Original Post: >>39894012

Preggo loli exists. My favourite right now is Sonny otousan touching me at a young age, and teaching me all about sex. Every day he plays with my body, training my erogenous zones, letting me get used to the feeling of pleasure, and making sure I'm always filled with his cum. He fingers and stretches me every day so that one day my body can accommodate him. But because I'm still so small, only a quarter of him fits, no matter how much we try. I cry a lot because it hurts and I don't want to disappoint my otousan, but he assures me everything is ok and he is patient because I'm his precious daughter and he loves me! We try harder; instead of dolls and legos, he buys me plugs, dildos and rotors that we play with daily. After a year, my body develops some more and finally, I can fit him all inside! It's the best day ever and being able to take my otousan to the hilt is exhilarating. Not a day goes by without me weak-kneed and feeling his cum slowly dripping out of me. But after a few years, I notice that my chest is a little swollen. I think that it must be because Sonny otousan was rough with his pinching during our before school session, and dismiss it since I need to get ready for school (we're learning algebra! Otousan hates it but I think it's fun!) Throughout the day I feel sick and my tummy hurts. When otousan picks me up, he immediately notices something's not right...
Honestly, I'm not too sure where to take it: whether I'm finally getting my first period and it's just cramps OR I'm actually pregnant before I've had my period

Pub: 19 Jan 2023 05:09 UTC
Views: 104