Testing the Equipment
A bird lazily soared across the cloudless sky, the sun just starting to crest over the grassy hillside outside the window. Sighing, he dropped his chin into his palm, elbow propped up on his desk. With his mind in the clouds, the lecture being taught by his English teacher was heard, but fell upon distracted ears. A beautiful day outside was never a bad thing to most people, but for Bryce, that only meant one thing.
Gym class.
It wasn't that the human was lazy or portly. He was far from muscular, but wasn't exactly scrawny either. Gym class used to be a fun time for him. Playing dodge-ball, flag football, field hockey, or just running laps and letting his mind wander as a pleasant breeze gusted over his perspiring body. Some of the other students didn't care for phys ed. Much like Bryce, it wasn't because the class was boring, but more because of the instructor. Everybody that went through high school had "that one teacher". "That one" whose name would elicit groans of disapproval and revulsion anytime it was uttered amongst a group of classmates. This school was no different.
Ms. Holt.
The draconian coach that could turn your perfect day into one from Hell with just a single class. While the others disliked or even outright hated her, Bryce had a soft spot for her. A woman who was underappreciated and misunderstood. It wasn't that she was a strict sadist that made it her life goal to torment her students, but that she was a bit too stern for her own good. After he injured his ankle and was forbid by his doctor to undergo any unnecessary physical activity, Bryce sat on the bleachers during gym class for over a week, taking the opportunity to grow closer to the lynx. Over time, they both found common ground with the views they shared of life, responsibility, and the seeming regression of proper discipline and respect showed among his generation, though he was also just trying to get on her good side as well and may have told a white lie or two.
Bryce inwardly groaned as he recalled the events of the previous week, going from the teacher's favorite student to something else. Something that he struggled to even find the proper term for.
Fling, perhaps?
He was like all teenagers his age. Chockfull of raging hormones and a nagging, almost imperative need to pleasure himself. Was that so wrong? With an internet connection and a sea of degeneracy to shift through, he settled on a pornographic website dedicated to his absolute favorite kink.
It was impossible to even go a school day without stealing downward looks at all the beautiful feet and paws that were clad in sandals, flip flops, or just a kicked off pair of flats. It was no wonder his grades began to slump whenever it was sandal season. This desire led him to a particular website that featured plenty of webcam models that were eager to drain him of any pent up lust as well as his bank account. He quickly grew attracted to one specific model and her big, fluffy paws that he would shamelessly stroke himself to. After awhile, she offered him her well used shoes and socks for purchase. Putting away his cock and taking out his wallet instead, he quickly agreed. Little did he know, he'd be soon to find out the one selling him these was none other than the teacher herself. To be blunt, she didn't take the news lightly.
"Mmpfh." he grunted in discomfort, feeling his stomach twisting into knots the more he thought about going to class and seeing her once again.
After nearly getting his ankle broken for real and feeling the full wrath of what the lynx could do, Ms. Holt actually allowed him the opportunity to enjoy her paws for real, much to his shock. Though it had to be done under her terms, which were far from friendly, Bryce could care less as those perfect, goddess like paws worked his bulging erection, until she milked him dry, like the obedient, perverted slut that he was. A slave to that intoxicating pair of paws and the dominant feline that walked with them. Bryce experienced the greatest day of the eighteen years he spent alive. However, this wouldn't last much longer.
Keeping his eyes outside to find something to distract himself, he quietly lets out another whimper of pain, almost tasting the bile that threatened to belch from his esophagus.
On that Friday, he spent an hour after school to be trapped under her desk. Trampled on, abused, hissed at. All while his still, throbbing erection was teased and stomped by those alluring feet. God, he still savored the picture he took of them, utterly covered in his thick, rich seed.
The next Monday, he turned into a ghost. Ms. Holt barely even acknowledged his existence at that point. He hadn't even heard her speak his name the entire week. Any greeting he gave was met with a dismissive nod or a crippling silence. It killed him inside. He had poured his heart out to her on that decisive Friday. Telling her of his admiration for her. How he wanted to worship her. To treat her like the vixen she was. To give her the dedication and proper treatment that she deserved. The lynx didn't have much of a reaction, though the events that followed were certainly memorable. Hell, she even stuffed a pair of her used socks into his backpack and explained to his mother why he was late leaving the school. What the hell had changed? Did she build up that much resentment towards him that weekend?
Every day he had gym class and every day he was given the cold shoulder by the coach. The week was finally at its end, showing just how much damage seven days were capable of creating. He considered sending her a message on the cam-site, but felt that would just further their divide. There wasn't much he could do, but accept that this was how it would be from now on.
Bryce anxiously batted the eraser end of his yellow pencil against the desk, lightly marking it with pinkish scuffs, one hand gripping his stomach that was equally held in a crushing grip of defeat. It was only fourth period and he still had four more to go, until it was time for phys ed. He wish he could just get it over with already. The cold sweats that penetrated his clammy hands caused the pencil to slip from his fingers, accidentally fumbling it to the ground. Clearing his throat, he leaned over to pick it up, cocking his head to search for the fallen pencil.
Just as he spots his Ticonderoga, he suddenly feels a pair of eyes upon him, gulping as he sees the pencil that had rolled beside the paws of one of his classmates. The snow leopard gave him a nonchalant look, before nudging the pencil with her sandal clad foot, unknowingly flashing him with the gray, spotted, furry top of her paw as it briefly left the underside of her desk.
"Th-thanks." he swallowed, tearing his eyes away from those gorgeous paws as he snatched his pencil back up.
Getting an eyeful of those paws gave him a mixed reaction. A similar shape and color to the beloved ones belonging to that lynx, which only increased the churning of his gut, along with giving his confused manhood a quick twitch. Great. Now he was jittery and sporting an erection. Bastard thing was the cause of all of his problems.
"Is there a problem, Bryce?"
The student seized up at his teacher's voice and reluctantly turned to answer her.
"Uh, Mrs. Starling? Can I g-go to nurse?" Bryce pleaded, cupping his belly.
"Um, sure. I'll write you a pass." the woman nods, pulling open the main drawer of her desk, fishing out a pad of yellow paper.
With another wince, he pulled himself out of his seat, grabbing his backpack and conveniently holding it in front of his groin as he trudged up to her desk.
"I'm sure she take care of an upset stomach. Hope you feel better." the fellow human smiled up at Bryce, handing him a hall pass with her elegant signature signed along the bottom.
"Yeah, me too." Bryce replies with a weak smile, taking the pass and heading to the door.
He awkwardly shuffled across the room, ignoring the curious eyes of the mixed classmates, pushing open the door and hurrying out into the vacant hallway. The human sidesteps out of view from the thin slit of a window on the door, listening to the soft hiss of the door closer and gentle click as the door shuts, before sighing and letting himself fall backwards against the wall. Colliding with the white painted brick, he purposely bangs the back of his head against it in frustration, hoping to help clear his mind, but only receives dull throb of soreness.
"At least it's my senior year. Won't have to deal with this shit much longer." he grumbles, closing his eyes and thumping his head against the wall a second time.
Maybe he should just get over it and move on. Treat her the same way. She was nothing, but another teacher to him anymore. Even then, he still looked up to her. Loved how fluidly her body operated when she ran, like poetry in motion. The way seemingly hovered above the ground whenever she sprinted, legs moving so fast that it looked like her feet never touched the ground. The gifted body of an athlete. So well toned and maintained. And he wouldn't ever be allowed to touch it ever again. It wasn't fair.
The hall pass crinkled in his palm as his hand turned into a quaking balled up fist, his breath wavering as he felt himself getting choked up. He'd never felt this way about someone before, let alone a teacher. Sure, he had a few passing crushes, but no one made him feel such sadness that he couldn't have them.
Oh well. Acceptance is the final step, so he may as well get there right off the bat save himself some trouble.
Bryce bends his leg back and kicks against the wall to push himself off, frowning as he started his trek towards the nurse's office. At least the halls were quiet and empty with no one to bother him. As he slumped over and shuffled down the hallway, he listened to the muffled lessons going on behind the doors of each classroom he passed, glancing up at one of the clocks on the wall to see it was nearly noon. Seeing as he still had nearly half an hour to kill before his next class, so he thought he'd take the long way to the nurse.
Thankfully, his ankle was fully healed, so the extra detour was a comfort, rather than an annoyance. Bryce hummed to himself, keeping the hall pass in clear view for anyone that might spot him strolling the halls. Passing the front office, he slowed his pace, looking over one of the many display cases of awards and ribbons awarded to some of the students, along with some artwork painted by the more gifted students in the art programs. They were impressive to say the least.
Leaving the atrium of the school, he passed by the auditorium, peeking his head inside to watch the drama club rehearsing their latest performance. What they were performing, he had no idea, but what he did know was that they shot down his request for them to do The Rocky Horror Picture Show, so he could care less to be honest. After sneaking inside to sit down for a moment and watch, he was eventually spotted and shooed away by the art director, much to his disappointment as it was pretty funny to watch the actors flub their lines, which were then followed up with a stern berating from the teacher.
