Chapter5: Reaching Out
Iruru: But from time to time, I am envious of people like Hatsumi. To be able to act so passionately like that with nothing to lose......
Daikoku: .....Envious?
Iruru: Oh, sorry. I got so caught and said something weird.
Iruru:(Crap, this is awkward.)
Iruru:(How could I say something like that to someone younger than me......)
Iruru: Oh, Daikoku. Why don't we go for some training together--?
Daikoku: I can't just forget about something like that.
Daikoku: I can't just give up......
Daikoku: Until I joined Eden, no one would even acknowledge me. Not even in theatre, not even anywhere else.
Iruru: Daikoku......
Daikoku: I hated it. Constantly rejected from Sirius...... And all those people who made fun of me.
Daikoku: But, I really wanted for someone to look my way.
Daikoku: And then my Master gave me a place to belong......
Daikoku: She taught me how to stop hiding these feelings of envy and channel them into my acting......
Daikoku: And being able to stand on the stage...... That is my goal now.
Iruru: I'm so sorry...... I didn't mean to bring up something painful like that......
Daikoku: It's not that painful anymore.
Daikoku: It's just irritating.
Iruru: Huh?
Daikoku: I really look up to you. I think you're the most amazing person, after my Master.
Daikoku: But for you to act while giving up your future......
Daikoku: It seems like you're just using everyone...... It's annoying.
Iruru: I'm not using you guys......! I just......
Daikoku: 'Envious of people who can act passionately'? Do you really think that......?
Iruru: Still, "giving up my future"?
Iruru: I......
Iruru: (What is it that I want?)
Iruru: (Even thought I've already accepted that I only fit in a supporting role. I've went and borrowed the script for "Salome" and went and understood her emotions.)
Iruru: ......
Daikoku: I'm sorry for bursting out like that. I can't focus now, so I'm going to go to another room for some private practice......
Iruru: Hold on, Daikoku.
Daikoku: What is it?
Iruru: You're right.....
Iruru: I may have lied.
Iruru: The truth is......
Iruru: Theres something inside of me that wants to play Salome.
Iruru: But I thought that I wouldn't be able to do it.
Iruru: I didn't have the confidence.
Daikoku: You've finally realised it...... A person who doesn't want the role wouldn't go out of their way to borrow the script.
Daikoku: So you should announce that you want to do it. 'I want to take the lead role. Even if it means competing for the spot'.
Iruru: Haha...... As much as I like watching competitions, I'm not a fan of competing for an acting role.
Iruru: But, you're right. I should recognise and announce how I feel.
Daikoku: In that case, why don't you go speak with someone else about it......?
Iruru: Like Hatsumi?
Daikoku: That person will never forgive anyone who hides their true feelings. I'm sure she wants to know whats deep in your heart......
Daikoku: I sure it's OK. My Master is there to lead the way for us after all.
Iruru: Right, I'll go speak with her.
Iruru: Thanks Daikoku.