'm also curious about that.
Chisa: Panda, a while back said that she wanted to do a play based around Shizuka. "I want to be on stage" she said.
Shizuka: Oh right, she did say that.
Shizuka: But... I'm just Kokona's Sense. I exist for Kokona. And a being that exists for what Kokona has lost.
Shizuka: Is it alright for a being like that to be on stage?
KAthrina: Thats...
Shizuka: Just kidding. That's just a rhetorical question.
Shizuka: Well, I haven't really reached that point yet. I need to take care of Kokona first before I take care of myself.
Kathrina: I see...
Kathrina: But... As long as you have your own values, you are still you. You should do things that you won't regret.
Kathrina: I also enjoyed acting with you today. IF you ever need anything, I'll be willing to help out.
Shizuka: Kathrina...
Shizuka: Got it... Thanks.