"Sheesh, they don't call it 'drama' for nothing." he frowns as the thick auditorium door was slammed shut behind him.
Shrugging, he continued down the corridor of lockers, checking the clock to judge how much time he still had left to kill. As he rounded another corner, he felt a recently ingrained skip of his heart, once he spotted a fairly unassuming set of double doors against the side of the hall.
Bryce's eyes read the bold, raised, white lettering of the placard.
Room 237: Gymnasium
All of the memories, both good and bad, began to overwhelm him. The conversations they had during the games of dodge-ball, the pride he could feel from her when the spoiled Yorkie actually won a game by herself, the jovial mood filled with the laughter and excited screams. Sitting back on the bleachers, watching the lynx studying every move of the students. How he had a perfect view of her toned backside. That expressive tail of hers that wagged and flicked with amusement when one of the students took a fastball directly to the groin. He wish he could trade it all and just go back to how things were. If only he could learn to keep a fucking secret. Something he scolded himself for every waking moment since the previous week. Bryce kept expecting to hear from her. Maybe an invitation for some "assistance" in the equipment room. Somewhere nice and private where no one could see him on his hands and knees, tearing off her socks with his teeth, his tongue exploring every inch of her succulent, furry paws. He'd never forget how strong they smelled and tasted, infinitely better than anything she had sent to him through the mail. He'd be lying if he said he still wasn't masturbating with her used shoes and socks, despite the immense guilt he felt after ever climax. It never felt as good. It all just felt so empty and dirty, but not the good kind of dirty that he lost himself in. He wanted it to go back to normal, but he knew that was only half true as he wanted nothing more than to throw himself down at the ground at her feet one last time.
He shook his head and began to walk down the hall at a quickened pace, needing to put as much distance between himself and the lynx's stomping ground as soon as possible. If his memory was serving him correctly, gym class was only held for odd numbered periods during every other school day. Being Friday, that meant that she was probably just in her office, going over her lesson plans. Knowing the locker rooms and, more importantly, her office, were located down an adjacent hallway he didn't plan on going down, he should be safe from prematurely crossing the coach's path.
Wiping his soggy palms over his pants legs to clear off the sweat, he heard a familiar voice coming from the gym. It wasn't that of Ms. Holt, thank God, but one of his classmates. Confused as to why someone was in the gym, he took a step towards the first set of doors, his legs instantly coming to a halt as he heard a second voice answering. While he couldn't place the earlier voice that sounded more cheery and upbeat, he felt that knot coiling around inside his stomach at the second voice. That low, husky tone that was as seductive as it was gut-twisting.
Swallowing a lump in his throat, Bryce pressed his face against the slim pane of glass in the center of door, craning his head to the side to try and get a look inside the room. Damn it. The extended bleachers were blocking whatever inconspicuous view he may have had to inside the gym. There was no way he was risking going to the other set down the hall, where the lynx would surely be able to spot him. Struggling to get a better view, he firmly pressed his body to the door, his heart dropping when he feels the crash bar give way under his gut, unlatching the door with an audible pop.
Shutting his eyes and throwing his head back in fright, he holds his breath and waits, expecting to hear Ms. Holt yelling at whoever dared to disturb her. His nostrils amusingly whistle as he shakily exhales through them, starting to realize he hadn't been caught as the voices continue their faint conversation. He peeks out from one of his eyes, half expecting to be met with the displeased glare of the feline from the other side of the glass, but thankfully, no one was there.
From where he stood, Bryce could easily just tip toe back, let the door shut, back track down the hallway, and get to the nurse's station as if nothing had happened. But he couldn't do that, could he? No, he needed to see what was happening inside. Sucking in another breath, he gingerly eased the door open, which swung open without any protest from the apparently well oiled hinges. He'd have to thank the janitor for that later. The human crouched down low and silently crept to the bleachers, falling to his knees. Judging by the voices, they were at the complete opposite end of the gym.
"No, no. You can't let your heels touch the ground." the lynx instructs.
"It's hurting!" the students hisses through her teeth, struggling to maintain the position she was in.
"It's supposed to hurt. Exercise doesn't usually feel pleasant."
Bryce could almost place where he heard that voice before. One that was so whiny and sullen, not to mention high pitched. Gripping the side of the bleachers, he cautiously peeked his head to the side, giving his eye a clear view of the other side of the room, while trying to keep the rest of himself hidden.
"Daphne? The fuck?" he thought to himself, mentally slapping himself for being unable to recognize that grating voice.
The sight he was seeing was a puzzling one, to say the least. That stuck up Yorkie was laying down on her back, her fingers interwoven and her arms outstretched behind her head and into the air, her legs crossed and held straight out in front of her, inches from the well polished, gymnasium floor. What did she do this time? After studying her from their last few gym classes, she was either caught on her phone again or Ms. Holt caught the canine giving her the finger when she thought she wouldn't be seen. Either way, the punishment look agonizing. Daphne's plain, white t-shirt had a fair amount of sweat on it, Bryce figuring they'd been there for quite a while.
"C'mon. Give me another fifteen seconds and I'll let you take a break. You got this." Ms. Holt encourages, squatting down in front of the dog, cupping her palms beneath the trembling feet of the students, ready to push them back up if they dared to touch the ground.
"I can't!" she whines, face contorted in pain, her joints screaming in weakness.
"Look, you can stop right now if you really need to. Give up and rest. I won't force you to hurt yourself. Or, you can fight through that pain. Fight through it. Don't allow yourself to give in. Scream if you need to, but I want to see you pull through. I want you to beat it." Ms. Holt growls, staring into the eyes of her student that were already welling up from the strain put on her joints, wet streaks in her facial fur from the tears that already broke free.
Daphne only mewed and whimpered in reply, but didn't stop, determined to make it the last few seconds.
"You only have ten seconds left, Daphne. I'll count for you. When I say, 'ten', you're done. It's over. Focus on that goal line for me. You can do it. Five seconds now." the lynx continues, visibly excited for the canine to finish, her tail gradually lifting in anticipation.
At this point, even Bryce was rooting for the normally insufferable canine, though he was confused by the words of encouragement by the teacher. After all, wasn't this a punishment?
"Seven.....eight.....nine.....ten!" Ms. Holt barks, grabbing hold of the girl's ankles, lowering them down as the Yorkie collapses, rapidly huffing, her gym shirt sticking to her overexerted furry frame.
"Oh my god." Daphne gasps, her body looking as if it was shivering.
"Good job. Not many can go that long on their first try. Proud of you." the lynx says with a rare, genuine smile, grabbing a towel out of an ice cooler placed beside her to toss over the dog's chest.
"Th-th-thank you!" Daphne pants, unable to even grab the towel, her joints burning.
"You're welcome. These exercises kill me too. You aren't alone." Ms. Holt smirks, scooting beside the girl, taking the towel and wiping it over the girl's neck that was saturated with sweat.
Daphne nods, before craning her head back, tilting it side to side, enjoying the chilled touch of the fabric, relishing whatever aid she was given.
"This is too much. I can barely keep up." Daphne huffs, shaking her head.
"One day at a time. You're making good progress and I'd hate to see that go to waste." Ms. Holt hums, leaning over the girl, giving her aching shoulder a comforting rub.
Bryce watched the bizarre scene, staring at the lynx hovering over top of the girl, her head tilted, gently rubbing the girl's shoulder, those white bangs partially covering her brilliant silver eyes, giving Daphne a reassuring stare, though Bryce misconstrues that look into one of pure arousal. He quietly growls to himself, staring at the cleavage peeking out of the tank top through the partially unzipped track suit she wore. The shorter girl trapped underneath the towering figure of the lynx, helpless to whatever horror awaited her, her short tail curled around her waist, hiding her cute bottom.
Of course his mind was racing to the profane.
"Mmm, why don't you give her sweaty paws a rub? They look so sore." he thinks to himself, staring at the women.
He was already picturing the lynx gently pulling off the doggy's shoes, sneaking a sniff of them, commenting on how hard of a workout she had. She'd take Daphne's feet in her lap, massaging them and digging her thumbs into the soles, the poor, aching doggy squirming in relief, moaning softly. Maybe his fetish would rub off on the lynx. Maybe she'd strip off those socks to get a better feel for those paws. Lift one to her muzzle, give the toes a teasing nibble, listening to the Yorkie giggling underneath, asking why she was doing this. There wasn't a way to answer that question. The only response from the lynx would be a loving, relaxing toe sucking. Goddamn, he was horny.
"Yes." he silently moaned to himself, letting his imagination run wild, his erection from earlier quickly making its return.
