Debbie dumps her lover and contacts her husband David hoping for a reconciliation. The family home has been sold and David, now living in Norfolk, invites her over to renew their marriage. She meets his new friends Lyn and Ray, the local artists who offer her many exciting and stimulating opportunities.

We first met Debbie at Oxford in "Performance" and then in early middle age in "Tuition". This latest story is in two parts and takes place before "Tuition".

To hear Debbie's voice over the phone set David's heart beating and his hands shaking. He leapt out of bed and let her talk.

It was all over with her stud and she wanted to try again by spending time with him in Norfolk. He played it cool over the phone but, in truth, he would have her back under any conditions - even if it meant sharing her - and that thought alone made him very hot.

When he collected her from the station, she was more beautiful than ever. Slimmer around the waist - living next to the ocean she had been working-out to perfect her "beach body" - but she was still just his type - clever, feminine, full breasted, curvy, proud, spunky - daring you to take her on - the sort of woman he could never resist. He wanted to fuck her now - to bury his mouth in that fragrant pussy and make her scream - but his confidence was shot - he knew now, for certain, he was crap in bed and she had been forced to look elsewhere.

He vacated the large bed-room and slept on a mattress in the study but as the days passed and they walked and talked she showed no inclination to lovemaking and he was seriously anxious knowing the power of Debbie once she was aroused. He procured some medicinal rocket fuel but he still dreaded a recurrence of his failure and the self-recrimination that would follow.

Debbie still loved David and the separation had failed to satisfy despite the 24/7 sexual gymnastics with her lover. She desperately wanted to re-set her marriage - to restore the old securities for the family and provide the means to kick start her career again. When David agreed to meet her, she was relieved and when her parents offered to help with care she did not hesitate.

Why was he holding back? She wanted to shag him but he was cold. She had given out the old familiar signals - but his reaction was positively sub-zero.

Then, in the middle of the night, she was searching downstairs for some aspirin and interrupted him mid-wank in front of a porn movie on his lap top. She retreated to her bedroom and he was mortified. After a long heart-to-heart she found that he was addicted. This was new -- it was all her fault -- what could she do?

Lyn liked David.

He soothed Sylvie who was Lyn's obsession -- her only true love. When Sylvie disappeared to London to work the hotels in Mayfair, Lyn was morose and hungry. When she returned Lyn's world shined bright and, after Sylvie had allowed Lyn to fuck her, balance was restored and Ray could breathe easily again. Lyn was not jealous of David - she knew Sylvie felt no real passion for him - but he cared for her unconditionally, kept her grounded and rushed to her when she called for him. She did not want him hurt again.

David introduced Debbie at the New Year's Eve Party at the Swan. She was stunningly good looking but was underplaying it - covering up very stylishly in fashionable chiffon. Lyn saw that Ray and Roger "the Lord of the Manor" were smitten by the blond tart, but Lyn saw through her. Withdrawn and aloof on the outside she may be, but Lyn intuited a hidden sensuality - suppressed for now but obsessive once released.

Wishing to know Debbie better, she suggested they meet for lunch at the latest gastro pub. As both women were "born and bred" middle-class, they quickly gelled and chatted freely. A second bottle of Pinot was ordered and Lyn steered the conversation to David:

"We're all so glad that you and David are making a go of it. He is such a sweet man and so kind."

Debbie, drowning in her guilt and full of remorse, burst into tears and it all came out.

Now Lyn understood:

"Oh lovey -- I'm so sorry -- what can we do to help."

She passed a tissue to Debbie:

"You know these men dear-- they want you to be a tart one minute and their Mother the next. Its his birthday in two weeks isn't it?

Let's give him something better than those porn girls with their football tits?

Look - we have a contract for a fashion shoot and the garments are high class and gorgeously sexy. Come over to the studio and we can pick something hot for you for his big day and get him up like a fucking ramrod."

Debbie laughed at Lyn's vulgarity but she badly needed a bit of fun. She dried her eyes and agreed to visit.

Lyn had another reason for inviting Debbie. Yes -- there was something about this woman -- voluptuous -- daring -- mischievous -- provoking? She was deliciously fuckable and Lyn wanted to claim her share.

