vel's love ✉️
u all can int on dniuc ~

hi kenny, i love you so fucking much holy shit. thank you for everything, thank you for these years together and the dumb and lovely memories we've made. how long have we known each other? probably almost five years by now, once 2025 comes around i believe that will be the truth— and it feels unreal. to have kept someone around so long, to say i hated you and then to say i loved you feels unbelievable to process. no matter what however, i'll never truly hate you. we've had our fair share of break ups, and ups and down, but i see you as the boy i marry in the future. do you see it that way too? i hope, because you're the love of my life and the boy of my dreams. again, thank you so much. may we see it til the very, very end.

hi lizzy wizzy :3 you're starshine! thank you for being such a bright light in my life, being friendly and considerate and a genuinely kind human. you've done nothing but bring positivity and joy to my life, and i really appreciate it. it's good to have someone like you around, and can you believe that someone else technically introduced me to you? glad they're no longer in the picture.. but you get the point: hanging out with you is lovely, and YOU are lovely. keep being that star spirit that you are, because everyone needs a lizzy type of person in their life. i'm glad i met you, truly.

my kid, my pride and joy. older, literally, but younger to me. you're a giant bottle of love, but remember that not everyone deserves it! be mean, be real, be honest. never let anyone take advantage of you. choose the right people for you, and get rid of those who won't consider you. thank you for always being so kind, and never judging or batting an eye when people are trying to be open. vulnerability has never been my style, but sometimes you make me feel like a real mother who wants to cry into the arms of her child— who may not know why she's crying, but they know their mother is going through a lot and needs it. i'm not an actual mother, but since i don't think i want to have kids, you'll always be the realest kid i ever had. thank you for giving me this experience, and accepting me into your heart.

caiti and logan
my mother and father: i treasure you both so much, you fill a hole in my heart that's been there ever since i was a toddler, and i appreciate that. thank you for letting me into your arms, and never being judgemental. it's hard for me to accept that you guys are what i need, but it will never hurt. i've had many mother and father figures before, but they don't feel like you two do— both family and friend, is what i'm talking about. being able to curl into your arms and want to disappear because the world is difficult but also being able to laugh and joke and be so stupid it's unbearably funny. thank you, mom, dad.

jamie.. what do i say about you? you're a character, that's for sure! in a good way, of course— you've got a lot of energy and a lot to say and i appreciate that, even though i can't always reciprocate it. it's nice to talk to you and get a change of pace from the tiring day, and be able to listen to someone who has so much to say about everything. i'm a listener, as you probably know, and you're a good talker. keep being like that, never let anyone take your opinion from you because its yours and it's unique in its own way. you're a good friend jamie, and i'm sorry we lost tiffany along the way, but i'll try to be there for you whenever it comes time.

Pub: 27 Dec 2023 14:20 UTC
Edit: 10 Sep 2024 09:55 UTC
Views: 943