"What luck for the project to be complete in my life time," the crocodile like alien smiled as she looked at the camera
On the screen sat a human, a biologically engineered race made to be the perfect mates
Physically they had enough endurance to mate for extended periods of time
They were also, in a sense, always in the mood
Despite the endurance, they were also weak, weak enough that it's unlikely they could bring serious harm to their wives
Their looks were in this strange area that makes them sexually attractive to a majority of races, with an amazing genetic code that lets them breed with any female
Some would spend billions for this male, and he was all hers
"Guard, it is time I meet him."
"Yes ma'am, you may enter."
The door opened smoothly to reveal him sitting down, his head pointed in her direction
Soon enough he got up and grabbed the bars
"Let me out, you fucking bitch!"
"You shouldn't speak like that to the one who bought you."
"I won't be your slave! I had a family down there!"
"A family? Really?"
The alien opened flipped through her files on the man that she had been given, the files with his strengths, weaknesses, and most importantly, his vulnerabilities
"Did you marry a Lisa Thompson?"
"How did you-"
"She's pregnant as well."
"Are you threatening-"
"The child is not related to you."
"Some guy she met at a bar had a one night stand with her."
"You're lying!"
"No, I've even got the video here. She was much louder than when she was with you."
Fuck!" he yells, slamming a fist against the bar
"I trusted her! And she just breaks my trust like that?"
"She's been doing that pretty regularly, even before your marriage. It seems when she even first got together with you. That guy was just the one who had a shitty condom."
"Then my mother! I won't go back to that bitch, but my mom still needs to be taken care of."
"Huh, seems you had a close relationship with her."

"She was the only one who took care of me. Worked long hours to keep me fed because my asshole of a dad ran off."
"This suggests otherwise."
"Your mother divorced him and got full custody through using some pretty convincing lies about domestic abuse. He tried to see you, but she wouldn't let him."
"But mom still had to work two jobs! Why would she have left him if it was like that?"
"Lies. She used her child support checks on herself, going to expensive bars. Seems she wasn't very good at saving money."
"But... I often went hungry. I ignored the beatings because she'd give me food and not eat herself! I thought she gave me the rest of the food!"
"She ate before coming home."
"What about my dad?"
"Died in a drunk driving accident a long time ago."
The man slid to the ground, and went into a fetal position
"Damn it, damn it!"
"Do you still want to return?"
"To what!? A wife who doesn't love me? A mother who lied to me about being poor? I've been working my ass off on earth, I didn't have the time for friends!"
The alien walked to the cell door and swiped her key card, opening the cell
He didn't react
She took a step forward, and he suddenly got up and ran at her
He tried to punch and claw, but the hits did nothing
She grabbed his wrist, restraining him
"Calm down, dear."
"Just fucking kill me!"
"I won't."
"Why not? So you can enslave me? I won't do anything that you say! There isn't any point in anything, so I might as well die fighting!"
With some skilled movement, she turns him around and forces him into a tight hug
"Calm down."
"No, I won't be enslaved!"
"You won't be enslaved, that isn't the reason why we abducted you."
"Then why!"
"So you could be my husband."
He stopped struggling

The silence in the room felt like it lasted hours
Then he laughed
"Hahaha! You want to marry some guy with a shitty job, who was hated by his own mother? Whose wife fucked guys behind his back regularly? You kidnapped some guy like me, from some random ass planet? You think I'm an idiot?"
And he kept laughing
She held him tightly and spoke into his ear
"I think you look very nice. You're nice and warm. You work hard."
The laughs turned into sobs
"I love you. I love you so much."
"Please, just shut up. You know I'm worthless"
"Why would I pay for something worthless?"
"Because you're a freak who wants to torture me."
Her hands traveled along his body, softly massaging him
A nip on the ear makes gasp
"Why are you doing this?"
"Because I love you."
Her hand snakes down to his pants, and he shakes as she wrapped her hand around his length
His breathing got faster as she stroked it
Her mouth gently gripped his shoulder, and it almost sent him over the edge
And she did
It took a moment before he noticed
"Why did you stop?"
"You asked me to."
Silence reigned once more, but this time it was more thoughtful
"Would you finish me if I asked you to?"
"Do you want me to?"
Her grip had weakened enough for him to extract himself from her
He turned around and wordlessly hugged her
"Could... we just be like this for a bit?"
The alien returned the hug, her heart beating heavily in her chest from seeing such an adorable display
"Of course, dear. I'm all yours now."
And he was all hers

The first humans who disappeared were shown to be the worse off
At this rate, there will surely be enough male humans to convince many more of their kind of their true purpose
Hopefully it won't be too long, putting the males through these tragedies could lead to some unintended side effects if left for too long

Pub: 22 Aug 2024 07:15 UTC
Views: 662