Daphne let out a long whine, letting her head limply flop to the side, attempting to reach her arm out and grab a nearby water bottle, but hisses and grabs her shoulder in discomfort. The teacher chuckles and pats the Yorkie's shoulder, picking up the bottle and uncapping it for her. Bryce hungrily stares at the canine, the tip of her pink tongue adorably dangling out as she panted. Such a hot, little doggy.
"We'll play the rest of the week by ear. Don't need you blowing out your rotator cuff." the teacher chuckles, taking the canine by the hand to gently pull her up into a sitting position, handing her the bottle of water.
"Like she even knows what that means." Bryce thinks to himself, staying quiet in his concealed hiding spot.
He'd never given much thought to the canine, at least anything besides her feet, but was giving her his full attention now. She had a tight body, a naturally thin build that was hidden away behind her black, wooly textured coat, turning into a bright tan towards her arms, legs, and neck. From how smooth and glossy it was, he could only imagine the overpriced products she used on a daily basis to achieve such a flawless look. The long locks of her rich, bronze hair cascaded behind her back, as glossy and brilliant as the fur covering her body, the color of which took a much darker tone towards the surrounding area of her scalp.
"Are you seriously still going to make me run in class today?" she pouts, taking the bottle of water and gulping down some of the refreshing beverage.
"You bet. I know it's mean, but it's only fair to the rest of the students." the lynx firmly states, sitting down beside her.
"It's unfair to me! I'm doing more work!" Daphne grumbles, drinking more of her water.
"Is she for real?" he almost laughed to himself, watching the ordeal.
Shaking his head, Bryce contained himself and continued his ocular examination of the canine. Traveling downward, he took in the sight of her inner thighs that were just barely visible from the sitting girl opening her legs, her already tight fitting pair of blue running shorts being pushed to their max, Bryce taking in a deep breath at the sight of her. Though he didn't know how long she'd been training for, the state of her legs was a sure indication. Maybe it was just because she had finished exercising, but they were practically bulging. Mmm, she'd probably be able to squeeze his head like a watermelon, while he sniffed and licked at her sweaty, estrogen infused panties. Without even realizing, his hand began to move on its own accord, drifting down to the front of his pants, caressing his concealed mast. God, how he wanted to just drag his tongue over those glistening legs.
"But, it's not during class. A teacher wouldn't let a student slide just because they read at home, would they? I'm sorry, but I can't pick favorites. You have to pull the same weight as everyone else. No coach is going to go easy on their team and, if you're looking to get into gymnastics, you need to realize that." Ms. Holt continues, picking up her personal water bottle, one of those metal refillable ones, her initials engraved towards the top.
"Fine." the Yorkie frowns, massaging her hip.
"It's hard at first, but it gets easier." the lynx assures, taking a sip of water.
"If you say so." she shrugs, picking up the towel to dab it over the back of her neck, rustling it into her hair as well.
"Hey, gymnastics isn't so bad. You had plenty of time doing yoga, so at least you're flexible. Just need to work on your stamina and strength." the lynx nods, climbing to her feet.
"The hell is she doing gymnastics for? Probably needs all the help she can get to graduate. Damn near flunked out of lunch." Bryce chuckles to himself, getting a good look at the size difference between the women, the lynx standing nearly a foot above the dog.
It was inevitable that the human's stare would finally land at the canine's feet. He'd normally see her wearing posh designer label heels, sandals, flats, whatever shoes she could find with an upscale label slapped front and center. Bryce would even admit that though they were certainly overpriced, they could be very attractive. That pair of sandals with a beige, cork-like insole with a reflective, patent black strap with a golden pendent that would sit above the top of the foot was one of the few pairs that Bryce always found himself fantasizing over. Those thick, black claws of hers quietly scratching at the insole whenever she'd flex her toes in boredom during class. That sound alone would excite the human, who knew immediately that it was time to do some staring under the desk. He'd be lying if he said he hadn't intentionally dropped his pencil a time or two just to bend down and get a closer look.
Following the dress code, she wasn't permitted to wear such footwear. Instead, she sported a fairly plain pair of running shoes, a pair of plain white socks pulled up past her ankle. Of course, they were also an expensive pair. Some British brand that you never see worn around in the States. They weren't too boring on the eyes though. An unusual pattern, at least for sneakers like these. A plaid, checkered style patterned over the canvas, a lovely light brown base with criss-crossed streaks of black and white. Looks like even in gym class, she had an insistent need to flaunt her frivolous spending habits.
"Only doing it, cause my parents are making me." she sighs, taking her time drinking the water.
"Well, you're learning a lesson. Extracurricular activities will do you some good. Keep you out of trouble. A month without your phone is going to help out too. It'll let you actually appreciate the world around you." the teacher crosses her arms.
"It sucks." Daphne groans, rolling her eyes.
"Well, life isn't as glamorous as social media will have you believe. This is real. All that stuff is fake." Ms. Holt scoffs, extending her hand to the canine.
The Yorkie takes in breath and lets it out with a huff, taking her hand and easing herself off of the ground, already feeling noticeably better after the quick break, but she knew she'd be feeling all the pain just in time for gym class.
"Anyway, I appreciate your help. Wasn't too thrilled with the idea of asking you, if I'm being honest." Daphne admits, feeling more comfortable with the coach.
"Ouch. I am glad you came to me, though. Don't be afraid to ask someone for help. All the faculty is here to help you, so never feel that you're a burden." the lynx partially smiles.
"I know, it's just that you can be....well....you know?" the Yorkie weakly returns the smile, slightly souring the mood.
"Scary? Yes, I know. Still, I'm always happy to help a student that's struggling." Ms. Holt rumbles, restraining her annoyed tone.
"Uh....thanks for also convincing my study hall teacher to let me come here every day." Daphne adds to try and hopefully win back some respect.
"Of course. I think he's happy to have you out of his hair too." the lynx jokes, picking up their empty water bottles to throw away.
"What? All the teachers love me!" Daphne grins, following the teacher over to a nearby trash can.
"Yeah, love when you shut up." Bryce quietly scoffs from behind the bleachers.
Despite his thoughts about her personality, Daphne was gradually beginning to remove the lynx from his mind all together. Maybe it was best to shoot for a girl his age and one that wouldn't mean legal action if a relationship between them was discovered. Feeling his cheeks flush, Bryce began to think about how that soft, thin tongue would feel against his, raking his fingers through her luscious locks of her hair as they tongue wrestled, his other hand coping a feel of that round apple of a rear she had. He wouldn't stop there either, imaging her trembling and feeling her hot breath against the nape of his neck, his hand down her gym shorts, twiddling his fingers over her stiff nub of a clit, warming her up, before he'd slip his fingers into that hot cunt hiding between her legs. Her erect, pink nipples poking against her gym shirt, until he'd tug it up and suck each one that stuck out against her silken fur. Holding back a moan, Bryce gripped and steadily massaging his cock through his denim jeans, wishing he wore something more loose.
He couldn't stop just there either. No, he'd appreciate every part of her, much like he wanted with the lynx. Hmm, come to think of it, would the dog react in a similar way? Mocking the human for having his nose stuffed between her toes, sniffing them and lapping over the ball of her paw, like a dehydrated puppy? She already had a bitchy attitude, so this would be far from a stretch of the imagination. That jarring pitch of her voice, spouting off insults about how much her shoes cost and how he better not stain them as he'd masturbate over top of them, unable to answer with her sweaty toes crammed into his mouth. Could her feet even compare to Ms. Holt? He already knew the size difference now, but imagine her paws might even be a bit smaller than his own feet. Not that he cared. Being able to cover the entirety of her sole with his cock and tongue was certainly a filthy image. Probably even softer than the lynx's. A life of leisure and luxury had to mean that her puppy paws were astonishingly delicate.
Looking behind him, Bryce checks the hallway through the window of the door, assuring that no one would see him. Gulping, the human dared to unzip his fly, tugging at the opening of his underwear, his stiff erection eagerly plopping free into his palm. His heart racing, the human squeezes his manhood, biting his tongue as a droplet of pre immediately escapes his foreskin, slipping over the tops of his fingers, pulling back his foreskin to unveil his purple helmet, going slowly as to tease himself, his eyes locked on the canine as he began to stroke himself.
"Fuck." he quietly groans, rolling his fat tip between his fingers, watching as the ladies discuss what Daphne would be required to do if she wanted to make it onto the team.
The shrill clattering of the bell reverberated throughout the partially occupied gym, Bryce jumping out of his skin, quickly pulling his underwear up, nearly screaming in fright as he toppled over on his side, hugging the bleacher, so no one would see.
"Oh shi-" Daphne starts, holding her tongue as the lynx lifted a finger.
"....crap." the canine quickly corrects, heeding the unspoken warning.
She turns and hurries to her backpack she had laying against the wall.
"What's wrong? We always stay until the end of class?"
