Aubrey and (you)

End of summer.
You can feel the warnings of autumn air in the evening.
If you two were outside.
Last few weeks of absolute freedom.
Narrowing opportunities to be this warm, this lazy, this candid.
Your fingers running through her pink hair.
She used to hate that.
You can taste her lip gloss, like bubblegum, the rough edges of her fingernails around your neck.
You push inward, downward, onto the bed.
Was this planned? Anticipated? Spur of the moment?
Maybe it was just a long thing coming.
Her nailed bat clinks to the ground from its leaning position due to the shift in weight.
She tries to growl, to reassert dominance, but she soon relents under the steady onslaught of kisses.
Finally, you feel her tug at the hem of your shirt.
You pull back, feeling like you left the last warm place on earth, to raise your arms, and allow your shirt to be taken.
You jerkily take off her already drooping jacket, she had the benefit of not breaking the kiss to do so.
Where is either of your minds?
You feel a hand glide upwards, tugging briefly on the back of your hair.
Unquestioningly, you pull back, but your core is burning.
Aubrey’s face is flushed, her eyes misty, there’s visible effort in maintaining that lopsided, cocky grin on her face.
You notice a line of drool trickle from the side of her mouth, but your attention is taken by her eyes, so pale, so starkly blue, briefly flickering downward, before looking back up expectantly.
No words needed, some animal part of your brain understood.
You kissed her again, but now only once on the mouth, you unsteadily worked your way downward.

You hook your thumbs around the waistband of her skirt, and this, you presumed, would be the most daring part so far.
She didn’t protest, merely growled again, now more deeply in her throat, before lifting her lower back up, granting permission to remove it entirely.
Bunny-print panties, a part of you wanted to tease her for it, but you knew better. At least it confirmed she hadn’t planned for this moment either.
You dotted her abdomen with kisses, awkwardly unhooking your pants, squirming and rolling in place until you finally managed to kick them off.
You heard her laugh, practically a snicker.
”You… You’re-you’re like a… W-worm… S-squirming around…”
Her attempt to take control, again, fell a little flat due to the quiver in her voice.
No matter, you need more.

Hands, fingers, lips, tugging at each other.
Feeling, tasting, breaths getting deeper.
Her chest was so pale, the sternum flushed red, pink nipples stood out atop rounded handfuls of flesh, bright and stiff.
Lord alive, a part of you wants to suck them.
But her hand was on your cheek.
You glanced up, and she was looking down with some punk authority, breathing like she had run a marathon.
”Is this the moment?” Your monkey brain asks you, “She’ll let you smash now? Touch boob?”
You rise, sitting on your knees, and tug her hips closer.
You didn’t realize, through the lust, the need, you weren’t quite seeing things.
You felt a warm pressure on your chest.
You look down, and see Aubrey had pressed her foot against you.
”Smash?” Asks monkey brain.
Undaunted, you try to lean downward again.
Her leg tenses, stopping you.
”Uhp…” she says, seemingly having regained some composure.
”You… Want more…” Her voice was a husky sigh, somehow still arrogant.
She parts her legs.
”You have to earn it.”

Monkey brain was stupid, but monkey brain understood.
Your kisses travel southward, savoring the taste, the way her lean stomach shook as your lips grazed it.
You kissed around the bandaid on her lifted knee, fingers sneaking beneath the band of her panties.
She lifted her legs as you lifted her underwear off. There was a dull roaring in your ears as you finally gazed down.
Red and pink, seeming to blush against her trim hips and strong thighs.
You couldn’t stop a soft laugh from escaping your throat.
”Shut up.”
”Already, Aubrey?”
”I said shut up!”
You saw her left leg rise to strike you, but it was unfocused, noncommittal.
It slipped off your shoulder and hung off the bed.
”That hurt.”
”Psh, really?”
She adjusted her laying position, creating a clearer view of her sex.
”Get to work, dork.”

The smell was subtle, but intoxicating.
You could smell her sweat, her bubbly body wash.
You could smell something else, too.
Something clean, sweet, almost tangy.
It smelled like…
It smelled like Aubrey.
Your member had been engorged since the kissing got heavier, but here it shot up, straining against your boxers, practically ripping out of its own skin.
You kissed the inside of her thigh, monkey brain desperately clawing up every half-remembered sex article you had read in your young life.
”Just write letters with your tongue, bro.” Speaks the old compatriot.
”Are you gonna lick me or are you just gonna sta-haaaaaaah…”
Her taunt was lost as you inelegantly brushed over her clit.
You heard her head fall limply backwards into the pillow.
Her thighs quivered around you, heels digging into the sheets.
Good start, champ, now keep at it.
You tried to pace yourself, measuring your movements, trying not to lose yourself in the heady aroma of her nectar.
You felt like a man dying of thirst, your diamond cock threatening to shred through your pitiful underwear’s defenses.
But slowly, almost-patiently, you managed.
You wrote out a love letter to Aubrey against her nethers, every period and dot punctuated with a kiss.
Aubrey was lost by the second paragraph, her legs lolled limply to either side of your head, her breathing became deep and shaky, one hand was clinging to yours, you couldn’t see the other.
You don’t know how much time you spent down there, unmaking the young delinquent into a shivering pile of flesh.
But at some point, monkey brain returned to you.
Perhaps some invisible signal had been flashed, perhaps she had said something approvingly.
Either way, you quickly moved away from her dripping sex and rose upwards, returning to a kneeling position.

