†Welcome New Year† Concerto of a Cat and a Crow (Event Story)

Chapter 3: Shrine Maiden Training

Tsubomi: … The weather is looking great today.
Curtains for this year certainly have begun to arise.

Daikoku: So… I’ll need to sweep this floor…?

Tsubomi: Correct.
I apologize for giving you the tasks right away.

Daikoku: While I’m fine with that… Isn’t it cold in here…?
Maybe I should have worn something warm beneath the scarlet hakama…… ¹

Tsubomi: I don’t think so. By doing some physical moves, I am sure that you’ll eventually become warmer.

I will be cleaning on the outer side of the gate.
I don’t think there will be someone to greet before the entrance gate, but do not hesitate to ask whenever you are in trouble.

Daikoku: Got it.

…… I wonder if this is really her first time to do shrine assists…
She did say that she went here at times, but the place looked so clean now…….

And if being compared to what I do……

(Flashback at some point after Chapter 1)

Daikoku: I will become a shrine maiden…?!
But… I don’t know if I can fulfill that role……

Tsubomi: I won’t be giving you the hard tasks.
The main things that you need to do will surround between simple area cleanings and goods delivery.

If you want a calmer state of mind, while it is virtue to try regaining the calm,
It should also be as effective to practice some self-control.

By enough amount of sacred zone (sacred place) practice, perhaps you could get yourself a guiding path.
And of course, I will treat you with something as my form of gratitude.

Daikoku: But… Is it really fine with me…?
Not to mention that it’s a temple that you have a close relation with……

Tsubomi: That is exactly my reason for this.
Asking myself to the priest, I have been given the chance to do some practices in order to defeat the organization.

As a fellow comrade who is constantly fighting against ‘the enemy’, I want to share this part of the benefit with you.

Daikoku: ……!

I understand… I will do it……!

Daikoku: (About ‘the enemy’, that she said...... I really have no idea on what she meant by it,
But a thing that I know for sure, is how she’s been treating me as I’m a part of her family…)

(I also took the wrong path during the “Demon’s Friend” play.
Knowing that I hurt myself, My Lord became worried about me……)

(If I can keep my composure, and make proper judgments like Tsubomi-san,
Perhaps I will be able to change myself…!)

That’s right… Now there is no reason to be weak.
I will keep doing my best with the cleaning…!

Tsubomi: …… Well done.
This place indeed seems cleaner than before.

Daikoku: Mhm… It was my first time to sweep the floor using a bamboo broom.
Once I got used to it, the broom felt lighter and I was having a pleasant time……

Tsubomi: I am glad. Now you know that simple tasks with focus can become a good refresher, am I right.

Daikoku: Yes, you’re right.
This kind of warm atmosphere in the morning is also not as bad.

... *yawn…*
I still… Feel a bit sleepy though……

Tsubomi: Heheh…
Build up a habit to wake up early, then the early hours will become natural to you.

Daikoku: … Tsubomi-san, are you perhaps a constant early bird person…?

Tsubomi: It’s usually not this early, but I’ll always make sure so there will be plenty of time in the morning.
Which is also to follow the “early bird gets the worm” principle. Good things will always happen with a well-built body rhythm.

Daikoku: Maybe I should aim to become an early bird as well……

Tsubomi: In my case, instead of aiming for the goal, I first imagine as if I’m reaching the goal.
Being bathed in the sunlight alone feels like enough reasoning to move forward.

Well then, the gate is about to open soon.

Daikoku: There surely will be a lot of visitors……
Uu… It makes me feel nervous……

Tsubomi: It is the most important to stay prepared. While aiming to stack a lot of good deeds for people,
Always remember to respond with enough confidence.

Daikoku: Got it…!

TL notes:

[1] The bottom part for a shrine maiden attire is named scarlet hakama.


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Pub: 15 Jan 2025 08:06 UTC
Edit: 15 Feb 2025 08:25 UTC
Views: 153