... and then there was Roger's talk of rumours of a scandal when she was up at Oxford. That sounded fucking sensational!!

This all fed the desire of Ray and Lyn to bring her into their erotic world. They were always seeking new ideas for their porno flicks and Debbie could provide some interesting possibilities. This would require careful planning and Lyn decided to use Debbie's love for David to begin the deception.

Lyn showed Debbie around the studio:

"This is the collection, aren't they gorgeous -- look at this little black number -- it's a key garment in the range for the Christmas and New Year party season so they want some images urgently for review before we complete.

The only pity is, it's the one dress I can't get into so we have to book a model from the agency which puts us under pressure to deliver the drafts on time."

Lyn held the dress against Debbie:

"Wow, it suits you honey -- now that would be perfect for his birthday present - come to the mirror -- look at that! Just your size."

Debbie gazed at her reflected image. The little black dress was far more revealing than she would normally choose but she was transformed. It reminded her of the parties at Oxford where she dressed to be the main attraction and capture the best-looking boys. She remembered the rush of excitement when boys would look her up and down with desire in their eyes and girls would sulkily ignore her in envy.

Lyn continued:

"Have you ever modelled? With your looks and poise you'd be a natural."

"No -- I went straight into Practice when I graduated and then family took over... nothing so glamorous unfortunately!"

Lyn picked up the slight regret in Debbie's voice:

"Well, there's no time like the present -- do you want to try now? It would certainly help us out! Ray would be delighted wouldn't you honey -- at least we could get something back to client for feed-back?"

Ray chipped in:

"Sure babe, Debbie would be perfect -- they would love a blond in that dress. I can see the tag now "Blonds have more Fun!"

They both laughed and looked at Debbie expectantly:

"Just this once -- I'll give it a try -- but if I turn out to be rubbish, I won't be offended if you want to book a professional."

They broke open a bottle of fizz to seal the deal and Lyn secretly added some of her home-made fruit cordial chock full of stimulants. Ray was on his best behaviour and Debbie began to relax into the novelty of this glamorous and exotic, out of the ordinary, slightly dangerous world.

Lyn had hung the various outfits in the back room where the models would change between each shoot. She was keen to see more of Debbie and this was the perfect opportunity. Lyn promptly began to change into her first garment and while Debbie was a little shy stripping to her underwear in front of Lyn, she was positively red faced once she had slipped into the dress and realised how revealing it was. The hem sat at mid-thigh, the fit was ultra-tight hugging every curve, the bust was daringly low cut and there were sheer side panels top to bottom. It left very little to the imagination and yet it felt good and looked good on her.

Lyn fussed around Debbie, smoothing the odd wrinkle and re-arranging her hair:

"It's a perfect fit and it really suits you. You look wonderful but this is the major line they are promoting this season and Ray won't be happy that your bra and panties are on show through the sheer -- the lights will reflect off the white satin and spoil the pics."

Debbie was a little deflated but Lyn offered a solution:

"Can I make a suggestion?"

Debbie nodded.

"It's only Ray in the studio and the photos are a bit niche -- your granny wouldn't see them. You could go bra-less and commando?"

"Oh no. I really don't do that sort of stuff."

"Ok not to worry" replied Lyn matter-of-factly. "The dress is the key garment in the shoot. It's too small for me so I'll tell Ray we are cancelling. We will have to pay for a model and ring the client to extend the dead-line. We might lose the job but that's life."

Debbie frowned but the enervating bubbly and Lyn's potions were kicking in.

"Please, not on my account -- I feel so guilty -- oh -- please ...

OK - I'll do it - just this once."

Lyn had got her woman!

"Are you sure Debbie - you are a star - I'll give you some privacy to get ready."

When Debbie had stripped off and squeezed once again into the dress she called for Lyn. A pair of nude strappy heels were chosen and Lyn applied some make-up -- blusher, black mascara and copious amounts of cherry coloured lippy. Finally, she restyled Debbie's hair and let it fall naturally over her shoulders.

I knew you would tart up lovely thought Lyn. I might have you all to myself. That would upset Ray.