"I'm supposed to meet up with my friend. We need to meet up before class." Daphne rapidly spits out, unzipping the main compartment of her backpack, pulling off her shirt with her free hand.
Bryce pulls himself back up off the ground, standing up in time to catch the stunning scene.
"Holy shit." he gasps, eyes widening, inching up over the bleachers to watch, knowing he'd probably never get another chance to see such a thing.
God, just when he thought she couldn't look any better. A patch of creamy white highlighted her bare belly, traveling up into her cleavage. Despite the distance between him and her, Bryce could tell that she didn't have the biggest bust. Instead, it was a modest and, what he would consider, a ladylike physique. The brightly colored bra was a stark contrast to her darker fur, possibly a B cup, but he was no physician. As silly as it felt, he had the sudden urge to bury his hand into her feathery looking belly fur, scratching it and treating her like the dog she was.
"Fair enough." the lynx shrugs, hand on her hip.
"We're heading out later today and I need to see when she's picking me up, since I don't have my phone anymore." the canine gripes, retrieving an overstuffed plastic bag from her backpack.
"You don't have a landline?" Ms. Holt shrugs.
"Landline? What is this, the '80?" Daphne scoffs, unknotting the handles of the bag, pulling out a balled up blouse and Capri pants, kicking off her gym shoes.
Hearing her shoes clatter to the ground quickly pulled Bryce out of whatever fantasy he was currently lost in. Still in her socks, Bryce was only partially interested in her feet the way they were now, so he gave her bare legs a gander for now. An attractive hourglass figure, her hips appearing to be even wider without any clothing to conceal them. With how heavy her thighs were looking, the extra training seemed to be paying off as well. If he was any stupider, he'd have risked sneaking a candid shot of her partially nude body, but took a safe, mental photograph instead.
"Excuse me, young lady. This is a gym. Not a dressing room." Ms. Holt growls, surprised at how far the canine was going in her undressing.
"I already told you, I don't have any more room in my gym locker!" Daphne groans, pulling off her used gym shorts, nearly falling over as she tugs off her white socks as well.
Bryce focused on her socks, knowing how they should have been a pristine white, judging by how clean she always presented herself. Instead of a pure, virgin white, these were slightly darker, but not by much. Seems she had definitely worked up a nice sweat. After being so rudely interrupted by the bell moments ago, the human inched his waistband back down, freeing his still aroused manhood, growing more so by the voyeuristic naughtiness.
"Then you shouldn't be changing clothes this often. Are you really in that big of a hurry? I'm sure she'll have no issue waiting an extra minute." she rolls her eyes, walking past Daphne.
"These are my junk clothes. You really think I wear my good clothes, after I get all sweaty in here? I'm not getting those all nasty! And I don't want to risk missing her." Daphne whines, though she was already done changing.
Ms. Holt sighs and heads to the door.
"Listen. You're not doing this in here. Get your clothes on and go into the locker room. Now." she sternly orders.
"Alright, alright, I'm going. Hold one for just one second!" the canine calls out, reluctantly pulling her gym clothes back on as fast as she was able.
"No, no, no!" Bryce whined in his head, frowning as the Yorkie redressed herself, covering up that addictively hard body of hers.
At this point, he was starting to dislike the rude instructor more and more.
The human growls in frustration, glaring at the lynx, who dared to spoil such an erotic scene for him. His cock briefly slumped in his hand, as deflated as Bryce's hopes for a continuation of the bawdy scene.
The lynx pauses and turns, smirking once Daphne manages to get her arms tangled inside of her shirt, before breaking free.
"Can you keep these in your office for me? Just until class? I'd really appreciate it! I promise I'll clean out my locker tomorrow." Daphne begs, removing a pair of sandals from her bag, dropping them to the ground with a soft clap, not bothering to put her gym shoes and sock back on at this stage.
"I suppose that won't be an issue. Just drop them off in my office, after you change. In the locker room this time!" the lynx crosses her arms, crossing the short gap between them.
"Thanks! You're the best!" Daphne beams, slipping the sandals on, throwing her change of clothes back into the same plastic bag.
"Anytime, now get going to the locker room. You'll have plenty of time to catch your friend afterwards." Ms. Holt instructs, picking up the bag as they both walk to the double doors.
The teacher pushes them open and shoos the dog out, holding the door open for her.
"Put that cardio to use." she jokes as Daphne runs by, jogging out into the hall.
The lynx followed behind, the door automatically shutting behind her with a metallic clack. At then, silence. Finally alone, Bryce lets out a soft moan, now furiously stroking his cock with the fresh image of the canine's succulent body, the knowledge that he was openly jerking off inside of school with the door directly behind him only turned him on more, hearing the growing noise of approaching students. It wasn't enough for him. Even after the provocative striptease by the oblivious canine, Bryce still needed more. Her clothes were going to be in Ms. Holt's office, right? With all he's been through, was Bryce really going to break into her office for the sole purpose of his own lust, yet again?
You bet your ass he was.
The window of time he had was going to brief, but if he acted now, there was a chance he'd be able to pull it off. He'd been observant enough after every single class with her to know that she'd head to office, take a little break, drink a cup of coffee, refill her water body, and grab her new attendance sheet, before heading back into the gym. It could take her anywhere from five to ten minutes, given the day. Regardless, he was sneaking inside her office. If she wasn't going to speak to him, to hell with her. He'd find a new muse to satisfy his hormonal thirst.
Bryce stands back up, making himself decent again, before exiting through the set of doors behind him, not risking bumping into the lynx. By now, most of the students wouldn't be nearby. The only ones that would have a reason to approach this side of the building, would be for phys ed. He hustles down the hallway, quickly approaching an intersection in the hallway that lead to the locker rooms, carefully peeking his head around the corner to see if the coast was clear. With another empty hall in front of him, the human jogs down the majority of it, soon tip-toeing towards the middle to where the office and doors to locker rooms were.
It was at this point that he realized a fatal error in his plan. To get into the locker room, where he could listen to her in her office, he'd need to pass by the office first.
"Fuck!" he mentally screams, grinding his teeth in anger.
Just as he was about to turn tail and run to his next class, an idea struck him.
"Maybe I'm not so fucked." he thinks to himself, pulling out his cell phone.
Waking it up, he taps on the camera icon on the home screen. As the app opens, he crouches back down to the ground, easing the very tip of his phone past the corner of the wall, his eyes locked on the screen. As the phone slowly crept forward, the screen went from black to an unfocused, colorful blur. After it focuses, he could see the lynx behind her desk. Sitting down as she sipped from a mug of coffee, a handheld radio beside her, an announcer calling a local baseball game. Ms. Holt leisurely drinks from the mug, pausing at times during moments of action from the game. Aside from those rare moments, she never budged from her spot.
"C'mon. Move your ass." he silently hisses, his unblinking eyes starting to fatigue.
As if someone above had granted his prayers, the teacher at long last stood from her office chair, picking up her water bottle, turning her back to the door as she stepped over to the water cooler. Bryce seizes the opportunity, holding his breath as he slinked around the corner, pushing open the door to the boy's locker room, while she uncapped her bottle and started to fill it with fresh water. Once he made it inside, Bryce fell back against the closed door, his heart racing with adrenaline, a smile on his face as he made it one step closer to his goal. Unknown to him, the lynx hears the door close, turning around to look out the windows of her office.
"Hello?" she calls out.
Bryce slaps a hand over his mouth at the voice, scaring that those predator-like ears could hear his faint breathing, obviously something that even she was incapable of doing though.
"Yes?" Daphne answers as she exits the girl's locker room, plastic bag in hand, wondering what the teacher wanted.
"Oh, Daphne. Did you....?" Ms. Holt starts to ask, turning to look over the Yorkie, who was now dressed in a casual attire.
"Never mind. Got your clothes?" she asks, walking to her office door, pulling it open.
"Mhm. Thanks again!" Daphne smiles, handing her the grocery bag, before turning back and hurrying up the hall to catch her friend.
"See you in class!" the lynx smirks, watching the girl scamper away, heading back into her office.
Hearing the conversation from the other side of the door, Bryce once again allows himself a moment to breathe. He'd come so far and he'd be damned if he wasn't going to get what he needed.
He continuously checked his phone, trying to determine when she'd be leaving her post and heading down to the gym. Bryce sighs and puts his phone back into his pocket, pressing his ear against the thick metal door, listening for her. After six minutes, though it felt like an eternity, did he finally hear her door open and slam shut.
"Yes!" he cheered inside his head, taking shallow breaths as he listened for more.
Even through the door, could he hear her heavy footfalls, those large paws stomping around the corner and back down the hallway. He softly pushes the door open, careful to make any noise, poking his head outside to hear her rounding the next hallway, heading to the gym. He slips around the door and peeks out into the hall.
