"Zzz... zzz... zzz..." Shinji Ikari snored as he slept. He was taking a hefty nap, sleeping off the large lunch he'd eaten more than an hour ago. His huge body sprawled, naked, across the bed. He was so incredibly fat that he took up as much space as three people. His large, lardy body spread more than halfway across the mattress. His immense belly rose and fell with his breathing. His CPAP machine sat in the corner; he always wore it when he slept, but not when he napped.

Then, with a gurgle, his blue eyes came open.


And with another one of his all-too-common farts, he was awake.

"Mrnf," he mumbled, yawning. "Kaworu-san?" he said into the empty space. No response. "Kawoooooruuu-saaaaannn...." he called out. Silence. Shinji's piggish face became neutral, his blubbery cheeks giving him permanent dimples, his hefty jowels making his face wide and heavy. His chins oozed about as he flexed his mouth. "I guess he's not here." Then: "Rgh. Ngh. Hnnngg..."

He grunted heavily as he hauled himself up to a sitting position. It was hard at his weight; he weighed more than 280 kilograms. He was a boy of immense size. But with slow, careful effort, and some huffing and puffing on his part, he finally sat upright. He spread his hefty legs apart to make room for his huge belly, sprawling out on the bed. It was pale and broad and big and riddled with stretchmarks. He scratched it idly.

He really was huge. His big, wide, womanly ass sprawled across the bed, each colossal ass cheek bigger than a beach ball. It formed a shelf, on which his bulging rolls of backfat rested. He was immensely large around, bigger around than he was tall. Kaworu had fed him and fattened him like livestock, and Shinji had eagerly gone along, realizing that deep in his heart he truly loved to eat.

On that note, his appetite arose. Shinji smacked his lips. "Mmm, I think I'll go get... hmm, a little snack. It has been a while since lunch." In fact it had been less than two hours, but Shinji could scarcely go that long without wanting to eat. So with more grunts, and more huffs and puffs, he hauled himself to the edge of the bed. His soft, chubby feet settled on the carpet. He grabbed the bedside table.

Then: "Ooof... hff... pff... hrgh... rrrgh..." he grunted like some huge animal as he hauled himself off the bed, raising his big body to a standing position. "Hff... pff... whew..." he panted as he finally stood, plump hand fluttering over his chest. His heart was racing; he really was out of shape. He usually had Kaworu help him up. But now he was up... and it was time for something sweet.

"Hmm hmm," hummed Shinji as he waddled through the apartment. Still no sign of Kaworu. "I guess he's off doing stuff." Kaworu spent most of his time in Shinji's company, but he occasionally left to do what he opaquely referred to as "Angel business."

Of course, Shinji knew full well that Kaworu was an Angel. This didn't cause him any trouble at all. Knowing that his feeder and caretaker was one of the fearsome abominations he had fought as an Eva pilot in Tokyo-3 was not a thing that troubled Shinji at all. Oh, it had been weird at first. And occasionally Kaworu would use his Angel powers for this or that thing, usually related to getting Shinji food or making him feel comfortable. But Kaworu showered Shinji with unconditional love and affection, in a way no one in his life ever had. That love took many forms: touches, caresses, kisses, glances, words, sex, and food, food, food. Kaworu kept Shinji well-fed and well-fucked, and Shinji loved it. He no longer worried about anything any more. His days were a comfortable eternity of eating, sleeping, and lovemaking, with no care given for anything else. It was all Shinji had ever wanted. He really was a very base, animalistic boy, deep down. The satisfaction of his physical desires and his craving for affection made him as happy as a pig in shit.


A sputtering fart announced Shinji's entrance into the kitchen. His huge belly led the way, sagging down a bit past his knees, jutting in front of him in a colossal slope. His big, fat boy boobs entered next, jiggling like liquid as they jutted before him. He waddled in, his immense buttocks bringing up the rear. He was often naked in the apartment these days, enjoying the feel of his big body being unencumbered by waistbands and collars.

"Mmm mmm, hmm, ah, there's gotta be something..." said Shinji, licking his lips, wiggling his pudgy fingers. He had worked himself up into a gluttonous fit going from the bedroom to the kitchen, his mind exploding with all sorts of thoughts of food and how he could eat it. More than anything, he wanted something sweet. He was a serious dessert lover, especially these days; it was a big part of how he'd gotten so fat. His enormously fat body jostled and jiggled and wobbled about as he moved through the kitchen, craving a treat. He knew the freezer was well-stocked with ice cream... there were soft sugar cookie packages loaded up in the pantry... there was some leftover fudge in the refrigerator... mmm, he could eat all of it, and then maybe order a pie for delivery from the local bakery...

