Collaring Zeta

Another call from your parents, another day of being annoyed that they only do it so "you can try a marriage offer"

They even sent you a package this morning. You didn't even check the contents but Ollie told you "You will only get mad if you see it"

Damn it all. The worst thing is that you don't even get a moment of peace when working on the deposit.

You cant shake off the feel of being watched. Again.

You look over the corner of your eyes and catch the tip end of a fluffy tail disappearing in-between the boxes.

Sigh. She's doing it again. For some reason, Zeta has started "prowling" and its infuriating because she wont tell you why. Seems like today is the international "Annoy Anon" day

You pretend to not notice and head deeper into the deposit. Light blue eyes tracking you as she jumps from one hiding spot to another.

She's a Snow leopard, and as such, she makes next to no sound. If you hadn't caught her tail then you wouldn't know she's here.

You put the boxes in the floor and stretch, then start moving the boxes while pretending to be distracted. Finally the eyes stop moving on top of one shelf.

Like a spring, she jumps at you. Falling from the air with hands stretched and mouth open. Like every other time, you sidestep it.


Like one of those viral cat videos, she lands in a box full of packing peanuts. The contents of the box flying as only her tail peaks outside of it.

She stays there for a second or two, before popping out and shaking off. Fluffy ears flat to her head

"You dodged"

Yes. And you will until she tells you what's this about. For all you know she's gonna take a bite out of you.

Zeta grumbles and attempts to exit the box. Attempt being the word because she trips and falls with it to the floor.

Its cute, but you have work to do.

Yesterday was prowling. Today is being childish.

Zeta has been demanding your attention all day.

"Manager this. Manager that. Manager can you get me food? Manager tell me im a good girl! Manager can you give me a piggyback?"

Its been a tiring day. Zeta purrs in your back as you obligue with the piggyback. And everything else, really

Saying no to her is near imposible. She's too cute.

"Manager" she whispers in your ear and you shiver a little "You will do everything i ask right?"

Well...if you can, yes of course.

She giggles.

"Manager you are getting ordered around by little old me? that's pathetic~."

What? Where did that come from?

She clings to you

"So lame~. Manager cant do anything without his mommy~"

Her sudden cruelty makes your head spin, you try and reach for her but she uses her superior balance to maneuver around you. Clinging to your chest

She rubs her cheeks on it while looking straight into your eyes

"Small dick~ Loser~"

A bout of anger invades you, before you can do anything she lets herself go and scurries away. Your teeth grind together.

What the hell is her problem?

The third day seems to be pure undiluted brattyness.

She's not breaking any rule, but she's seriously driving you insane.

Your pen is missing from your desk? she's doodling with it

You get into a call? she blows some air in your ear and runs away.

Sitting in your desk and knocking away some documents, then chuckling as you pick them up.

Your sandwich has a suspicious bite on one of its corners

That pudding in the fridge with your name? she's licking a spoon but the package is nowhere near

And so much more. The worst part is that you cant catch her.

well that and the taunts

"Ooh almost~. Try harder~. No-pe~"

"Bad boy~. Oh so lame~. Fufufufu~"

You have to keep yourself sane. Whatever is wrong with her, Kobo assured you "it will pass one way or another"

The fourth day is... weird.

She's actively ignoring you. Anything you ask her gets completely filtered as she struts away.

This is getting out of hand. She doesn't even recognize your presence in the room.

Is this bullying? Has she snapped and revealed a utterly fucked up side of her?

It isn't until Risu calls you away that some lights are shed

"You are clearly not familiar with this dance. Here"

She sends you a link to your phone. Tells you to open it by yourself.

"Also check that package. You completely forgot about it"

Weird. After an entire day of Zeta pretending you don't exist, you arrive home.

The link sends you to a youtube video. In there, an indonesian man explains the Javan Leopard.

Is Risu also fucking with you? The video is interesting but how the fuck is knowing the habitat of this animal gonna help you?

Its not even the same species! Zeta is a snow one!

Just as you are gonna cut off the video, the man mentions the five day courting ritual.

"As you might now...this practice is common among multiple leopard types. The females enter a potent heat that grows from day to day"

"Over five days, the female riles up her mate in order to guarantee his quality, since they mate for life".

"First she pretends to hunt him, to test his reflexes and his awareness."

"Then she demands food and commodities from him, testing to see how effective will he be at providing during pregnancy."

"The third day is usually different, but it depends on the female's personality. Its a day to rile up his mate by being unreasonable and playful. If the male can stand her even during her worst times, then she'll be set for life"

"The fourth day is a day of abstinence. The female will neglect any attention toward the male, relishing in how desperately he tries to capture her attention. After all, our male is probably all pent up and desperate to mate with her"

You pause the video, licking your lips. You hate how true a lot of it is.

Finally your eyes settle on the package you received from your folks. The box was opened by the girls by mistake, but they saw what's in it.

Zeta saw what's in it

when your eyes finally look into the contents, everything is made clear.

You pace from left to right, nervous.



about to blow up.

It was a bit unreasonable to ask for a free day from one day to another, but after you submitted the correct form (thanks to Risu), it was granted.

The doorbell rings and you stop. Its embarrassing but you are already erect. Fucking Biology and mating rituals

You open the door and Zeta sneaks in, caps and sunglasses helping mask her identity. An idol cant be seen entering her manager's house after all

But today she isnt an idol. Today she's a bitch in heat getting what she's been begging for

Zeta has barely let her stuff inside that you are already dragging her to the bedroom. She opposes no resistance.

"In the fifth and final Day" the man's voice echoes in your head "The female waits for the male's call"

You shove her into the bedroom and she giggles. You can smell her pheromones, waiting for you.

"Once she gets it, and she's satisfied with him as his mate for life, she goes into his lair"

You capture her lips, her short stature making her tiptoe in order to kiss you. You devour her, tongue exploring every part of her rough tongue and sharp teeth

And all she can do is moan and shiver

"From this day and onwards, she belongs to him. For today, no matter her personality, she submits wholeheartedly to him"

She drops to her knees and her sharp nose buries in your crotch, huffing desperately as she peppers kisses. One of her hands makes an attempt to move in-between her legs.

A sharp command on your behalf makes her freeze. She's not allowed to disobey you for today

"And the male, riled up after four days of teasing, will spend the entire day mating with her"

Her pretty eyelashes flutter, you can feel dampness in your crotch both from inside and outside. Today she's paying for her attitude from the last 4 days

And if this kitty behaves, she's getting a brand new collar.

You yawn and stand up. Its 5 AM. Zeta is sleeping like a log.

She deserves it. She breastfed the kids two hours ago. The Six little rascals curled up in your shared bed are snoring in a bundle near their mother.

So many little cute fur balls makes you wanna go back in bed and spend your paternity leave as much as you want.

But you cant. Its time to get up and learn.

You need to learn how to cook now that they are eating milk. Otherwise its over.

You are not letting Zeta feed your kids ramen with chocolate and other culinary abominations.

Pub: 07 Mar 2024 19:41 UTC
Views: 428