In ancient times, there once was an almighty snake owned by the Goddess called Boros that dwelled within the cavity of the mountains. One day, it was enraged by the new inhabitants of the island (humans) as they disrupted the once peaceful island by recklessly affecting other beings' way of life. It burrowed a deep hole all the way to the center of the /vt/ Earth to find peace and in the process caused a volcanic eruption. The humans of the land were mortified by the sight of the eruption, many had died, and had to begged for forgiveness for it to stop. It also got to a point where the native beings of the island were being killed off at an alarming rate. Boros being able to feel the humans' sense of guilt and remorse, as well as its realization of the harm that it did to those it intended to protect, decided to seal off the hole that it dug, effectively stopping the eruption. Boros now lies in deep slumber in the deepest parts of the earth, free from any disturbance. The humans and the island's native beings had learnt to coexist.

Pub: 09 Mar 2022 15:30 UTC
Views: 225