His blue eyes had grown beady amid all the fat in his cheeks and face, and they squinted in a very greedy glint. He was actually starting to water at the mouth a little, he was becoming so caught up in the urge to eat. He needed dessert. He was about to move towards the pantry--


There, on the counter, was a cake. A big, wide, rectangular cake. Covered in white icing. With blue icing, written on top of the cake, were the words: "Happy Anniversary, Shinji!"

That's right. It was the anniversary of the day Kaworu had revealed himself, and taken Shinji away from Tokyo-3. Shinji supposed Kaworu had gotten the cake made, and was planning to give it to him later in a special ceremony.

But it was right there...

"Hmm," hummed Shinji, waddling for the counter. "Hmm hmm, mmm mmm, hmm, mrm," he mumbled, her burbled, deep fatty grunts and coos as the cake was now in front of him. He swiped a finger at the icing and put it into his mouth. "Mmm," he hummed. Buttercream icing. Delicious. He swiped another dollop and ate it. "Mrm, ohrm," he gurgled as he pulled a big chunk of the cake off and stuffed it into his mouth. Moist yellow cake. Combined with the buttercream icing it was paradise. "Ohrm," he gurgled in his throat as he pulled another chunk off and ate it.

With happy noises of pleasure burbling from his throat, Shinji gorged himself on the cake. He didn't even bother with utensils; he just scooped and swiped up messy chunks of the cake and crammed them into his mouth. In no time his mouth and cheeks were smeared with white icing. His eyes twinkled greedily as he continued to eat. Spatters of icing and chunks of cake began to coat his hefty boobs. A spatter of drool and icing dribbled down the slope of his gut. He didn't notice. He was just eating.

Soon enough he did notice something: a pressure in his bladder. He needed to pee. But there was no way he was tearing himself away from this heaven of cake. He was practically in a trance, he was so absorbed in his glorious eating. So he just relaxed--


"Ohrm," mumbled Shinji, stuffing yet more cake into his mouth as he peed on the floor. Sputtering rivulets of urine made their way out from under his belly, navigating his sticky, smelly folds of fat to land in a puddle at his feet. "Kaworu will, mrn, clean it up later," he mumbled, sucking another chunk of cake past his lips.

He had eaten half the cake by now. He came to a chunk with the blue letter icing on it, and finally he seemed to come up for air. "Urhm," he burbled, smacking his icing-coated lips. He reflected on whether he should keep eating. This cake had been purchased for a special occasion. Was he really going to just eat it all now, when Kaworu wasn't here? Surely he could at least save half for later. He could just finish his need to feed by getting some ice cream, or brownies, or cookies, or...


Or he could just eat the whole cake right now.

The decision passed in an eyeblink. "Ohrm," mumbled Shinji, pulling off another chunk and stuffing it down his throat.

Stuffing, pulling, cramming, feasting, Shinji ate. He ate, and ate, and ate, and ate. His whole front was by now spattered with icing and cake chunks, while his fat face had been coated in buttery white cream. He ate and loved it. He loved to eat. And in all honesty, Kaworu would have approved. Because Kaworu loved the gluttonous pig that Shinji had become.

Finally, the last, meager chunk of cake remained on the tray. "Mrmm, hmm hmm," hummed Shinji fatly. He picked up the chunk. He popped it into his mouth. He chewed. He swallowed.

And like that, the entire cake, probably enough cake for seven people, was gone. Tucked away in Shinji's bottomless stomach.

"BUUUAARRRPPP!!" belched Shinji loudly. "Ohhh," he moaned. "Oh, that was so good," he licked his lips. He sucked the cake and icing off of all ten of his fingers, making sure he got as much as he could. He stood there a moment, breathing contently. "Uurrrp," he burped more softly. He looked at the empty tray where the cake had been.

Just for a moment, he was silent, and still. Just for a moment, he wondered if he was done.

But he wasn't. "Hmm, I, mmm, I really do want something else," he said, icing-coated lips smacking. "Some cookies, oh, yes, definitely some of those cookies... and, mmm mmm, a little ice cream too..."

He waddled for the pantry, his huge naked butt rippling behind him. He was still not satisfied. The fat boy needed more sweets.

Pub: 30 Jun 2022 00:50 UTC
Views: 704