Grinning to himself, he spins on his heels and grabs the handle of her office door. Wait. She wouldn't lock it, right? Gulping, he hesitantly twists the knob, which yields to his hand, the door unlatching. Bryce throws himself into her office, rapidly scanning the room, twisting his head around in search of that plastic bag. Jumping around the office, he frantically hunts for the canine's used gym clothes. Taking a look under her desk, he spots the bundled up grocery bag concealed beneath. Snatching it up, he feels his heart race, able to see the colorful shoes through the thin, transparent plastic. Even though he was inches from the locker room, he needed a sniff.
Biting at the knotted handles, he yanks his head back and manages to free the bundle with one pull, tugging the bag open with his hands afterwards. Trembling, he pushes past her shirt and shorts, something he'd possibly sniff later, taking her shoes at long last. Bryce pulls out her left shoe, a used white sock stuffed into the mouth. Pulling it free, he momentarily examines the fabric. The soft cotton appeared new, but was damp to the touch with sweat. He unbundles it and pulls it taut, groaning as he makes out a sweaty print of the undersides of each toe against the sole of the sock. Immediately, he shoves it to his nose, loudly sniffing the moist cotton, moaning at the freshly worn sock, rapidly inhaling and exhaling, flooding his lungs with her canine musk.
He couldn't savor it for long, though. He still needed to find a safe place to enjoy these. Still, he had to see these shoes as well. Pocketing her sock, he picks up her sneaker, appreciating the colorful plaid design. Compared to the lynx's and even his own, Daphne's shoes were a good bit smaller, as expected from her short stature. Pulling at the tongue of the shoe, he checks the size, a delicate eight. A perfect size for such a dainty pair of paws. Keeping the tongue pulled forward, he peers into the insole. To his disappointment, there wasn't much wear. A faint imprint of her adorable doggy paw, but nothing significant. Seems her parent's disposable income was enough to warrant multiple pairs of gym shoes. Bryce still lifts the shoe to his nose, though a tad less enthused. Regardless, he was still going to savor this moment. He presses his nose into the opening, slowly breathing in her scent. His cock throbbing, Bryce sniffs the interior, much stronger than her sock, but not by much. Past the bodily stink, he could make out the faint scent of perfume, giving her shoe a more feminine aroma.
"Mmm, Daphne." he growls, his hand sliding into his pants.
He partially pulls it out from his waistband, letting it breathe, while he kneads his flesh, so eager for their prize. Too eager in fact. Unable to save himself for the locker room, he throws his fly open, bearing his naked cock for the Yorkie's sexy shoe. He needed them while they were still warm, after all. In a well practiced position, Bryce pins the shoe down to the desk with his palm pressing down against the center of it, standing up his toes to dive his cock into the warm mouth of the sneaker. Immediately, his cock touches the warm, sweaty insole, letting out a sharp hiss as he instantly bucks his hips, his foreskin tugged back, leaving behind a wet smear.
The human nearly mounts the desk, his hips firing against the dog's footwear, heart pounding in his chest as he finally allowed himself to enjoy the fruits of his labor. He didn't know the material of the insole, but goddamn did it feel good against him. The mushy and cushioned insole molded around his cock as it stabbed into the toebox, feeling the faint dents left behind by her toes. At this point, the desk in front of him was rocking in time with his thrusts, shifting it back and forth from his aggressive humping, unable to control himself after being left alone with a pair of shoes that were trapped around such a graceful pair of feet. A hollow clangor pulls him back into reality, his heart seizing at the unexpected noise.
"Fuck, fuck!" he huffs, dropping her shoe, desperately trying to find the source of the noise from whatever fell off the desk.
As he steps to the side of the desk, he looks down to see something rolling across the tiled floor.
Ms. Holt's water bottle.
"Oh shit." he sharply inhales, just as the door behind him swings back open.
Bryce spins around just in time to see the lynx entering her office to retrieve her drink. She freezes in her tracks, jumping once she sees the intruder, looking just as surprised as he was. The flash bewilderment on her face disappears in the blink of an eye, replaced with a murderous rage. The human opens his eyes to explain himself, managing only a weak squeak as charges forward, slamming her hand around his throat, her claws digging into the tender flesh of his neck. The enraged feline kicks out his feet, while shoving him forward, using his momentum to violently throw him down against her desk, snarling and snapping her teeth inches from his nose. She opens her mouth to scream at the deviant, but her attention is drawn to the opened bag of Daphne's clothes. It was then that the lynx became aware of Bryce's exposed erection that was poking her in the belly.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" she barks, tightening her grip on his throat, after she takes a moment to collect herself.
The fact that the lynx was actually talking to him once again, made him oddly happy, despite the iron-like fist she had formed around his Adam's Apple. Then again, he couldn't help but be a fan of the dominant nature she took with him.
"N-nothing!" he chokes, not daring to put his hands on her arm to stop her, knowing that would only escalate the situation.
"You think I'm a fucking idiot? Who the fuck do you think you are?! Doing this shit in my goddamn office?!" Ms. Holt continues, pelting his face with droplets of her saliva.
"Please....stop!" he gurgles, his face turning red from lack of oxygen, along with shame at his growing erection.
"You're not even fucking listening, are you?" the lynx growls, stepping to the side.
She then slaps her other hand against his manhood, crushing the blood filled appendage in her hand, the helmet turning color as her grip tightened.
"Do I have your fucking attention now?" she sneered at how he shriveled up with pain.
"Stop!" he pleaded, his legs kicking out behind her, eyes welling up with agony as her hand threatened to snap his cock in half.
After a rough yank of his erection, the lynx relents and relaxes her grip from both his cock and throat. Coughing and rubbing the visible bruises now dotting his neck, Bryce leans forward, fearfully looking up at the teacher.
"I'm sorry, okay? You've been avoiding me all week and treating me like shit!" he accuses, averting her gaze.
"The fuck are you on about? Is this all you every do? Jerk off and bitch?" Ms. Holt taunts, backhanding his erection, a blotch of his pre sticking to the fur of her hand.
"Ow! Shut up! You know exactly what I mean. You don't even act like I exist anymore! You don't talk to me, look at me, or even pretend that I'm here! I'm sick of it!" Bryce boldly barks at her, letting her know exactly how he's been feeling the last few days, the emotional distance between them having been torture for the human.
Ms. Holt bears her teeth, taken back by how he spoke to her.
"Newsflash, asshole. We. Are. Not. A couple!" she hisses at him, grabbing him by pant leg, dragging him off of her desk.
"Fine!" he yells back, dropping to the floor, pulling himself back up from the office floor.
"Fine." Ms. Holt glares.
"Take me to the office then." Bryce demands, snapping his head upwards to stare at her.
"You heard me. You don't like me, turn me in." he repeats himself, boring into her eyes, refusing to back down.
"Why? Looking to get expelled?" she scoffs, not taking him seriously at all.
"Might as well. You don't care about what happens to me anymore, so why should I? Fuck it." he shrugs, clearly agitated.
Ms. Holt squints at him, saying nothing.
"Oh, that's right. Cause you actually do. You're too fucking smug to admit it, but you like what we did. If you didn't, you wouldn't think twice about throwing me under the bus. Maybe you're scared I'll tell everyone about your little smut shop, but I won't. I'm not breaking that promise. So, c'mon. Drag me to the office. I won't fight it. Prove to me that you don't care about me." he rants, stepping up to her, almost landing on her toes as he held the stare.
The lynx chuckles at his accusations, looking down at him in a condescending manner.
"That's right. You won't do it. Bitch." he doubles down, adding in the insult at the last second in a brazen act of either fearlessness or stupidity.
That word gets a visible reaction from the teacher, whose eyes widen at the remark, shocked that anyone would dare to call her such a thing. Her nostrils flare, lips parting just enough to show the tips of her pointed teeth.
"Get her shit." she orders through gritted teeth, her eyes never leaving the human.
"W-what?" he trembles as he feels the rug being pulled from beneath him.
"Grab her shoes and socks. You're little fuck toys. Let's go." she echoes, crossing her arms, calling his bluff.
"......" Bryce opens his mouth to reply, but swallows instead, sheepishly nodding as he turned and gathered up Daphne's things.
Wordlessly, the lynx opens up her office door, stepping out into the hallway, turning her head to watch him, waiting for him to follow. Bryce shivers in trepidation, but did as she said, holding the bag by the handles, shuffling out her office, where she closes the door behind. Silently, the lynx walks up the hallway, ears perking at the crinkling of the plastic bag, knowing he was following close behind. Bryce looked around, noticing that the halls were strangely empty.
"Wh-where is everyone?" he quietly asks, shamefully following her.
"Lunch." she calmly replies.
Holy shit. How could he be so fucking stupid? She was never actually leaving her office to go into the gym. There wasn't class that period. Had he known that, he would have fled immediately, but stayed and doomed himself to being caught.
"O....oh." he frowns, wondering how his parents would react to him getting expelled.