Aubrey’s hips spasmed, jerking upwards on her heels, desperate to follow the pleasure.
Her eyes shot open as she sputtered out, “habwuhdafuck?!”
You leaned over her, now free of underwear, barely holding yourself together.
”Did I earn it, Aubrey?”
”Did I…” Lean deeper, Casanova, “Earn it?”
She blinked, trying to trawl her brain up from the ocean of dopamine.
She looked down, at your penis, fully erect, pointing accusatorily at her.
”I-uh-mm… Y-yeah…”

Did you remember the next few moments?
Moving hotly into position, kissing Aubrey once more, making her taste herself.
You cupped a breast in your hand, your thumb gently tracing over her nipple, making her shiver.
Lining up, straining, burning, every lust-soaked braincell focused on the tip of your cock.
You lost yourself, your hips jerked forward, taking no other suggestions.
Words scorched into your brain like a brand, comprehending nothing else.
Aubrey, gasped, sighed, her toes curled.
Your hips rolled forward, deeper, you let out a shaky groan, nearly collapsing on top of Aubrey.
And you looked downward, into her face.
Her eyes.
Her gorgeous, bright, cold, stunning eyes.
And for a moment, just a moment, there was clarity between you two.
Her brow furrowed, mouth agape, she looked to you, bravado, strength, rebelliousness, gone.
She seemed to ask, “Is this real?”
And you answered by kissing her again, and thrusting back in.
And like that, the clarity was gone.
The brains were switched off.
Both of you wanted this, more than anything either of you could imagine.

You were smothered in a world of warm, oiled velvet.
Her legs tightened around your side, heels hooked around your thighs.
Her hands roamed aimlessly up and down your body.
At times gripping your hair, scratching your back, slapping your ass.
Aubrey was beyond moaning, beyond coy remarks or snarky encouragement.
Her head was lolled back into the pillow, staring blankly at the ceiling, disheveled hair fanned around her like a pink sun.
Her expressions shifted, sometimes looking amazed, sometimes in love, sometimes almost in pain.
You hazily kissed her cheek, her jaw, her pert breasts.
The mattress creaked beneath both of you, the only sound beyond both of your labored grunts.
The end approached you suddenly and sharply, without warning.
”Don’t stop” spoke the monkey brain, but you have to speak, you have to warn Aubrey.
You gathered what was left of your mind, and tried to tell her something.
”Aubrey gonna cum” was the charitable interpretation of what you said.
Her eyes widened, struggling to come into focus, she tried to respond.
Harder. Not inside.
Mighty tasks, to do both would be herculean.
But you must, for Aubrey.

Monkey brain conjured forth another tip.
”Angle up.”
You obeyed, it strained your back, and made containing your orgasm near impossible, but you obeyed.
It felt like your dick was going to come apart, either melt or burst, you couldn’t tell.
What was left of your strength went into these thrusts.
And soon, longer than you’d like, but soon, the response was clear.
Aubrey contorted against the bed like she was struck by lightning.
Her back arched, toes curled, muscles tensed, her throat caught in a silent scream.
And the walls around your cock pulled and shuddered.

Every nerve, every last animal instinct in your melted brain, demanded to stay, to go deeper, to never pull out.
But a sole neuron, the one that knew you’d probably be beaten to death if you gave in, heroically demanded you withdraw.
And so you did.
It was almost like pulling off a bandaid, how quickly you had to do it to not lose your nerve.
The air in your bedroom was hot and steamy by now, but still cold compared to within Aubrey.
You didn’t even need to touch yourself, you came more than you ever had in your life.
Thick, pulsing, aching, some part of you feared you’d be desiccated when it stopped.
But, after what felt like minutes, it ended, and you collapsed bonelessly into the bed, beside Aubrey.

For a few minutes there was no speaking, just hard, heavy breathing.
Finally, Aubrey spoke, “Holy shit.”
”That, I, uh…”
”I need a towel.”
For some reason, that made you laugh, and soon Aubrey was laughing too, making no effort to get out of bed.
She instead cuddled closer, burying herself in the crook of your neck.
”I wasn’t a jerk, was I?”
”Not at all.”
”Thanks, you… were good.”
”So were you.”
”I barely did anything.”
”Nah… s’good…”
Silence again.
She looked up at you, peaking through pink strands of hair.
”Do you, uh” she began, “Wanna, just, lay here, for a bit? Kim won’t care if we don’t make it to Gino’s…”
”Sounds great.”
”…Thanks… and… you just wait until… next time… dork… cuz I’ll top… you... so…”
And she was asleep.
And just a few moments later, so were you.

The end of summer.
The taste of cold creeping into the night air.
But in the bed, everything was warm.

Pub: 29 Dec 2021 04:10 UTC
Views: 657