In the atrium of the school, Lily, Rose and Daisy stare up at the rain pouring down outside with a wistful look. Three girls and not a single umbrella between them. Pouting, the blonde-headed Lily says what they’re all thinking. “We’re totally pretending to be bimbos, so we can’t like, go out in the rain.”

“That would break our cover so hard,” redhead Rosie agrees. “We’d mess up our hair, makeup, clothes, everything. We’d look like a total mess.”

“For sure,” Daisy adds, tossing her long green hair over her shoulder. “and-”

Before Daisy can drop whatever brilliant bomb she has prepared, the rapid click-clack of heels draws their attention. “Omigosh out of the waaaay!” a giant of a woman declares, towering over the threesome by more than a full head. And that’s before accounting for her heels.

The three do as their told as Miss Cheeri minces past them, her oversized boobs and butt undulating in time with her steps. Lily very nearly takes a basketball-sized boob to the face, but the purple haired teacher pulls a graceful move that succeeds in only brushing bare breast against the blonde’s cheek.

Stunned from the contact, Lily and her friends can only watch as the door clatters open and Cheeri charges out into the rainstorm. Uncaring of how her dark mascara pulls away from her eyes and towards her cheeks, or how her hair is weighted down by the rain and nearly dragging on the ground. Her outfit isn’t holding up any better, the sheer stockings somehow pulling even tighter to her slick flesh, while the skirt looks like it is about to drop away completely. And her top? That bare bit of tied off white fabric keeping her decent? Not anymore.

While one could argue Miss Cheeri doesn’t have the largest bust in school, she is a clear contender with her high riding, sag-free boobs. Said tits now on fully display as Cheeri’s soaked top clings ever tighter to her chest, showcasing the broad swath of her pink areola and plumped up nipple. The pointed tips serve as a guide to the car waiting for her in the parking lot, where a tiny woman with a towering pink hairdo waits. Words are exchanged and the purple-haired teacher folds herself into the vehicle.

Laughing and looking as though the rain doesn’t bother her in the least. All while dripping pure bimbo sex appeal.

As the car rolls out, the three free themselves from the spell of Cheeri’s chest. They look between themselves, their previous conversation ringing loud in their ears.

“We really shouldn’t,” Daisy starts.

“We’re just pretending,” Rose concurs.

“Oh come on, Miss Cheeri’s like one of the biggest bimbos in the school and she went out there without a second thought,” Lily huffs, shifting her eyes between her friends. “If we’re going to continue faking, we have to be able to do what a bimbo can do, right?”

The girls fall silent, unsure of what to do next. Even for all her bluster, Lily struggles to take the first step. She has a hair appointment after all and it would be a major inconvenience to go in with wet hair. The moments drag by before she shakes her head and moves forward.

“Lily,” the pair behind her start, but the blonde is committed. She wavers at the door frame but, swallowing her fear, pushes her way outside into the rain.

Regret washes over her immediately, making her chest feel tight. Or maybe that was just the rain and the sensation of her dress contouring to her body like plastic wrap. The skimpy pink number is designed to show off her breasts, all string and strips of fabric working together to provide an almost unobstructed view of her cleavage, both on top and from her underboob. Each mound is larger than her head, so the tight dress puts in a lot of work throughout the day, and she can feel the now soaked fabric strain against the sheer weight of her tits.

It, actually feels rather nice. Lily has expected the rain to be cold and nasty, but instead she finds it to be warm and inviting. Her nipples perk up all the same, although not to the point of absolute hardness; instead they find a comfortable point in between hard and soft. The pair of pointers and big and puffy, but also retaining a bit of the soft and squish malleability one would expect from a less aroused state.

Lily brings a hand up, massaging her breast and tugging on the fat teat with her thumb and the edge of her forefinger. The girl shudders as an alien pleasure rockets down her spine and straight between her legs. Was this what the bimbos around school felt like all the time? They couldn’t fake this! What if they were asked to orgasm during a health checkup? They’d be found out for sure!

Not pausing to consider the, perhaps formerly, absurd line of thinking, Lily continues tugging on her plump nipple, her other hand coming up to her lips and biting down on the knuckle. She had to tell the other girls, they all needed to practice faking pleasure or they’d be found out and turned into bimbos for real! With thoughts of Miss Cheeri still in her mind, Lily’s fears begin to coalesce around the images of the busty teacher.

“So, you three thought you could, like, just pretend to fit in?” the purple-haired woman frowns, more accurately pouts, down at the three students. Rose and Daisy shift in their seats, refusing meeting the teacher’s gaze. Not that Lily is any better, but she at least can spare the older woman the occasional glance. So she’s the only one that sees the gentle smile cross the teacher’s face. “Well, you won’t have to pretend anymore.”

Leaning forward, the titty titan makes contact, pressing Daisy’s lips against hers. The green haired girl whimpers but makes no attempt to pull away as Cherri slides her tongue into the girl’s mouth. Lily feels her thighs squish together at the sight, her breathing hitching as Daisy lets out a moan.