Looking down at the ground, he trudged forward, making a right at the intersection, following her into the next hall. As he passed by the gym, he turned and felt a pit in his stomach, knowing that none of this wouldn't have happened if he could just keep it in his pants. Something he should have learned from last time, but hormones can be a bitch. He'd be lying if he said he'd learn the lesson from this experience. As he continued forward, about to pass the gym and make a turn to the next hall, towards the office, he heard the double doors opening behind him. Confused, Bryce turns to look, staring up at the lynx who held the doors open, looking back at him.
"C'mon." she demanded, still as intense as she was in the office.
Confused, but not asking questions, Bryce made his way over to her, before getting shoved inside the gym, Ms. Holt closing the doors behind them.
"Where are we going?" he asks, relieved if it was anywhere that wasn't the office.
"Shut up, slut." she growls, walking across the polished hardwood flooring, approaching the storage room.
She pulls a key from her pocket, unlocking the door and pulling it open, waiting for him to enter. Feeling mixed emotions, Bryce hustles inside, feeling a tidal wave of emotions for whatever could happen next. The room was stuffed full of equipment. Balls for various sports, jump ropes, medicine balls, nets, hurdles, and the like. A dull, incandescent bulb sways from a thin cord overhead, throwing shadows against the unpainted walls. The lynx enters behind the human, slamming the door shut, locking it for good measure. Bryce jumps at the noise, twisting around to watch the approaching feline, bag still held in his hands. He was full of hope, since this was starting to mirror their previous adventure. With a blank face, she takes a step forward, and then another, and another, until their toes were touching.
"Um....wh-what do we do no-"
The lynx cocks back her arm, wrenching her hips, swinging her arm with an open palm, which collides with his cheek, cutting him off with a deafening slap that reverberates throughout the cramped space. Bryce is nearly lifted off of his feet by the sheer force of the homicidal slap, his ears ringing, feeling the handprint already burning into his skin. However, he doesn't fall and is instead grabbed by the lynx, who jerks him forward, shocking them both as their lips collide, feeling her tongue stabbing its way into his mouth, alive like a snake that coils around his tongue. She lets out a deep growl, licking over the ribbed texture of the roof of his mouth, before pulling out.
"Get the bag." she hisses, licking her lips clean, tasting the tang of blood she had picked up from his split lip.
Dazed from the blow, the disoriented human fumbles for the bag of clothes, picking it back up.
"Did she just kiss me?" he thinks in his groggy state.
"Get them out. Let's see her shoes." she growls, stepping to his side, leaning against a stack of wrestling mats.
Unable to make sense of the situation at the moment, Bryce pulls out Daphne's shoes, along with the socks he already had stashed inside his pockets, presenting them to the teacher.
"Shove them in your face."
Shaking his head to rid himself of the mental fog he was still feeling, he looks up to the teacher in surprise.
"What? You got wax in your ears? Smell her fucking shoes!" she barks, waiting impatiently.
Bryce couldn't believe his ears.
Was this really happening again?
He instantly lifts up the posh looking shoes, forcing his nose into the opening of the left one, sniffing at the built up stink that was sadly not as strong as earlier. Didn't matter though. He was still rock hard at the turn of events. Bryce huffs the Yorkie's shoe, rubbing his nose all over the insole, hoping to smell more of her sweaty paw.
"How are they?" the lynx rumbles, watching the act.
"Good." he gasps, removing his nose and sticking into the next shoe, hoping it would be stronger than its sibling.
"Better than mine?"
"Hell no! Yours are so much fucking stronger!" he proclaims, eyeing at her shoes.
"That so?" she purrs, crossing her legs, wearing a pair of gray trainers, a reflective safety stripe traveling around one side of each shoe.
"Yes! She never wears the same shoes in a week. No wonder these don't smell much. She doesn't sweat in them nearly as much as she should." he whines, still sniffing at the interior, capturing that familiar weak scent of the canine's perfume.
"She's a prude. No surprise." the lynx shakes her head, throwing an arm around Bryce's neck, pulling him against her, his back to her chest.
"Y-yes. She's so sexy. Not as sexy as you, but goddamn. I was so hard. I watched you two in the gym." he admits, falling against her body, briefly pulling his nose away from the sneaker.
"Pathetic fucking voyeur. Why am I not surprised?" she taunts, surprised she hadn't noticed him then.
"I jerked off to the both of you. You're both so fucking beautiful." he huffs, the shoe heating up from his rapid breathing.
"No one is as sexy as your goddess, right?" she hisses, grabbing the shoe he had in his hand, forcing it back to his face, wanting him to smell more of it.
"N-no! You're one of a kind!" Bryce blushes, huffing at the insole, doing what it took to please his teacher.
Sadly, it seemed that the smell of the shoe was only from the workout Daphne had. By now, the smell had all but left.
"Fucking right. Don't you dare forget it." she replies, biting at his neck.
He squeals at the sharp fangs jabbing him, nearly drawing blood. The teacher keeps the hold she had on the human, sucking hard on his neck as she bit it.
"She may be a bitchy airhead that only cares about money and fame, but not even she deserves some fucking freak like you defiling her shoes. I was pretty pissed to see you using them. Could have been because she's starting to grow on me or maybe I was just jealous." Ms. Holt grins, grinding his skin between her fangs, licking at the trapped bit of flesh.
"I'll never do it again! Only yours from now on!" he exclaims, wanting to throw himself back into the dirty, used footwear of the vixen.
"How about we start now?" she grins, dropping the dog's shoe to the floor.
Unseen to him, the lynx removes her shoe behind him, pulling off the running shoe and roughly slams it to his nose, smothering him with the heavenly aroma that could only come from her sweaty paws. The heat and stench was immense, Bryce's cock nearly bursting the seams of his jeans as he relished in the stuffy, fragrant inside of that oversized lynx shoe.
"Oh, yes!" he moans, no longer keeping quiet, giving into all he's been needing for the last week, his worries finally coming to an end.
Wanting to please the dominant lynx, he buries his nose further into the shoe, snuffling the entire way up to the toebed, breathing in the noticeably more pungent scent that radiated from the indented toe marks left inside the insole. Bryce sniffed as loudly as he could, filling his lungs with the overwhelmingly intoxicating musk, while also showing his love and devotion for her smelly shoes. The lynx ground the sodden insole to his nose, letting him feel the moist, dank essence that was pouring out of them. His lips pressed to the inside, sealing around them, darting his tongue out to wipe it over the fabric that was saturated in her sweat, savoring her biting flavor. He lapped up every morsel of her paw stink, huffing up every molecule of the fragrant spice as he did so.
"Take it out." she hisses, unlatching her jaw from his neck, licking over the numerous bruises and marks left behind by her teeth.
Furiously nodding, he didn't just undo his fly as usual, but threw down his pants and underwear to his feet, his stiff, needy erection springing forward, bobbing briefly, before sticking straight out in its full hardness.
"Looks like it needs some love. Too bad it won't get any. Must be so fucking painfully hard too." she jeers, thrusting her hand against his face, knocking it backwards with the dank shoe.
"It hurts! I've been hard all fucking week! Been blueballed so much today." he whines, grunting at the impact, now dragging his tongue all over her insole, tracing out the outlines and grooves stomped into the malleable interior, licking clean whatever stink and perspiration laid inside.
The lynx drives her knee into his back, bending it and forcing his hips forward, watching his cock feebly stick out into the air, unable to do anything, but throb, the lynx grinning at his struggle. Bryce whimpers and nearly falls from her hold, until she actually breaks it and strikes him against with her knee, lurching him forward and onto the ground.
"Good thing your cock broke your fall." she taunts, sitting back down on the mats.
Bryce groans in discomfort, rolling over onto his back, his cock as straight and erect as before. The lynx had shifted back on the mats, her legs up in the air, revealing the fact that she hadn't worn socks today. One paw still hidden inside the confides of her shoe, she left the bare paw on display for him, the fluffy fur matted to her sole, stuck to it with the aromatic steam built up from teaching. As he reaches down to give the much needed attention to his swollen cock, the lynx speaks up.
"Don't you fucking dare! Get your face back in my shoe." she snaps, pulling off the remaining trainer, throwing it at the human.
The treaded sole bounces off of his sternum, thrown with some force. Whining, he snatches up the shoe, once again throwing it against his nose and mouth, audibly sniffing and worshiping the stuffy insides, his member uselessly bobbing in the air, much to the lynx's delight.
"Look at that thing. Nothing more than an overgrown, ugly, clitoris. Good for nothing, except for making a mess." she belittles, crossing her now naked paws, flexing her toes for the human.
"I want to make a mess for you, though." he pleads, muffled behind the hefty shoe planted to his face, his mind in a drunken haze from being forced to breathe only her odor.
"You don't cum, unless I say so. A pathetic, shoe licking slut should know his place by now." the lynx snarls.