Ray was delighted when he saw Debbie -- she was spectacular. Power house thighs, tits uplifted and on show with prominent nipples just about covered and an outstanding rounded arse highlighted by the taut fabric. Her mane of wild naturally blond hair surrounded her face resplendent in classic Lyn style and, all the while, the eye being drawn to the flesh on display through the sheer panels which would become even more transparent once the lights were set. Fuck, it was making him hot!!

Once Ray began to move around Debbie and get her to pose, Lyn could see she was a natural and when the first session was over, they cracked open another bottle and all was giggling and fun. Debbie was now at ease having forgotten about her underwear.

Ray's aim was to get some more intimate shots of Debbie but this phase had to be disguised.

First, he sat her at a desk facing the camera in the act of writing a letter. The desk was low and, as her chest dropped, her falling tits with those proud brown nipples and their abundant areola were exposed to the lens providing a nice contrast against the black of the satin. Debbie was aware that she could be showing too much as Ray circled shooting and zooming but the quiet of the workmanlike studio and the studied calm professionalism of Ray together with that old familiar, long forgotten, delicious feeling of being the focus of attention led her on.

It was time for the next phase of the seduction. Ray wanted Debbie to embrace Lyn - arms around each-other and chest against chest - to get a fun shot of both garments in full-on party chic.

Between poses Lyn whispered to her:

"Hey lovely you're a natural -- what a great figure -- I'm very jealous. I love your tits -- I wish mine were so firm."

Debbie could feel herself warm and looking down at her open breasts could see her swollen nipples push through the stretch fabric against Lyn's fulsome bosom. Lyn's arm slid down behind her back and her open palm caressed Debbie's bum:

"Your arse -- just gorgeous!"

Debbie was a little shocked by Lyn's sudden coarseness but it all seemed to fit with the new showbiz person she was becoming. She looked abstractedly at Ray who was busy behind the camera -- inexplicably she no longer wanted out -- why not experience some different colours again -- her life had been white for so long -- hell -- what's the harm -- who's to know?

She allowed Lyn to continue to stroke her and her breathing deepened.

Lyn feathered her lips across Debbie' forehead and whispered in her ear.

"Oh, honey you are a naughty girl aren't you -- well who would have thought it."

Debbie blushed and smiled -- she was back at Oxford flirting with her lady tutor and getting very hot.

Ray was finished and Lyn led Debbie back to change.

She took Debbie's hand:

"Honey you are so good in front of the camera -- Ray is really pleased -- you have done us such a favour. Now listen ... I've got a great idea.

We've just started a new business supplying photobooks -- albums of digital photo prints -- really top quality if the images are good.

We would like to offer you something for your help tonight and we were wondering if you wanted to give David a present to really fuck himself over??"

Debbie laughed.

"Now my old man does very nice glamour work and we could take some beautiful images of you and put together a really nice book for you both. What do you say?

Debbie was unsure.

"You have such a great figure - your tits and arse are to die for - it's a shame not to show them off - and a pity to pass up the chance to fire David into orbit."

"Show them off?"

"Yes honey, we could take some shots of you with nothing on. There's no need to worry. Ray is very professional. His images are very artistic and tastefully lighted. He can use special software to make you even more lovely if you want -- not that you need it!!"

The cautious and conservative instincts of Debbie were at this moment screaming at her to escape but she held back. Getting David over his crisis was awfully important and she had enjoyed the posing immensely. Being delightfully tipsy and relaxed, the experience had stimulated her. Memories of Oxford, though scarcely believable now, were still potent and the heightened sensuality provided by Lyn's potions had reminded her of those exciting times. Although she found Lyn's comments about her figure a little too suggestive, the praise had given her the confidence to believe that she would not look silly.

Above all there was that strange compulsion to show off. As she grew older this need had become sexual to the point where she would wear the skimpiest of bikinis to the pool or the beach to be noticed. It had led to her performances on stage and those thrilling years before her world closed in with marriage, career and family.

Lyn showed her a portfolio of Ray's work and his pics were superb.

The decision was made. It was yes!

She tried to delay to give herself time to prepare but Ray wanted to start immediately. Lyn helped her out of the dress and for the first time in many years she was naked in front of another woman. She sat to remove the heels but Lyn stopped her:

"No honey, keep them on -- they give your legs a lovely shape and lift your bum."