And then, before Lily’s very eyes, Daisy begins to grow. The already bottom-heavy girl begins to balance out as new fat and muscle strain behind and increasingly inept tube top, breasts pushing ever higher and threatening to push the two apart, ending their kiss. But the top gives up before that point, Daisy’s new mounds hitting the table with a weighty double smack.

When Miss Cheeri does pull away, Daisy is in the same realm as Lily, with obscene orbs each bigger than her head and a vacant look in her eyes. As Daisy reaches up to play with her new tits, the purple-haired teacher gives her a smile. “There, isn’t that better?”

“F-fuh shuh…” Daisy moans as she adopts a milking motion, her eyes rolling back into her head.

She slides over to Rosie next, the redhead scared stiff and unable to move. She does try to twist her head to the side, but Cheeri catches the girl’s chin between her fingers and smiles. “Don’t run from it; this is, like, the best thing ever.”

The teacher moves in with force this time, none of the gentle movements from before. She ravages Rosie’s mouth with her tongue, the get-along redhead melting in an instant. Likewise, her already sizable breasts bulge outward in a desperate bid to escape their confines.

As if Rose could make it any easier with her top, with two pieces of fabric running along the sides but absent in the middle, her rapidly filling funbags take advantage of the open space, squishing together and forcing the gap ever wider. As her nipples spring into view, Rose’s shirt falls away, the straps framing her now incredible chest on either side, but leaving the entirety of her tits uncovered.

Miss Cheeri pulls away and Rosie’s eyes flutter open, a dull, glazed green as her hands fly to her prodigious pillows. The redhead has left Lily in the dust, entering into a space usually reserved for teachers or exceptionally endowed students. A dopey smile pulls at her lips as she starts toying with herself.

“No need to pretend or be afraid of getting caught anymore,” Miss Cheeri assures her, to which Rosie grunts, a sound that grows into a squeak of pleasure as Daisy leans over and starts sucking on the closest tit.

“And now for you,” the teacher purrs, standing over Lily. The blonde squirms in place, making a desperate bid to keep her crotch covered. They couldn’t know. She’d be so ashamed. But somehow Miss Cheeri sees right through her. “You’re already soaked, aren’t you?”

Lily bites her lip but says nothing. But the questions don’t stop. “Is it because you liked seeing your friends become big-titty bimbos like me? Or is it, like, you want to feel it for yourself?”

“No,” the blonde whines, even as her attempt at covering her crotch begins to turn into an excuse to finger herself. “I-I don’t want, I don’t like, either of those.”

“Liar,” Cheeri purrs into her ear. “You love your big boobies. You’d never give them up. You wanted the other girls to know how you, like, felt. Well now they’re big titty bimbos too and look how happy they are.”

Chancing a glance to the side, Lily watches as her friends continue molesting each others tits, absolute bliss behind their otherwise empty eyes. She feels Miss Cheeri nibble on her earlobe, adding, “I’m going to make you girls into perfect, busty bimbos to trot out as cheerleaders. I’m sure High Spirits and the rest of the girls will be delighted to have some dedicated tit sluts like you.”

“Please,” Lily moans, turning towards the teacher.


“Please, make my tits even bigger.”

A pure and wicked smile pulls at Cheeri’s lips. “Granted.”

She’s soft, Lily determines as Miss Cheeri leans down. Their breasts push together as they are both quite large, creating a pleasurable feeling of friction. The teacher’s tongue slides into her mouth and Lily greets it with all the eagerness she can muster. Already she can hear the straps straining, the strings fraying.

She’s going to be huge. She’s going to be enormous. Bigger than-

“Lily?” A worried voice snaps the busty girl out of her fearporn fantasy and she finds herself staring into two pairs of green and blue eyes. Rose tilts her head and frowns. “Lily, you okay? You’ve been standing here for like, five minutes.”

“Uh, yeah,” the blonde grunts, fluttering her eyes. She’s soaked to the bone, but the warm sensation lingers, both on her limbs and between her legs. And in her chest too.

“Well, we got an umbrella from Miss Raven,” Daisy says with a smile, tilting it forward so that the blonde is somewhat covered. “Come on, we can share.”

Daisy looks back at the school, noting a strange, ethereal pink glow surrounding it; something she had never seen before. It grows and swells, washing over the three of them in an instant, leaving the blonde stunned. The silent sound of a string snapping reaches her ears, and somehow Daisy just knows.

With a wicked smile, she tilts the umbrella back, earning shouts of protest as the girls begin to get covered in water. Water with a slight pink tint to it.

For her part, Lily just smiles and enjoys the sound of another string snapping and the slowly dying protests of her friends. Tomorrow, she’ll go talk to Miss Cheeri about joining the cheer team, dragging these two big-tit sluts to be behind her if necessary.

Who knew that a little rain would be able to make the flowers bloom so much?

Pub: 01 Aug 2022 12:17 UTC
Views: 822