"Please! Let me at least touch it!" he begs, pulling his face from her shoe, kissing along the outside to please her.
"No. Fuck that doggy's shoe instead. Mine are for actual paying customers to fuck." she rumbles, enjoying the deplorable human and his fucked up shenanigans.
Bryce nearly dove atop the shoe, grabbing it and stuffing his manhood inside.
"Not so fast. You think it's going to be that easy? On all fours, like a disguising, sweat addicted crab." she orders, pleased with how obedient he was being.
Confused, Bryce assumed he knew what she wanted and leaned backwards, balancing himself on his heels and palm, his rear and hips hoisted into the air, lurching his head forward to look at her for approval, the shoe still in his hand. The amused lynx nods, grinning at how desperate he was. Desperate for relief, he slides his cock into the shoe, letting out another heated moan as he wore the shoe. Unable to properly buck his hips, he instead jerked himself with the shoe, squeezing it tight as he forcibly penetrated the interior, quickly running out of space inside of the undersized sneaker. He bites his lower lip and continues to jab his manhood into the sneaker, filling it completely with his meaty cock. Each thrust was met with the tip of his manhood being nearly painfully slammed into the toe of the sneaker, copious amounts of his pre flooding it already.
"Oh, god! Fuck." he heaves, his joints starting to burn from the awkward position she forced him to take.
Little was he aware that bending his knees so hard and at the extreme angle was putting a tremendous strain on his prostate, overwhelming him with ecstasy and bliss, unaware as of why.
"Don't you fucking do it!" she growls, sitting up on the mats, recognizing the human's telltale sounds of an impending climax.
Bryce holds his breath and drops to his knees, veins bulging in his forehead as he tried to suppress an orgasm that was threatening to take over his body, the shoe slipping free of his erection, the slight touch nearly sending him over the edge. Both the human and the lynx stare at his trembling cock, awaiting what it planned to do. Bryce whimpered and shut his eyes, begging himself to not burst, his testicles tensing up. After a second had passed, his manhood lifted, discharging a thin, watery burst of pre that poured from his cockslit, pooling onto the concrete ground below, before drooping back down, still erect.
"No, no, wait! I didn't cum! I swear!" Bryce frantically defends himself as the lynx throws herself off of her perch, scowling at the unruly human.
She wasn't hearing it and stomped over to him, lifting up her foot and crashing it down over hi cock, pinning it to the floor as he wails in pain, doubling over to keep her from fracturing it.
"Stop, please! I didn't cum!" he pleads, wallowing above her paw, unable to move even an inch.
To have her paws on his thick, greedy cock should have been a godsend, but not like this. He could barely even make out that plush fur that was pummeling his erection. Just another torturous tease by the spiteful feline. To be this close to having what he wanted, yet so far away.
"Then what was that?!" she barks, suddenly twisting her foot, driving it harder down on his shaft, causing it to shift as well.
"Pre! You know I cum more than that!" he sobs, kissing over her shin to try and win her over.
"You're going to be pissing blood if you fuck with me again." the lynx threatens, standing up on the toes of her other foot, applying considerably more pressure down on his pinned manhood.
Bryce was at a loss for words, crying out in pain, praying that he'd at least be able to walk out of here still intact as a man. The teacher pulls her foot, back letting him gather himself for a moment. Before he could even think of what was to happen next, that huge lynx stomper came back down, this time forcing his cock against his belly, her toes taking hold of his tip. To him, this was immensely preferable to the treatment he had experienced.
At least, that's what he thought.
The lynx shocks him as she actually steps up onto his body, only a few of her toes still touching the ground, shifting most of her weight onto him. With another sharp twist, the relentless feline drove her toes and their claws into his exposed glans, starting to rock her foot side to side. Aside from the sharp, stabbing pain, this wasn't too terrible. Sure, she was basically stomping out his cock, like it was a cigarette butt, but at least his cock was against his body, rather than the unyielding concrete. With a sadistic grin on her face, Ms. Holt inched her foot back, only to thrust that paw forward, kicking at his erection with her sole, sending a squirt of his pre to splash against his shirt, the human letting out a sharp gasp. It wasn't good, but it was far from bad.
"Fucking bitch. You look so cute pinned under my big paws. There isn't a better place for a disturbed slut like yourself." she purrs, pulling her foot back for a moment, curling her toes to drag her exposed claws down his shaft, traveling down to his testicles.
"Yes, ma'am." Bryce pants, biting his already split lip, watching her foot.
The furry toes of her paw gently strokes his balls, dipping underneath them, wiggling her digits to tease his balls.
"This is all the value you have. Nothing but a sack of sperm. You understand me?" she sneers, poking at the skin with a toe.
"Y-yes, ma'am. All I'm good for." he nods, doing whatever she wanted.
Without another word, the feline cocks her leg back and hurls it forward, her curled toes forming a fist as she aggressively kicks him in the testicles. Bryce sucks in a breath, feeling like she had kicked his balls into his throat for how he couldn't speak. Never had he been struck so hard before. His body curls into a ball, tears streaming down the sides of his face, struggling to find the words to describe his pain and scream at the lynx.
"That's right. Now imagine what childbirth feels like." Ms. Holt grins, dropping her paw back down, this time on his chest.
The weakened human squeals as she steps onto him. This time, her other foot actually leaves the ground, finding its original place atop of his manhood. Once she stood on him, he immediately feels wave coursing through his vertebrae, each one popping in succession at the incredible weight compressing his body. Bryce finds himself unable to breathe, unsure if his ribs were going to be able to support the immense weight of the massive feline. Unlike before, the human actually made an attempt to fight back, clawing at her ankle, struggling to pull her off of him.
"Aww, so cute. You really think you can escape." she grins, carefully performing a quick hop, thrusting down atop of the human.
Beneath her paws, she could feel his chest gradually sinking under her weight, unable to expand and take in more oxygen. Little did she know, his vision was already starting to fade, not that she was truly concerned. That being said, she knew she couldn't risk sending him to the emergency room with bruised or broken ribs. Just when he thought he'd pass out, the lynx steps off of him.
"You crazy bitch!" he gasps, arms protectively wrapping around his chest, fearful she may have injured him as he frantically sucked in air.
Smirking at his crippled frame, the lynx takes a step forward, peering down at the lone human. Bryce glances up, fear in his eyes at the malicious expression plastered across her muzzle. Lifting her leg, she holds her paw above his face, letting him take in more of the sight of her beautiful, though deadly looking feet.
"You want these?" she taunts, fanning her toes apart, letting him spy the tufts of damp fur hiding between.
"Yes! But I won't, will I? Just gonna keep torturing me and using me like a goddamn punching bag?!" he vents, massaging his sore ribcage.
"Got a lot of nerve speaking to your mistress like that. What's wrong? You wanted my attention, didn't you? Well, you fucking got it now. If you want these, then you have to play it my way. And you do want these, don't you? Fucking say it!" she mocks, now wiggling her toes inches from his nose, wafting that heavenly aroma into his nostrils.
"Grr, you fucking know I do. You love that I'd go through all this bullshit and drag my cock through a bed of burning coals, just for the chance of playing with those paws. You want to hear me say it, so there." Bryce growls, knowing it was all the truth.
Had he had any shame, he'd have left long ago, but couldn't. Not when it meant finally getting to unload his pent up frustration from his swollen balls. This time, literally swollen, thanks to that bitch of a kick.
Ms. Holt laughs at his confession, throwing her foot down on his face, going easy on him this time and avoiding a direct blow to his nose. She holds her arms out straight ahead, placing her palms flat on the wall to keep herself balanced as she lifts her other foot, the both of them planted against his face, her toes curled over his nose to guarantee that the only oxygen he'd receive would be filtered through her sweaty toes.
This position was much more suitable for the weaker human. That back of his head didn't feel too good being forced down against the immovable concrete, but his skull wasn't going to be broken anytime soon, even with the tremendous weight of the lynx stomping down on it. Bryce whines and moans as he's utterly smothered by the divine feet, already sniffing and huffing at the robust, sweaty essence. As much as we wanted to lick them, his tongue couldn't leave his mouth, managing to weakly poke at her sole for now, which didn't go unnoticed.
"No tongue. Not yet. Just sniff." she purrs, lightly shifting her weight from one foot to the other, doing this multiple times to gently kick at his face.
Bryce hums under her paws, happily smelling those goddess paws, savoring the intense heat of her feet, along with the dampness and the enslaving odor emanating from their soles and toes. One was enough to conceal his face, but the both of them were able to completely cover him, her toes over his scalp, feet slightly to the sides to cover his ears as well. He hand automatically travels to his cock, squeezing and stroking his member that was begging for a release, moaning louder into her overpowering feet as he began to masturbate.
"Did I say you could use your hands?" she growls, turning to watch.