Debbie flushed and looked away. Wearing the strappy heels and nothing else felt like - ummmm.

Lyn having quickly changed back into jeans and blouse took her by the hand and led her back into the studio.

When Ray saw Debbie, he knew she was the one -- everything about her was perfect. It gave him serious wood and his jeans began to bulge as his experienced eye appraised her:

Face -- lovely - blue eyed, full red sensual lips, high cheek bones.

Hair -- lush, long and silver blond with a hint of curl.

Shoulders -- broad -- athletic.

Tits -- full and upstanding despite the kids -- dark brown nipples with large areola giving her breasts that fertile heavy "whore mother" look. Ray felt his cock begin to leak cum!!

Waist -- trim and narrow.

Tummy -- a slight swell but under control.

Hips -- broad -- fertile.

Cunt -- wisps of blond hair -- outer lips nicely profiled, moist and flowering.

Arse -- powerful with that beautiful clear view of her swollen cunt lips from behind in the gap at the top of her thighs.

Legs -- perfect in her heels ... to lay on those luscious thighs and fuck her -- there's a vision!!

Ray recognised that Debbie was no shrinking flower. She was seriously clever and full of herself. Her defiance, her confidence and her willingness to appear before him in her glorious nakedness made him want to have her now... and from the state of her cunt she was clearly finding the whole experience to be very stimulating!

But there was more -- he would record her descent in pictures and video. He and Lyn would take her on an epic journey and expose her to all the perversions. To guide her down this path would be his ultimate wet dream.

Lyn sat her on the couch in front of the camera and gave her a little coaching as regards posture before withdrawing.

Debbie was trembling with fear and excitement.

Ray took a deep breath and began:

"Wonderful lovey -- you look sensational. Just do as I say pet and we will smash it!"

Ray worked around her as she posed and he dutifully kept the camera lens away from her in full face. Debbie relaxed a little but she was not aware that wall mounted high resolution cameras -- for both stills and video - were covering every angle as she was guided in her movements by Ray.

The poses were imperceptibly becoming more risqué but Debbie was not objecting. At the end of the session Ray wanted her on her knees astride on the couch and, although his angles were either at her front or side, Lyn was on her laptop in the office controlling the wall cameras which were devouring all of Debbie in her brazen exhibitionism. This operation culminated in a final zoom on to Debbie's bum as she opened her legs and dropped on to all fours. The blooming lips of her moist cunt, the perineum with its blond covering and the black open "O" of her dilated anus framed by its triangle of dark purple skin were all delightfully recorded in full HD for future use.

Lyn was elated. Debbie was clearly stimulated by the experience and this boded well for the future when other players would be introduced. Lyn had a fleeting image of both Sylvie and Debbie in Lyn's bed -- the three of them entwined as one interconnected sweating multi-limbed creature -- and she felt the wetness grow in her crotch.

The shoot was finished and Ray drove Debbie back to David's house. She was very quiet and had taken a big risk but, OMG, it was so exciting. After controlling her urges for so many years for the sake of family and career, the liberation was overwhelming but she recognised that her recklessness had changed the dynamic with Ray and Lyn and, as the days passed, this began to trouble her.

Debbie was very subdued back at David's despite the photobook being delivered the next day. She took it discretely upstairs. It was a sumptuous folio production and very, very hot -- if David didn't want her after this daring performance then he was beyond help and she could do no more.

David saw her uneasiness and delved a little but was met with a cold silence that shut down any discussion. She rushed back to her parent's house as her Mother had fallen ill, but a week into her visit, she received a shocking message from Lyn with no text but just a link to a short video file named "Debbie". As she sat in her old bed-room and pressed play she felt sick to the bottom of her stomach. The movie opened with a giant black hole filling the screen which as the shot slowly panned back became her anus, then her bum cheeks and finally her cunt and everything!! Worse was to follow -- in one continuous pan there she unmistakably was -- on her knees, thighs apart offering her rear to the camera. What followed was a devastating series of clips of all the sessions with Ray but from angles she could not fathom. Lyn had even picked up on the characteristic small birthmark below her breasts. There was no hiding it -- it was her and would be recognised as such by any who saw it!

Pub: 22 Feb 2021 10:11 UTC
Views: 264