Bryce whines and reluctantly takes his hand away, cock twitching in need. The lynx steps off of his face, returning to her original spot atop of the wrestling mats, holding her legs out, flexing her fluffy soles.
"You can use my sweaty paws instead."
The human's eyes fall upon them, watching her unfurl her toes and present them to him, provoking his open erection that hung between them. That's all he needed to hear. Bryce hurls himself across the ground, throwing himself to his knees, smashing his face against her paws. Knowing he was now given her full permission, he parts his lips, lolling his tongue out, laying it flat against her heel, licking over the fluffy fur, before taking the tuft into his mouth, sucking at the saturated fur, reveling in the obsessive flavor. Already, he was loudly moaning, pulling from her heel to rapidly swipe his tongue upwards over that sole, licking and sucking at her pink pawpad, still speckled with her sweat.
"Give them a nice tongue bath, paw bitch." she sneers, keeping her feet side by side.
Growling in lust, Bryce takes hold of the sides of her paws, now dragging his tongue in a zigzag formation, now covering both of them with his hot saliva, only pausing to moisten his tongue that grew dry from the thick fur. Now panting in excitement, he began to suck at various spots on her sole, worshiping her lush fur, nibbling and tugging on it as well. His eyes flicked up at the lynx, staring into her own, inching his maw up her paws, until he reached her toes, thrusting both of her big toes into his mouth, stuffing it full, eyes rolling in his sockets at the powerful taste and scent buried in her digits. That dexterous tongue slithered between her digits, poking through the matted, flavorful fur, thoroughly cleaning them as he licked, not because she told him to, but because he'd obviously been desperately craving them on his tongue. Drool started to seep past her fur, trickling down the corners of his mouth, replacing any perspiration remaining in her fur with his saliva instead.
"Fuck yeah. Don't hear you bitching now." the lynx huffed, pulling her two toes from his mouth, wagging the wet digits over his nose.
"Fucking right." Bryce hissed, replacing them with the next set of toes, focusing on her right paw for now.
Panting, he gripped his shaft, his hand a blur as masturbated with fervor, still glaring into her eyes with a drunken thirst, grinding his taste buds over the undersides of her toes, spitting them out to take in the last pair. After they received his dutiful attention, he dropped her paw and turned his focus on the next, this time peppering the top of her toes with kisses, before they inevitably found their way into his mouth and onto his tongue, standing up slightly so she could watch him touching himself.
"Goddamn you." he snarls, jerking his head back, her toes leaving his lips with a wet pop.
"Fuck you too." she grins, pushing her paws forward, kicking him in the chest.
"No, fuck you!" Bryce bellows, grabbing her by the ankles, his fingers digging into the joints, forcing them together as he crams his erection between them, prodding the gap at first, before roughly slamming himself into the gap.
His eyes roll back as he penetrated the tight, furry crevice of her arches, his breath caught in his throat as finally allowed himself to once again feel that sinfully arousing paws on his cock, for real this time. Keeping a tight grip on her, he pulled himself out, staring at just his tip remaining between the paws, slowly pushing himself back inside, watching with his mouth agape as his manhood was swallowed by the furry confides of her celestial feet, his own saliva making a superb lubricant after he slobber over every inch of them.
"Fuck these too." he huffs, once he finds his voice.
The human thrusts again, his balls clapping against her heels, extorting more of his pre to drizzle over her soles.
"You hate these too now?" Ms. Holt taunts, keeping her paws pinned together, starting to pant herself at the sensation of his red hot meat bucking over her paws in an odd sort of massage.
"You know what? No. Actually, I hate you." Bryce growls, angrily staring at her.
"Yeah? You hate me?" she hisses, leaning forward to peer down at him, an amused smirk twitching on her lips.
"I fucking hate you!" he repeats, mouth hanging open as he ruts those fluffy paws, glaring up at her, a similar expression on his face.
"Mmm, good. I hate you too." she sneers, now starting to work her paws over his cock, stroking him in time with his bucks.
"So fucking much." Bryce moans, doubling his thrusts, the tip of his cock peeking out from between her paws at the apex of his thrusts, spurting a dribble of pre each time it made its appearance.
"Hate me more." the lynx teases, grabbing a handful of his hair, yanking him closer to her.
Their noses were a mere inch apart, staring into each other's eyes, exchanging an almost genuine look of disgust for being in each other's presence. Bryce never once stops his humps, mating with the teacher's beautiful feet, feeling her breath blowing over his face, their mouths ajar with passion. Without warning, Bryce closes the gap, crashing his lips against hers, sucking on the tip of her tongue, pulling away to bite at her neck, licking at the pheromone laced sweat that broke past the surface of her fur.
"Fucking bitch." he heaves, kissing over her thick neck, pecking her collar bone next.
"Foot whore." she retaliates, now shifting her paws back and forth, teasing his over stimulated cock even further.
Bryce whines and groans into her shoulder, pulling back to angrily fuck her arches, nearly pulling her off of the wrestling mats as he rutted those feet.
"Quit stalling, already. Give me it. Drown these paws in your hot, sticky, bitch seed." Ms. Holt purrs, letting go of the violent hold on his hair, now scratching at his scalp with her claws.
The human cries at the words, pulling back from them to lay his exposed glans over her toes, heatedly tugging on his cock, smearing more of his precum over her.
"You want that too? You want my cum all over these?" he moans, masturbating over them, brushing his cock against them as well.
"Yes, slut. I need another dirty mess splattered all over them. Go going, now. They're waiting for you." she rumbles, wagging her toes at him, teasing the underside of his helmet.
"Oh, fuck! Ms. Holt! Fuck!" he seethes, pounding his cock.
The human arches his back, bearing his swollen manhood to those awaiting paws, the purple tip of his throbbing, pauses and coming to a standstill, before Bryce lets out a shrill outburst. It wasn't a type of orgasm he'd had before. Rather than a rope of semen, it appeared that he was urinating at first. A slightly thinned out build up of his cum burst from his cockslit, like a cracked water main, showering her toes and the tops of her paws with a literal bath of seed for a solid three seconds, before it ceased. Following up, was a rapid onslaught of forceful shots that ran together in rapid succession, parting her fur at times from the power his urethra managed to display.
"Fucking Christ." the lynx laughed in disbelief.
In all the years she'd been a cam model, she'd never once seen someone, let alone a guy his age, ejaculate like such a beast. Maybe that kick to the balls did some good? Bryce trembled with relief, eyes drooping in their sockets, stunned at the sheer volume of his delicious seed that rocketed over her paws, douse not only the teacher's paws, but that lustful fire that had burned in him for the past week, nearly collapsing as his orgasm waned.
Bryce stumbled forward, his side landing against the wrestling mats, leaning beside her as he clung on to consciousness.
"Fuck." he whimpered, watching her display the semen battered paws, crossing her ankles, flexing her soles and toes in his load, hearing the faint patters of his jizz slapping to the concrete below.
The lynx sits up on her spot, legs still dangling down below, letting his thick semen dribbling down her soles, the majority of it having already fallen to the floor.
"With three minutes to spare." she hums, checking the time on her phone.
"I think I missed lunch, but can't say I'm complaining." Bryce catches his breath, gazing at the disarray he left her paws in.
"Get going then. I need to get ready for next period." she waves him off, carefully laying her toes down on the ground, bending down just enough to pick up her shoes.
"Um. alright then. Am....I gonna see you again?" he hesitates to ask, jumping down to the floor.
"Yes. You still have class today." Ms. Holt nods, pulling her shoes back on, his fresh load smearing into the already stained insoles.
"I know, but, well you know?" Bryce continues, unlocking the door, turning to face her.
"Time will tell." she waves her hand, lacing up her shoes.
"Okay? Cause, that was a bit different than I expected. I mean, I wasn't expecting anything though, so....I don't know." Bryce scratches his head.
"Never happened." she brushes off his questions, sliding off of the mats, stepping up to him to push the door open.
"O-okay then. I'll see you later, I guess." Bryce fidgets, turning and walk away, feeling a tad of worry in his gut that history was once again repeating itself.
The lynx followed close behind him, following him to the gym doors, exiting and stepping out into the still empty hallway.
"Do yourself a favor..." Ms. Holt starts as they both start to head their separate ways once again.
"Hmm?" he speaks, looking over his shoulder, staring at the feline with her hand on her hip.
"Check your messages when you get home."
"My messages?" he quizzically asks.
"Yes. On the site we both frequent. You can expect to receive a private message sometime tonight." the lynx promises, a subtle grin on the corners of her mouth.
"O-oh? I'll be looking forward to it." he gulps, hiding his excitement.
"Until next time." Ms. Holt nods, spinning on her heels and heading back to her office.
Bryce smiles and heads in the opposite direction, walking down the hallway.
"Holy shit, it's happening. We're back again!" he cheers in his head, starting to happy run down the hall.
After all, if he was quick, he could still catch lunch!